Tuesday 31 March 2015
An evening with Cate Blanchett
Well, tonight I will see Cinderella. And thus, her evil stepmother, played by Cate Blanchett. What I have been looking for for a while. I haven't been to the movies in months, so it will be nice in any case, but it is particularly fitting tonight that I see this movie. I have been working like crazy today, so I feel a bit like Cinderella myself. There are days like these. Anyway, I deserve a break and a treat, so off to see my favourite actress.
Cate Blanchett,
Kenneth Branagh,
Les vents de Mars
Mars est un mois printanier traître, puisque le printemps est une saison traîtresse. Parfois, mars est un mois délicieusement sinistre. Comme par exemple ce soir. Il vente à écorner les boeufs. Il fait soleil, il fait assez sec, mais le vent souffle comme s'il voulait déraciner les arbres. J'en ai vu quelques uns plier. On entend aussi beaucoup d'oiseau gazouiller et mes amies les corneilles croasser. Enfin bref, c'est la dernière journée de mars et on dirait que le mois a voulu être typique et garder l'allure du dieu qui lui a donné son nom. (Note: c'est pourquoi le titre de ce billet n'est pas fautif avec sa majuscule à mars) Enfin, j'ai décidé, afin d'illustrer ce billet et la fin du mois de télécharger cette seconde photo prise samedi des corneilles dans les branches du grand hêtre. Superbe. Et la photo ne lui rend pas justice.
Monday 30 March 2015
The Bushmills controversy
I blogged about it before. I discovered this controversy in The Wire. My favorite TV series. Apparently, Bushmills is Protestant whiskey, according to Jimmy McNulty. Who, as a good Irish-American Catholic, has Jameson as his poison of choice. Apparently, the association between Jameson and Catholics and Bushmills and Protestants is more or less a urban legend. You can find out more about it here. For all its urbane legendary nature, it still makes for a great scene that reveals a lot about McNulty. He is outside his element, he stands out in this crowd, even when it comes to drinks.
Dominic West,
légendes urbaines,
The Wire,
tv series,
urban legends,
Le Lundi saint de l'impie
Avez-vous remarqué que nous sommes en plein début de Semaine sainte? Oui, je vous jure. Hier c'était le Dimanche des Rameaux. Enfant, le Lundi saint était une re-célébration du Dimanche des Rameaux à l'école, parce que nous vivions encore dans un système confessionnel catholique et obscurantiste. En fait, je célébrais à toutes fins pratiques le Dimanche des Rameaux le Lundi saint, et pour cause: mes parents étaient des impies alors on n'allait pas à la messe le dimanche. Aujourd'hui, le Lundi saint est un lundi de travail comme un autre, peut-être même plus échevelé qu'un autre, et la Semaine sainte une lancinante agonie jusqu'aux vacances de Pâques. Et je sais, l'année dernière j'ai blogué sur le même sujet en anglais. Mes souvenirs de mon enfance catholique me viennent souvent en tête dans le temps de Pâques, plus qu'à tout autre moment de l'année. Parfois j'aimerais bien dire deux mots à l'enfant que j'étais à l'époque, ou à mes anciens enseignants.
Dimanche des rameaux,
Holy Monday,
Lundi Saint,
Palm Sunday,
Saturday 28 March 2015
A murder of crows in the branches
I took this picture today, which was a dark and gloomy March day. This is maybe the most beautiful tree in town. It is big, old, tall (very tall in fact). About five years ago, I took a picture of it in May, which I blogged about here. It might be a beech tree. It is difficult to say for me, I know zilch about trees and this one is bare. When I first took picture of him, I had been impressed with the display of lights and shadows. Now, with the bare branches, it was mainly shadows, a tall dark blotch of ink on a grey sky. But like last time I took a picture of the tree and blogged about it, what also and especially made a strong impression on me were the crows cawing in its branches.
A gathering of crows is commonly called a congregation of crows, which has a rather austere and religious overtone, or a murder of crows, which has a rather sinister one. even though crows have an undeserved bad reputation, I prefer the sinister name. It just sounds better. And I always found the cry of crows to be sinister. It does have a kind of sharp beauty to it. And I do love to see and hear crows in branches like this.
A gathering of crows is commonly called a congregation of crows, which has a rather austere and religious overtone, or a murder of crows, which has a rather sinister one. even though crows have an undeserved bad reputation, I prefer the sinister name. It just sounds better. And I always found the cry of crows to be sinister. It does have a kind of sharp beauty to it. And I do love to see and hear crows in branches like this.
Le problème du chandail avec des renards
Ceci est un petit billet vestimentaire et trivial. J'ai reçu ce cadeau de ma femme il y a deux ou trois ans environ. Un t-shirt avec des motifs de renards dessus. Un chandail à manches courtes, donc qui est plus approprié pour les temps doux, cela dit les renards imprimés et la couleur brun verdâtre en fait un chandail franchement automnal. Sauf qu'il est un peu trop léger pour l'automne. Alors je me demande comment résoudre cette situation épineuse. C'est un chandail à motifs, il faut les voir. Si je le couvre, c'est donc le rendre inutile. Je n'aime pas le porter l'été. Au printemps, ça peut encore passer, s'il fait juste assez doux. Enfin, je crois. Ca peut aussi être un chandail printanier. J'imagine qu'il va me falloir me trouver quelque chose à mettre quand je le porte, une chemise ou un gilet. Je peux aussi le porter quand il fait doux en automne.
Rising Spectre
Oh, goodie, goodie, goodie! The geek in me is so happy today! The James Bond fan, a thousand times more. If it is even possible. Because the Spectre teaser trailer was finally released. What can I say? First, as you can see, I love it. I love how the story will tie in with the previous three Craig Bond movies. I love that at least a good deal of the plot seems to be based on the short story Octopussy. Also, Eyes Wide Shut, one of Kubrick's most underrated masterpiece, seems to have inspired the meeting scene, down to the use of the James Bond theme. There is a neat little nod at ornithology, which gave Ian Fleming his inspiration for the name of James Bond, when you see Bond walking in the old house and the crows flying by him. Maybe I am reading too much about it, but I don't think so: Sam Mendes is good with making these kind of references.
And of course there is Blofeld, the character I was looking forward to meet (again). Because I think it is fairly sure now that Christoph Waltz will be Blofeld, as I was expecting/hoping when we learned he was cast. Here, if he is not Blofeld, he seems to have the same function as him in the organization: chairman of the board, leader, literally the enemy in the shadow, the affable villain whose veneer of amiability does not hide his ruthless and cruel nature. If Waltz is indeed Blofeld, he is devoid of all the parodied elements of a certain spoof I will not dignify to name here. He is back to its roots. Anyway, here is the trailer for you to enjoy, if you have not done so. And tell me what you think.
And of course there is Blofeld, the character I was looking forward to meet (again). Because I think it is fairly sure now that Christoph Waltz will be Blofeld, as I was expecting/hoping when we learned he was cast. Here, if he is not Blofeld, he seems to have the same function as him in the organization: chairman of the board, leader, literally the enemy in the shadow, the affable villain whose veneer of amiability does not hide his ruthless and cruel nature. If Waltz is indeed Blofeld, he is devoid of all the parodied elements of a certain spoof I will not dignify to name here. He is back to its roots. Anyway, here is the trailer for you to enjoy, if you have not done so. And tell me what you think.
Pâques s'en vient
comfort food,
Marks and Spencer,
Thursday 26 March 2015
Odin, Buffy and other feline home dwellers
Well, I am writing the outcome and conclusion of Buffy's visit here far sooner than I expected. Her owners were meant to go on holidays, some issues with the tickets and the schedule made them miss their flight. So they got Buffy back this evening. I have a confession to make: I am glad it was shortened like this. Because Buffy did not settle well here. In fact, she did not settle at all. She whined a lot, was restless and jumping nervously everywhere and at any time. When she was calm, she spent time underneath the table or behind the washing machine. When she was calm. if not, she was meowing plaintively. We went to bed early and she woke us in the middle of the night. She did ask for cuddles and attentions, but overall she was restless and far too nervous.
I can't help but compare her first (and most likely last) time here with Odin's. It took him about five minutes to be settled. He had a walk around the flat, sniffed here and there, curious but not afraid one bit, then he just found his favourite spot (the place on the sofa where I usually sit) and just sat down there. And that was it. He meowed for cuddles, food and to go outside sometimes, but he was never spooked here. I am not blaming Buffy: she was brought up differently, in one family, she has always been not only a house cat, but a one house cat. Odin had ever been the wanderer, moving from Florida to here, then adopting us. He chose to move here, he asked for it. All the same, even though I love all cats, I do think that we are meant for certain cats more than others. And, while I enjoyed sometimes Buffy's presence, it made me miss my little boy more. I decided to show one of the few pics I haven't published yet of him. You can see him lying down next to me, taking as much space as he could and clawing me a bit so I would give him a bit of my seat for his legs. Odin's presence can still be felt in the house: Buffy was sniffing the bit of the floor where he used to lie down.
I can't help but compare her first (and most likely last) time here with Odin's. It took him about five minutes to be settled. He had a walk around the flat, sniffed here and there, curious but not afraid one bit, then he just found his favourite spot (the place on the sofa where I usually sit) and just sat down there. And that was it. He meowed for cuddles, food and to go outside sometimes, but he was never spooked here. I am not blaming Buffy: she was brought up differently, in one family, she has always been not only a house cat, but a one house cat. Odin had ever been the wanderer, moving from Florida to here, then adopting us. He chose to move here, he asked for it. All the same, even though I love all cats, I do think that we are meant for certain cats more than others. And, while I enjoyed sometimes Buffy's presence, it made me miss my little boy more. I decided to show one of the few pics I haven't published yet of him. You can see him lying down next to me, taking as much space as he could and clawing me a bit so I would give him a bit of my seat for his legs. Odin's presence can still be felt in the house: Buffy was sniffing the bit of the floor where he used to lie down.
St-Néant de Pérusse
Rien que parce que ça fait longtemps que je n'ai pas mis de François Pérusse ici et parce que bon, c'est peut-être l'une de ses chansons les moins connues, voici St-Néant. Qui pourrait être bien l'hymne de bien des petites et moyennes municipalités québécoises. Ou même ici. Quand j'étais au chômage et que je m'ennuyais ici, je l'avais souvent en tête.
Wednesday 25 March 2015
A feline guest
"Rulse for Buff
1.She needs to be played with once a day in the afternoon.
2.You can't pick her up or she will scrach.
3.She is not alouwd to lay down on boys as shes a girl.
4.She needs to be fed 3 times a day biscits in the marnin, biscits in the evning and meat in the afternoon.
5.Her litter bax neds to be cleand out after she poops.
6.Only let her go in the kitchen and living room Do Not let her in eny bathrooms or bed rooms if you do I Will be very angry.
Thank for readin the Rulse of Buff"
Cute isn't it? She does not want Buffy to get too attached and wanting to stay here. I don't think there is any danger for us to keep Buffy anyway. I love all cats, but some cats more than others and I do think there are cats that are meant for us and cats that are not. I still hope she will warm up to us.
Buffy the vampire slayer,
home sweet home,
Galettes aux raisins
J'ai récemment fait des galettes aux raisins, parce que j'avais du temps. Je pensais faire des galettes aux bananes, mais j'ai finalement opté pour celles aux raisins. C'est une recette de ma grand-mère du côté de mon père. C'est donc également une recette de mon enfance. Ce ne fut pas une grande réussite, j'en ai vu qui avaient plus d'allure mais au moins ce n'est pas une catastrophe comme j'en fait trop souvent lorsque je cuisine des desserts. Et ça goûte ce que ça devrait goûter. Ce sont des galettes pour collation plus que pour dessert et elles se prennent bien les journées froides. Je publierai peut-être la recette un de ces quatre.
Champagne vs Prosecco
There are so many marginally useful yet interesting things one finds on Facebook. I found this little bit of article, about the differences between Champagne and Prosecco. Basically, it all goes down to pricing, at least for the Philistine like me, who does not drink wine very often and bubbly wine even less. Good to know. Okay, so it is not quite the same, they don't go with the same food, but fizzy is fizzy. And Prosecco is less pretentious.
Poisson, cryptozoologie et calembour
Je sais, je blogue beaucoup à propos des monstres en général et des monstres marins, enfin des monstres lacustres en particulier, depuis un certain temps. Vous risquez de me lire encore sur le sujet. Mais bon, ce blogue s'appelle Vraie Fiction, alors autant faire dans la cryptozoologie. L'ami d'un ami a réagi à l'article dont je parlais hier, sur Nessie qui serait réapparu, ainsi qu'à cet article sur les monstres des lacs du Québec, dont celui du lac Memphrémagog en Estrie. Le dernier article date un peu. Enfin, commentant sur l'hypothèse du plésiosaure, il a prononcé ce calembour atroce: "Est-ce un plésiosaure, ou estturgeon?" Le jeu de mots étant épouvantable, je me devais de le bloguer. C'est vraiment un calembour atroce.
Tuesday 24 March 2015
Updates about the Loch Ness Monster
Little bit of cryptozoological news: it appears that Nessie, aka the Loch Ness Monster, has been seen and apparently caught on camera. Again. As you may have guessed, I am skeptical about this claim. Very much so. In fact, I am disappointing such news happen when I am a grown up and not into cryptozoology anymore. I visited the Loch Ness when I was a child. I didn't see any sign of Nessie. Back then, there had been no sight of him for about twenty years, if my memory is correct. The Loch Ness is a beautiful, beyond picturesque place in Scotland. It is a shame I did not appreciate my time as much as I should have had as I was too busy hoping to see its darn monster. Nessie was one of my obsessions at the time. I often debated with a friend, not whether or not the monster existed, but what was his nature. I blogged about our debates before. All this to say that I would have become really excited about this news story more than 25 years ago.
Cossin (le mot du jour)
Voici un nouveau mot du jour, très familier pour mon lectorat québécois, parce que comme de raison c'est un québécisme: cossin. Ce qui veut dire un objet quelconque, en général de peu d'intérêt ou d'utilité.
Krav Maga
I was walking on the town's main street this weekend when I saw a banner advertising Krav Maga classes. Krav Maga is a Israeli martial art, which has been featured in many action movies in recent years. I have seen it also in a few crime novels. I have developed an interest about it, because it is unlike other martial arts: it is devoid of rituals, its aim is strictly utilitarian, thus it is not a sport and while it is meant to be used in the hardest real-life circumstances, the training itself is "soft". I am not into sport and I do very little physical activities. Not enough, in fact. I don't walk as much as I should, I don't do ice skating anymore because there are no arena nearby and I haven't been in a swimming pool since a very long time. I am dangerously close to a couch potato, far too close to my liking. Therefore, I am tempted to give Krav Maga a try. I am not much of a fighter, in fact I am probably a terrible wuss, but I did a little bit of karate back in cégep and I thought it was an enjoyable experience. It will also give me something to do in the evenings. Sure, it is not a natural territory as acting was, but it would still be better than nothing. Now that I can take classes a few minutes walk away from home, I have no excuse.
crime fiction,
Krav Maga,
littérature policière,
spy fiction
Chicoutimi autrefois
J'ai chipé sans honte cette image d'un billet du blogue (sans activité depuis 2012) de la librairie Les Bouquinistes. J'avais fait la même chose en octobre 2013. Cette peinture représente la rue Racine dans les années 40. Je me demande si c'était aussi propre et coloré, dans la vraie vie. Les images des Bouquinistes sur la rue Racine d'hier m'intéressent beaucoup, parce qu'elles me font voir des espaces familiers de manière sous une perspective totalement différente. Je m'imaginais mal Chicoutimi "autrefois". Enfin si, durant le défunt Carnaval-Souvenir, mais même là c'était une image vague. Celle-ci est vraiment concrète, même si je comprends qu'elle puisse être fantasmée. L'édifice au coin de Labrecque et Racine, devant lequel j'ai souvent marché, m'a particulièrement frappé dans cette image. L'Amérique est un continent jeune, on oublie parfois qu'il a une histoire et de l'histoire. Et j'ai pensé à ça en regardant cette image.
Les Bouquinistes,
Monday 23 March 2015
Rediscovering Corto Maltese
I discovered Corto Maltese by Hugo Pratt when I was ten or so, in Pif Gadget, one of the French comic magazines my uncles on my mother's side used to read. It was one of the stories from The Celts, featuring the Red Baron, when Corto is merely an observer. I was blown away all the same. I then read other stories featuring him. Years later, in my early twenties, I bought my own albums and I rediscovered him. I have decided to do it again this year. Corto Maltese is an archetypal laconic rogue hero, a gentleman of fortune. His adventures are set during/around World War 1. While some are straight pulp adventures, others have elements of supernatural in it, even sometimes psychedelic.
His stories were originally published in black and white. It has since been coloured, but the original black and white graphic novels remain the best. The colours just denature the work of Pratt. I have gathered many titles in French, I thought I would buy some in English here to complete my collection, although I am also tempted to purchase some in Italian, just to try my luck with the language.
His stories were originally published in black and white. It has since been coloured, but the original black and white graphic novels remain the best. The colours just denature the work of Pratt. I have gathered many titles in French, I thought I would buy some in English here to complete my collection, although I am also tempted to purchase some in Italian, just to try my luck with the language.
Corto Maltese,
Hugo Pratt,
Première Guerre Mondiale,
World War 1
Le lac au Sorcier(?)
J'ai vu sur le site de La Presse ce titre, qui a attiré mon attention: "La magie du lac au Sorcier". Comme je suis grand amateur de mythes et légendes, de folklore et autres, j'ai donc lu avec intérêt... L'article est pour moi une grosse déception: il parle d'un lac de la Mauricie, au nord de Saint-Alexis-des-Monts, dans la réserve faunique de Mastigouche. Ce sont de biens jolis noms chantants, mais l'article parle de pêche à la ouananiche (autre joli nom chantant qui désigne une espèce de saumon), une activité qui m'indiffère totalement. Bon, avec un titre pareil et avec un patronyme pareil, j'aurais espéré que l'article soit à propos d'un monstre marin ou du fameux sorcier. Il semblerait que le nom vienne d'une vieille légende amérindienne et qu'un sorcier hanterait l'île. Il serait maintenant un fantôme, donc. S'ils décident de faire autre chose que de la pêche touristique dans le coin, je pense bien que j'irai faire un tour un jour.
Lac au Sorcier,
Sunday 22 March 2015
First Sunday of Spring
In case you did not notice, we are the first Sunday of Spring. The first official Sunday of Spring anyway. It did look like Spring outside too, even though it was not very warm. At least it was sunny. And I have a few more days of holidays before I go back to work. That said, I can't help but I am still feeling the Sunday blues this evening. It is as if melancholia is a conditioned reflex which comes every Sunday. Am I the only one feeling like this, even when Spring is blossoming? How is/was your first Sunday of Spring?
Un pas boeuf bourguignon
J'ai trouvé cette photo sur la page Facebook d'Aux Vivres, il y a quelques temps déjà. J'ai pensé bloguer à ce sujet ce soir, puisque j'y pensais. Comme le titre de mon billet l'indique, c'est une version végétalienne du boeuf bourguignon, un tempeh bourguignon. Je ne l'ai jamais mangé moi même, alors ceci n'est pas une plogue, plus un billet sur quelque chose que je veux essayer si possible lors de ma prochaine visite à leur restaurant. Je ne sais pas quand je serai de retour à Montréal, mais quand ça arrivera, j'espère qu'il y en aura à un moment donné au menu. Quand on mange à Aux Vivres, c'est rare qu'on s'ennuie de la viande. En fait, ça ne m'est jamais arrivé.
THE Irish stew
I mentioned a few days ago that I would blog again on my Saint Patrick's Day. This is probably going to be my last post about it until next year. A small, anecdotal post, but I needed to mention it. I had this Irish stew, which you can see on the picture, at the local Irish pub where I spent the evening of Saint Paddy's. It was in a plastic bowl, eaten with a plastic spoon, but nevertheless it was delicious. It is one of the day's special traditions which I don't miss since the pub first opened, unless they don't serve it (last year they didn't make any and I was sorely disappointed). One year they even offered it on Easter Sunday, in a very nice mug, accompanied by a mash. You can see the (far better) picture here. The presentation was far less elegant this time, but it is still a delicious dish. I sometimes tried to make Irish stew, but it was not nearly as nice as this one. I don't know why this stew is so good, but it is. For me it is THE Irish stew. And given for free on St-Patrick's Day. Which means, unfortunately, that you can't have seconds. I know, I tried. I might one day ask for the recipe. If it is not a family secret, I might get lucky.
comfort food,
Irish stew,
Ce que c'est
Le thème de la photo du mois de mars était "Qu'est-ce que c'est?" J'ai donc publié ma photo il y a une semaine, un papillon sur un fond bleu. Le papillon était un visiteur inattendu, ce que je photographiais vraiment c'était le fond. Je ne savais pas combien de temps exactement je ferais durer le suspense, mais comme l'achalandage dans mon billet du 15 semble avoir été relativement modeste, neuf commentaires au moment où j'écris ces lignes (ce n'est pas le plus modeste, mais j'en ai déjà eu beaucoup plus), j'ai décidé de montrer ce que c'est maintenant. une oeuvre d'art représentant une robe (enfin je crois), que j'ai prise dans le Derbyshire. Malheureusement, je ne sais pas qui a créé cette oeuvre, je vais devoir faire des recherches à ce sujet. Cela dit, si vous vous demandiez ce que c'était, vous pouvez le voir maintenant. C'est ça.
La photo du mois,
Saturday 21 March 2015
A dragon/gargoyle at the door
It seems that I am often blogging about mythical creatures, monsters and/or folklore these days, I hope nobody minds. There may be more posts on the same topic to come. Anyway, I am a big fan of gargoyles and other macabre statues. Here is one not so macabre, the statue of a gargoyle, or dragon, or dragon shaped gargoyle at the door of a house. Not our house, sadly. It is the house of some family on my wife's side. I don't know if they added the gargoyle/dragon or if it was there when they moved in. In any case, I love it. It is not a proper gargoyle of course, because a true gargoyle would be used to convey water from a roof. All the same, it is a proper attire for a house and no home should be without a gargoyle or two. I have one small gargoyle here and some more in my parents' home in Chicoutimi, but this is the proper stuff, outside, as a stone guardian protecting home. It also gives character to the entrance. Moral of the story: I want one.
home sweet home,
Middle Ages,
Moyen Âge,
La télé du samedi après-midi
Je repensais à mon billet d'il y a un mois sur Ciné-Familles, sur l'émission de Radio-Canada qui présentait des films pour enfants le samedi après-midi, surtout des dessins animés. Et me trompe-je, ou est-ce que la qualité de la programmation le samedi a sérieusement baissé depuis le temps? Au Québec comme ailleurs... Je sais que c'est beaucoup la nostalgie qui parle: pas tous les films de Ciné-Familles étaient vargeux, en fait la qualité de plusieurs étaient au mieux médiocre, selon mes souvenirs, mais ils avaient tous au moins un certain charme, même désuet, ils faisaient tous rêver et stimulaient l'imagination. C'est peut-être provoqué par la multiplication des chaînes et surtout l'explosion du numériques et avant cela des DVDs. Il fut un temps où, pour voir un film qui n'était pas au cinéma, il fallait attendre qu'il soit présenté à la télévision. Donc, on chipotait un peu moins sur la qualité et manquer Ciné-familles ou l'équivalent sur les quelques autres postes, c'était un peu perdre son samedi, surtout quand il était pluvieux, ou froid, ou gris et morne.
Je songe sérieusement à faire une série de billets sur les films qu'on nous présentait durant l'enfance de ma génération (celle née à la fin des années 70). Un à chaque samedi, mettons. Avec peut-être également des billets sur les films qui pourraient être présentés maintenant, si on avait une programmation du genre maintenant sur les chaînes généralistes. Si ça vous intéresse de lire des billets sur cette thématique, dites-le moi dans les commentaires plus bas et donnez-moi des suggestions sur les films dont vous aimeriez parler.
Je songe sérieusement à faire une série de billets sur les films qu'on nous présentait durant l'enfance de ma génération (celle née à la fin des années 70). Un à chaque samedi, mettons. Avec peut-être également des billets sur les films qui pourraient être présentés maintenant, si on avait une programmation du genre maintenant sur les chaînes généralistes. Si ça vous intéresse de lire des billets sur cette thématique, dites-le moi dans les commentaires plus bas et donnez-moi des suggestions sur les films dont vous aimeriez parler.
Friday 20 March 2015
Reading outside on the equinox
Well, today was the first official day of Spring and it was a warm and sunny day. So for the first time of the year, I read outside. Only for a few minutes, but still. It was my first time in 2015. I read outside far too seldom and want to get back into it this year. As a child, I remember doing it as early as February, if the temperature was warm enough. I also remember doing it far more often than now. It allowed me to be outside without being downright bored of being outside. I guess in our day and age, with the internet, one often forgets about such simple activity. But I intend to do better this year and read outside as often as I can. My aim is to do it from now until October inclusively, as often as possible.
J'ai pris cette photo il y a environ une heure, en chemin vers un pub. J'ai pensé souligner l'équinoxe et l'arrivée officielle du printemps en publiant cette photo du soir qui tombe. Le blogue change de couleurs avec les saisons. À titre de comparaison, vous pouvez voir une photo similaire du même coin en automne. Je n'ai pas grand-chose à dire à ce sujet, à part que j'aime bien quand le soir tombe, j'aime les jeux de lumière et d'ombre. C'est joli, quand le soir tombe. Alors voilà, équinoxons...
I missed the eclipse
There was a "breathtaking solar eclipse" (as they put it on BBC News) this morning, very visible from the UK. Everybody among my friends on the same time zone (more or less) on Facebook mentioned it, sometimes posting pictures. And... I missed it. Because yesterday I had a big fit of insomnia and decided to just wake up later today. I must have missed it by twenty minutes or so. If that. So I did not experienced the eclipse. Yesterday, I was hoping to look at it listening to Pink Floyd (Guess which album). But that was not to be and I am kind of cursing myself for it. Sure, I can watch it on videos, but it's just not the same.
Le jour des lunettes fumées
Nous sommes l'équinoxe aujourd'hui, donc le début officiel du printemps. Et, comme des raisons, signe que le printemps est je crois bien arrivé, enfin de ses côtés les plus agréables: il fait beau et chaud. En fait, il fait assez soleil aujourd'hui pour que je doive porter des lunettes fumées, pour la première fois de l'année. Bon, je sais, il peut faire très fois et faire soleil quand même et j'aurais peut-être alors besoin de porter des verres fumés. Mais quand même. Pour moi, c'est le premier jour des lunettes fumées.
Thursday 19 March 2015
I book this book in the independent bookshop of Wallingford, during my last visit. I know the story of Beowulf, but never read the epic poem itself. I think I have one version back in Chicoutimi, which I bought decades ago, but I wanted to have one here available to read whenever I feel like it. Which might be soon. Beside, I love the new covers of the Penguin books for such legendary/epic stories. It is the same cover for the translation of the saga of the Volsungs. Looking modern, yet so much as it makes you forget this is an old story you are going to read. And Grendel looks great in it, all brutish and menacing.
As I often mentioned, my reading list follows the seasons. I usually read old legends, mythology books and even medieval fantasy books in the months and weeks leading to Christmas, from November onwards. This is what I did with The Saga of the Volsungs. That said, I might make an exception for Beowulf. Because since I saw this cover I am impatient to read the original story and because it has long been overdue. Also, I need something to calm my longing for a good Dungeons & Dragons game since we ended the campaign last December. It is time to read what inspired the stories which inspired us, my brothers and I, when we started our D&Dr game. And here is one last anecdote about Beowulf: my wife studied it at school, in year seven. One version for children, not the original thing. She found it very boring and really hated it. So when I was all wide eyed in the Wallingford seeing this book, she could not believe I'd buy it so eagerly. Might be a boy thing, I don't know.
As I often mentioned, my reading list follows the seasons. I usually read old legends, mythology books and even medieval fantasy books in the months and weeks leading to Christmas, from November onwards. This is what I did with The Saga of the Volsungs. That said, I might make an exception for Beowulf. Because since I saw this cover I am impatient to read the original story and because it has long been overdue. Also, I need something to calm my longing for a good Dungeons & Dragons game since we ended the campaign last December. It is time to read what inspired the stories which inspired us, my brothers and I, when we started our D&Dr game. And here is one last anecdote about Beowulf: my wife studied it at school, in year seven. One version for children, not the original thing. She found it very boring and really hated it. So when I was all wide eyed in the Wallingford seeing this book, she could not believe I'd buy it so eagerly. Might be a boy thing, I don't know.
La sirène de Dartmouth
Je regardais mes photos de mon voyage au Devon et je suis tombé sur quelques unes d'une sirène, prise à Dartmouth. Je ne l'ai malheureusement pas pu la prendre de plus près. Cela diut, de loin elle a presque l'air vivante. J'avais complètement oublié la sirène avant de revisiter les photos. Il semblerait qu'elle s'appelle Miranda. Elle est assez jeune comme monument, datant de 2005 seulement et elle est située sur un rocher tout au pied de Dartmouth Castle. Et c'est inspiré d'un film de 1948 apppelé... Miranda. Que je n'ai pas vu et que je me demande si ça vaut la peine de voir. Je trouve tout de même que c'est un bel ajout au paysage, cette créature surnaturelle. Quoique la sirène est supposée porter malheur, ce n'est peut-être pas le symbole idéal à l'embouchure d,une rivière s'ouvrant sur la mer...
Wednesday 18 March 2015
Yesterday's St Patrick's Day
So although I promised I would blog more yesterday, I did not. I was too busy celebrating in the local Irish pub. It had been closed all day and opened in the evening. I had already started in another pub earlier on in the afternoon. So I enjoyed drinking Guinness, with a shot of Jameson to accompany it. Jameson may not be the most sophisticated or the most renown whiskey, but it goes beautifully with a beer, especially a stout. I am starting to think it is a sine qua non drink to go with the Guinness, although it does bring up my alcohol intake and increases the risk of hangover. I do have a bit of one today, although it is not the complete Irish flu.
So I drank, ate (more on this in another post) and got merry. I even sang a bit of Irish songs, as there was a band playing. Well, a man with a guitar and another one with a violin. The landlord and landlady couldn't just go with a playlist, not in a respectable Irish pub. I did not know all the lyrics, but I have heard all the songs. It is a great way to stay patient while you are waiting to be served. Because there was a lot of people and service was slow. My wife and I even met at random some of our neighbours. You see the drink of the man on the picture. It was Beck's with a green colouring. I say this partially as a disclaimer as I would never drink this, not even drunk. I always wear green on St Paddy's, but never ever drink green. The proper alcohols for the day have to be Irish and, when it comes to beer, very black.
So I drank, ate (more on this in another post) and got merry. I even sang a bit of Irish songs, as there was a band playing. Well, a man with a guitar and another one with a violin. The landlord and landlady couldn't just go with a playlist, not in a respectable Irish pub. I did not know all the lyrics, but I have heard all the songs. It is a great way to stay patient while you are waiting to be served. Because there was a lot of people and service was slow. My wife and I even met at random some of our neighbours. You see the drink of the man on the picture. It was Beck's with a green colouring. I say this partially as a disclaimer as I would never drink this, not even drunk. I always wear green on St Paddy's, but never ever drink green. The proper alcohols for the day have to be Irish and, when it comes to beer, very black.
À la Saint Cyrille...
J'ai déjà publié il n'y a pas si longtemps un dessin de Jack Koch. Je le fais une deuxième fois. La rime est là, l'association entièrement arbitraire, le crocodile en jujube (enfin je crois que c'est un crocodile en jujube) est dans mon souvenir absolument dégueulasse, mais j'ai quand même trouvé ça bien drôle. On a quand même le rire facile les lendemains de veille. Je trouve dans tous les cas que le vert est approprié un lendemain de Saint-Patrick. Et puis Saint Cyrille doit la trouver dure de rester dans l'ombre de l'autre. Pas que j'aie beaucoup de sympathie pour la plupart des saints catholiques (ou des saints tout court), remarquez, mais je me sens d'humeur généreuse.
Jack Koch,
Saint Cyrille
Tuesday 17 March 2015
Sweet Molly Malone
Happy Saint Patrick's Day everyone! I will start celebrating with you on this blog with a classic Irish song and the officious anthem of Dublin city. I know I uploaded Molly Malone a thousand times already. But it is a classic on this blog and I have a little anecdote to accompany the song. And anyway, there will be more music later, if I am sober enough. The picture above was taken by me fifteen years ago, in Dublin fair city itself. This is of course the statue of Molly Malone herself, on Grafton Street. It is a terrible picture, taken back in the days when we still used disposable cameras and not digital stuff. It was a very grey day in Dublin, my first day in the city. And walking around, there she was. Surrounded by people, as you could expect her to be, since she is a girl so pretty. And very... generous looking, let's put it this way. I did not even know there was a statue of her, but I recognized Molly Malone right away. She earned the less savoury nickname of "the tart with the cart", which could sound mean, but I think it is given affectionately. You can read more about my thought about the song here and here. But the best way to appreciate sweet Molly Malone is through the song that inspired her statue.
Irish music,
Molly Malone,
musique irlandaise,
Qui a envie de se bourrer la gueule?
C'est la question que je me pose en voyant cette photo de St-Ambroise à l'avoine et de cupcakes à la Saint-Ambroise noire faite pour la Saint-Patrick. Et admirez le sous-entendu de la question: J'ai piqué cette photo de leur page Facebook. Je n'ai malheureusement pas de recette pour les cupcakes, mais il paraît que vous pouvez les commander aujourd'hui (pour les chanceux qui fêtent la St-Patrick à Montréal) et le 22 mars pour la parade.
Brasserie McAuslan,
comfort food,
real ales,
Monday 16 March 2015
Irish Breakfast Tea
This will be one of the teas of the day at David's Tea tomorrow, their own take on the Irish breakfast blend. There is no particular reason at all why this will be tomorrow's tea of the day. I shamelessly took this picture from their Facebook page. Back when I was living in Montreal I used to drink Irish breakfast from Twinings. Ironically enough I can't seem to find any here. I wish that I could have it for Saint Paddy's tomorrow morning, to start the day the right way. And with a tea brand from Montreal. Oh well, maybe next year...
David's Tea,
Irish Breakfast,
Un cerisier (?) en fleurs
Est-ce un signe du printemps qui est arrivé, malgré que ça a l'air misérable dehors? Dans tous les cas, ce cerisier (je crois que c'est un cerisier) est en fleurs. C'est le seul arbre en fleurs que j'ai vu depuis le début du mois de mars. On ne boudera pas son plaisir, surtout que lorsque j'ai pris la photo, on était encore dans la première moitié du mois. Le printemps n'est pas/plus ma saison préférée, notamment parce que c'est une saison un peu bipolaire (ça prend vite des airs d'été et d'hiver, d'un jour à l'autre, parfois d'une heure à l'autre), cela dit c'est toujours plaisant de voir des arbres en fleurs.
The Rainy Day ringing sound
Warning: this post is beyond trivial. I am on holiday, it is a rainy day, and it is grey and gloomy outside. But hey, it could be worse: at least I'm not at work. And I learned to enjoy rainy days. On my mobile phone, it is even the name of the ringtone I use: Rainy Day. I chose it because I found it quite atmospheric, as far as ringtones go. It sounds a bit like a background score from a spy thriller, when the hero is walking around in the rain and there is no clear and present danger, just a vague unsettling feeling of evil lurking somewhere. It sounds pleasantly ominous. At first anyway, then it muddles up into something that just sound like a ringtone. I still like to listen to it just for fun when I'm bored. Am I pathetic?
N'importe quoi,
Sunday 15 March 2015
Mais qu'est-ce que c'est? (La photo du mois)
C'est le moment de la photo du mois,le thème ce mois-ci est "Mais qu'est-ce que c'est?" Choisi par Akaieric, il a été plus facile à trouver que je pensais. Après quinze minutes environ à fouiller dans mes photos, j'ai choisi ceci. Heureusement que j'ai pris d'autres photos de l'objet en question (je publierai celles-ci plus tard), sinon je n'aurais eu aucune idée de ce que c'est. Un indice: ça a été pris dans le Derbyshire. En fait, ce n'est même pas un indice, ça risque de vous donner des maux de têtes pour retracer ce, cette, enfin... ça.
Je ferai peut-être un addendum à ce billet expliquant ce que c'est, dans tous les cas je publierai une photo montrant ce que c'est dans un avenir proche. D'ici là, vous pourrez chercher ce que c'est chez les autres:
A'icha, Agathe, Agnès, Akaieric, Alban, Alexinparis, Alice Wonderland, Amy, Arwen, Aude, Autour de Cia, Ava, Bestofava, BiGBuGS, Blogoth67, Blue Edel, Brindille, Calamonique, Cara, CetO, Champagne, Chat bleu, Chloé, Christophe, Claire's Blog, CécileP, Céline, Céline in Paris, Dame Skarlette, DelphineF, Destination Montréal, Dr. CaSo, El Padawan, Estelle, Eurydice, Eva INside-EXpat, Fanfan Raccoon, François le Niçois, Frédéric, Galéa, Gilsoub, Giselle 43, Guillaume, Homeos-tasie, Iris, Isaquarel, Josette, Josiane, Journal d'une Niçoise, Julia, Kenza, KK-huète En Bretannie, Koalisa, Krn, La Fille de l'Air, Lau* des montagnes, Laulinea, Laurent Nicolas, Laurie, Lavandine, Lavandine83, Lecturissime, Les bonheurs d'Anne & Alex, Loulou, Luckasetmoi, Lyonelk, magda627, Mamysoren, Marie, Marmotte, MauriceMonAmour, Memories from anywhere, Milla la galerie, Mimireliton, MissCarole, Morgane Byloos Photography, My Little Reflex, MyLittleRoad, Nanouk, Nicky, Philae, Philisine Cave, Pilisi, Pixeline, princesse Emalia, Renepaulhenry, Rosa, Rythme Indigo, Salon de Thé, Sandrine, Sinuaisons, Suki, Tambour Major, Tataflo, Testinaute, Thalie, Tuxana, Utopique-Lily, Voyager en photo, Woocares, Xoliv', Yvette la Chouette.
La photo du mois,
Saturday 14 March 2015
Improvised pasta
I made this improvised pasta dish at the end of last year, partially inspired by what my Italian friend had cooked for us when she had invited us to eat at her place.It is dead simple: you make it with tomatoes, olives, feta cheese cut in dices and artichokes also cut on pieces. And you keep the oil from the artichokes jar for the "sauce". I used tortiglioni for the pasta, I think. It was actually delicious. So anyway, I think I might make some tonight.
comfort food,
Quétaine (le mot du jour)
C'est le moment d'un autre billet sur un mot du jour. À savoir, l'adjectif quétaine, aussi et surtout épelé kétaine, mais je préfère l'écrire quétaine. Mot inspiré il semblerait d'une famille d'origine irlandaise (on est la Saint-Patrick bientôt, d'où l'inspiration), il voulait dire au départ accoutré de mauvais goût et de manière ridicule, maintenant c'est un équivalent québécois de kitsch mais en plus lapidaire.
mot du jour,
N'importe quoi,
word of the day
Friday 13 March 2015
Montreal and Zombie Apocalypse
It is Friday the 13th and I was wondering how to mention it or commemorate it in a different way. I mean saying something else than: "mine was ok, how was yours?" Because mine was pretty much banal. So I thought that, since Friday the 13th is associated with gloom and doom, I will blog about gloom and doom. I recently read a funny post on MTL Blog, about how my city would survive and even strive in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse. You can read it here. I think the arguments are sound. Heck, they are pretty much full proof. We have the resources, the equipment, the geographic situation and the architecture to go full on against brain dead zombies and make them regret they ever... herrr... re-lived? Even if it is highly hypothetical and unlikely to the extreme, I am very proud of my city.
Friday 13th,
histoires d'horreur,
scary stories,
Vendredi 13,
Le Vent du Nord du Québec en Écosse
Mon père m'a montré cette vidéo d'une chanson du Vent du Nord, interprétée en Écosse avec la chanteuse écossaise Julie Fowlis. Je sais pas pourquoi, mais j'ai trouvé ce mélange particulièrement émouvant, d'entendre une chanteuse écossaise interpréter une chanson de chez nous avec nos artistes.
Julie Fowlis,
Le Vent du Nord,
musique québécoise,
Noces Tragiques,
Thursday 12 March 2015
Dreaming of St Paddy's in Liverpool
I will be on holidays next week, so will be free on St Patrick's Day. And, although I don't think I will do it for a number of reasons, I am tempted to go u north and celebrate it in Liverpool. I lived a year in Liverpool, I celebrated St Paddy's there once and it was by far the best, most atmospheric, most frantic one I ever been a part of. Here we have one Irish pub. There they come a dime a dozen. In fact, Liverpool is in many ways an Irish city that happens to be in England. especially on St Patrick's Day. There will be Guinness here too of course, and even authentic Irish to pour it, but nothing had ever topped, in my experience, the atmosphere in Liverpool on St-Patrick's Day.
Des sangliers
Vous pensez que ce sont des vrais qui courent dans un bois? Ils ont l'air vrai,
n'est-ce pas? Allez, soyez honnêtes. Ben non, ils ne sont pas vrais, c'est une photo prise par mon père aux Mosaïcultures. Elle est floue, mais c'est ce qui fait son charme je trouve. C'est ce qui fait aussi le trompe-l'oeil. Pas mal, n'est-ce pas? J'en fus tout impressionné.
Wednesday 11 March 2015
Power walking?
The partner of a friend of my wife (the one whose daughter finds werewolves cute and think I have the eyes of her cat) told me once that he saw me walking to the train station on my commute to work and that I was not merely walking, but more like power walking. Well, I don't know, I do walk fast, especially when I want to get done with something. Or simply when I don't want to miss the train. I used to arrive just on time to catch the train, just before it left the station. Now I have minutes to spare. It is less stressful. Maybe I leave earlier, maybe I walk faster. Power walking is supposed to be healthy, it may be useful to burn some calories, I mean more than merely walking. But I find the look kind of ridiculous, or certainly unaesthetic. So I don't want to look like I'm power walking.
Question existentielle (256)
Une question existentielle que je me pose enr egardant les photos téléchargées sur ce Vraie Fiction ces derniers jours:
-Quel est le ratio photos/texte idéal pour un blogue?
-Quel est le ratio photos/texte idéal pour un blogue?
existential question,
question existentielle
Tuesday 10 March 2015
Friendly crows
My wife pointed me to this BBC News article about crows (and sometimes other birds) from all around the world who befriended humans, either because the humans fed them, or rescued them, or took care of them one way or another. There are many touching stories to read in there, some funny ones, but also some sad ones. It is a heart warming read. Strange how these wild birds can be in such good terms with at least some of our fellow primates, to the point of becoming... I wouldn't say exactly pets, but certainly friends. I am a cat person, but if I ever had a bird as a friend, I would want it to be a corvid.
Des vacances en mars
La semaine prochaine, j'aurai des vacances. Une semaine et demie et un peu plus. C'est un drôle de temps de l'année pour des vacances et une drôle de durée, mais c'est ce qui me restait comme journées de libres et ce que j'ai pu arranger. Si vous avez des suggestions sur comment passer mes vacances (à part pour le 17, là j'ai une idée bien précise) dites-le moi. Je dis que c'est un drôle de temps de l'année pour prendre des vacances, cela dit j'aime bien le mois de mars en général, malgré son côté sournois, alors je crois que je vais bien trouver le moyen de m'amuser.
Monday 9 March 2015
The Monday before Friday the 13th
As you may have noticed, the 13th of the month will be on a Friday, this Friday. I noticed anyway. The second Friday the 13th in a row. There will be three this year. I am not superstitious, so that's ok. But on Monday, I always have a certain feeling of gloom and doom. In my team at work, a lot of people are on holidays, so I am working harder. I will most likely be very busy until the end of the week. This may be an extreme example of a rough week to come, nevertheless every week leading to a Friday the 13th, I find Monday the 9th far more menacing and gloomy. If something should go wrong, I would find it far more fitting and expected that it falls on Monday the 9th. And I thought about it today.
Friday 13th,
Vendredi 13
L'Éclectique Vert
On va sans doute trouver que 1)je fais souvent dans le billet sur les boissons ces temps-ci (sans compter la bouffe), 2)que je plogue la Panthère Verte sans scrupules, 3)que franchement c'est bête de ploguer encore une fois en si peu de temps un smoothie, surtout quand je ne l'ai jamais bu. Mais je trouve leur smoothie du mois absolument génial, je veux dire la présentation, les ingrédients et tout. Bon, la pomme est un fruit plus automnal, mais le vert tendre du smoothie lui donne une allure bien irlandaise, alors c'est parfait pour le mois de mars. Bon, je n'aime pas vraiment le goût des dattes et le persil je le mets sur mes patates pilées, mais j'ai déjà goûté des smoothies sucrés avec des épinards et ça rentrait au poste. Et puis ça reste que c'est vert et que le vert c'est bien celtique et irlandais. Tout comme la pomme. Et puis le vert tendre est une couleur bien printanière en plus. J'imagine peut-être une thématique alors qu'il n'y en a pas, mais je ne pense pas que ce soit un smoothie disponible en mars pour des raisons purement arbitraires. Qu'en pensez-vous? Enfin, je me pardonne de transformer ce billet en panneau publicitaire en me disant que cette photo a les couleurs du mois et de la saison.
La Panthère Verte,
The Green Panther
Sunday 8 March 2015
A pub and a theatre?
I took this picture in Wootton Bassett. It is on the wall of the Red Lion. It was not the right time to stop there, but I learned that apparently they do plays in there sometimes. Often enough for the pub to be advertised as a "pub theatre". I am eager to find out more about this. I don't go and see plays often enough and this would be mixing two passions of mine: the stage and drinking beer in a pub (I am a man of simple pleasures). It is an inspired mix, having a play performed in the cosy environment of a pub. I guess they need to be relatively small scale plays. In any case, I am curious to discover more about this place.
Une bière à l'érable
J'ai pris cette photo de leur page Facebook, rien que parce que j'ai envie de ploguer ma microbrasserie québécoise préférée: ils ont leur Saint-Ambroise à l'érable disponible. Une bière printanière, vu qu'on est au Temps des Sucres. Juste pour dire que leur bière saisonnière est disponible.
Brasserie McAuslan,
maple syrup,
real ales,
sirop d'érable,
Stanley Kubrick, In Memoriam
"The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is
hostile but that it is indifferent; but if we can come to terms with
this indifference and accept the challenges of life within the
boundaries of death – however mutable man may be able to make them – our
existence as a species can have genuine meaning and fulfillment.
However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light."
Yesterday was the day Stanley Kubrick died. People of a generation remember when they learned the death of Kennedy, I remember the day I learned of the death of Stanley Kubrick. I was in a newsagent and they announced his death on the radio. By fate or chance (and I don't believe in fate so it was chance), I was watching clips of his movies when I remember that it was the anniversary of his death. He was an amazing filmmaker and my favorite. As an homage, I am showing two clips from 2001: A Space Odyssey. It was the first Kubrick movie I saw, it may have been his best. The first scene is the epiphany of one of our primate ancestors in the discovery of technology and the second shows the development of this discovery millions of years later, sending the human species closer to the stars. Nothing trivial.
Yesterday was the day Stanley Kubrick died. People of a generation remember when they learned the death of Kennedy, I remember the day I learned of the death of Stanley Kubrick. I was in a newsagent and they announced his death on the radio. By fate or chance (and I don't believe in fate so it was chance), I was watching clips of his movies when I remember that it was the anniversary of his death. He was an amazing filmmaker and my favorite. As an homage, I am showing two clips from 2001: A Space Odyssey. It was the first Kubrick movie I saw, it may have been his best. The first scene is the epiphany of one of our primate ancestors in the discovery of technology and the second shows the development of this discovery millions of years later, sending the human species closer to the stars. Nothing trivial.
Changement d'heure américain
C'est le changement d'heures en Amérique et notamment au Québec. Ici, ce ne le sera que plus tard. Au début de mars comme ça, je trouve ça sadique. Je crois que ça devrait aller à beaucoup plus tard dans le mois, ou à la grande rigueur ne pas arriver du tout. Je n'aime pas l'heure avancée et ça va parfois à la détestation.
Saturday 7 March 2015
The world's greatest mac and cheese's growing popularity
This is a picture of the macaroni and cheese by Rose Elliot we made my wife and I during the Christmas holidays for my family. It was not our best take on it, not enough pasta or cheese, but my family enjoyed it all the same. You can find the recipe here. The secret ingredient to make it utterly delicious is Dijon mustard. Oh and capers of course. I am blogging about it because it is growing in popularity among my readership: I know of at least of two bloggers here who tried it. I hope you all do.
comfort food,
macaroni and cheese,
macaroni au fromage,
Rose Elliot
Vert (Harmonium)
Je télécharge une chanson québécoise pour ce samedi soir, une chanson du printemps, tirée des Cinq saisons d'Harmonium. C'est bien entendu Vert, comme de raison. Parce que mars est un mois printanier, notamment, aussi parce que ça fait plus de trois ans que je n'ai pas téléchargé de musique d'Harmonium sur Vraie Fiction et que rien que ça c'est un vrai scandale. Et puis je mets aussi ici en guise d'accompagnement visuel une image dela pochette, bien psychédélique et hallucinatoire. Le LSD était quelqu'un à l'époque, j'imagine (parce que j'étais même pas né quand l'album est sorti), mais je crois qu'on n'a pas besoin d'acide pour apprécier et pour planet en écoutant ça...
Friday 6 March 2015
Judging a beer by its bottle
I took this picture in Montreal, it was a beer my brother bought. It is from the German (micro?)brewery Höss (or Hoess) and it is called Doppel-Hirsch. I always find strange to buy foreign beers in Montreal now, because we have such a great variety of local products. But back in the days when I was an undergraduate student, Montreal made me discover beers from all around the world. My brother spent a year in Germany, so I guess this is one thing that interested him about the Doppel-Hirsch. But I think it was also because of the bottle, especially its label: the two stags fighting. It gives you a strong impression. I have to confess, I don't remember much about the beer itself, except that I enjoyed beer and that it tasted like a dark beer should. I prefer dark beers. Its history on the brewery's website is fascinating: a recipe dating back from Middle Ages, the modern take invented by Italian monks (Italians as beer brewers? that is something I wouldn't suspect). But all I truly remember is the label, and the colour of the beer itself, a woody reddish brown. It impressed me enough that I took the picture you see. I would drink it again just so I could appreciate the bottle.
Middle Ages,
Moyen Âge
La lecture en une image
J'ai pris cette image de la page Facebook des Bouquinistes. Qui eux l'avaient chipée ailleurs. Enfin, chipée, partagée, devrais-je dire. Je voulais la partager sur mon blogue, arce que je crois que ça illustre parfaitement ce qu'est la lecture, l'effet qu'elle a sur nous. Elle ouvre les horizons, nous permet de voir, littéralement.
Les Bouquinistes,
Thursday 5 March 2015
A night of full moon
This picture was taken in Derbyshire, not on a full moon, or not that I can remember. In the woods, near a village, in autumn, the moon was beautifully eerie, full or not, and I was almost expecting a werewolf or two to show up. Or me to turn into one. Which never happens, unfortunately. But anyway, tonight is a full moon. Not just any full moon, the smallest full moon of 2015. I wonder what effect, if any, it would have on werewolves, if they existed. Anyway, small or not, the almost full moon yesterday was quite impressive. And it is a good excuse as any to upload this atmospheric picture.
Les smoothies de La Panthère Verte
Je publie cette photo parce que... En fait, rien que parce que. Ce sont deux smoothies de La Panthère Verte, pris lors de ma dernière visite (et ma seconde visite en fait!) dans leur franchise sur Mont-Royal. Je sais que celui bleu était un Baloo Berry (voir le menu), parce que je prends toujours un smoothie aux bleuets d'habitude et que je sais que je n'ai pas raté l'occasion. Dans des jarres de confiture, je trouve que ça a de la gueule. Et puis voilà je voulais partager, ne serait-ce qu'en photo.
Wednesday 4 March 2015
A Facebook joke
I found this on one of the Facebook groups I am a member of. It is a terribly tasteless joke, yet the most hilarious I read in ages. So I had to share it here:
"I was offered to have sex today with a model. In exchange for that, I was supposed to advertise some kind of bathroom cleaner on my Facebook page. Of course I declined because I am a person of high moral standards and willpower. Just as strong as Ajax, the incredibly strong bathroom cleaner. Now available in both lemon scent and vanilla."
I hope I am not the only one laughing.
"I was offered to have sex today with a model. In exchange for that, I was supposed to advertise some kind of bathroom cleaner on my Facebook page. Of course I declined because I am a person of high moral standards and willpower. Just as strong as Ajax, the incredibly strong bathroom cleaner. Now available in both lemon scent and vanilla."
I hope I am not the only one laughing.
République de bleuets
Je tiens ce titre d'un billet du blogue de Claude Villeneuve dans le Journal de Québec. Il y parle bien entendu du crétin dévot qui sert de maire à Saguenay. Et le billet est un résumé parfait de ce qu'est ma ville, ma région, sous la botte de Jean Tremblay. Une république de bleuets. J'en ai honte, mais c'est le cas. Le terme est entièrement mérité et le restera tant que le mollah Tremblay demeurera maire. Alors je recommande la lecture du billet. Jean Tremblay, c'est un ciboire rempli de m*rde. Oui, je fais dans le blasphème. Et je m'en tape.
Tuesday 3 March 2015
Cat Island in Japan
This picture was not taken in Japan, as I have never been there. But it illustrates the topic of this post. I learned tonight on BBC News that there is a Cat Island in Japan. Population: 22 humans and about 120 felines. The real name is Aoshima. The cats were introduced to fight an infestation of mice. Apparently, its unique population is attracting a great number of tourists, to the dismay of the human (and elderly) locals, who are afraid the tourists might disrupt the peaceful island. I can see their point, on the other hand I would love to go there for a holiday. Or live there, for that matter. Looks like heaven to me.
Mars montréalais
Non, non, je n'irai pas à Montréal ce mois de mars, malheureusement. J'ai songé y aller, mais finalement ça a foiré. Enfin bref, j'ai lu ce midi cet article sur la grosse (Cyber) Presse. Il semblerait que le printemps sera tardif et que mars sera froid au Québec. Mars, c'est souvent comme ça partout, à Montréal ou ailleurs, mais particulièrement à Montréal: le mois de la glace et de la neige gris sale.
Parfois, il fait doux, voire même chaud, puis plus tard, on est de retour avec le froid. Je considère que le printemps commence avec mars et non pas à l'équinoxe, mais même pour moi je dois admettre que c'est une vue de l'esprit: l'hiver dure vraiment jusqu'en avril, quand on y pense. Qu'à cela ne tienne, je m'ennuie de mon village, de Montréal en général de du Plateau en particulier, où j'ai pris cette photo (en janvier, ironiquement). Et je préfère de loin mars à Montréal que mars n'importe où ailleurs.
Parfois, il fait doux, voire même chaud, puis plus tard, on est de retour avec le froid. Je considère que le printemps commence avec mars et non pas à l'équinoxe, mais même pour moi je dois admettre que c'est une vue de l'esprit: l'hiver dure vraiment jusqu'en avril, quand on y pense. Qu'à cela ne tienne, je m'ennuie de mon village, de Montréal en général de du Plateau en particulier, où j'ai pris cette photo (en janvier, ironiquement). Et je préfère de loin mars à Montréal que mars n'importe où ailleurs.
mal du pays,
Plateau Mont-Royal,
Monday 2 March 2015
Remembering the NHM (and the dodos)
A year and a day ago, I had my last visit to the National History Museum of London. I don't think the city needs to be mentioned: when you say Natural History Museum, it is implied that it is the one of London. I don't like to go to London, but I love specific places in London. This place especially. As impressive today as it was when I was a child. I didn't take many picture during my last visit, but there are still a few I did not upload on Vraie Fiction. And I thought about uploading this replica of a dodo, surrounded by real taxidermied birds. Almost at the same date last year, I wrote a post about the dodos. Sometimes I wonder what kind of birds they were. They looked like they were peaceful. Anyway, I thought about my visit to the Natural History Museum today and the dodos. I am in the mood to visit museums these days, don't know why.
Natural History Museum,
La Saint Charles le Bon?
J'apprends d'une amie française que nous serions la Saint Charles le Bon. Je ne sais pas si c'est officiel, car Charles 1er de Flandres n'a été que béatifié, selon ce que je lis sur son article dans Wikipedia. Mais enfin bref, nous sommes le 2 mars, jour de sa mort (à Charles le Bon, pas mon amie) et elle met ça sur sa page Facebook. Et ça m'a bien fait rire. J'aime bien les calembours vaseux. Surtout que celui-ci parle de mon breuvage préféré.
Jack Koch,
Saint Charles le Bon,
word play
Sunday 1 March 2015
Que Sera, Sera
This blog needs more music, so before I shut down for the night, I thought to upload a song here. As March has just started and so will a new week, I thought it was appropriate to have Que Sera, Sera The Man Who Knew Too Much. It is rare that a suspense has an upbeat musical number in it. The great Hitchcock was not the only one or the first to pull it off, but he did it masterfully.
Alfred Hitchcock,
Doris Day,
Que sera sera,
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Le temps des galettes aux bananes?
Je regardais Dropbox et j'ai retrouvé la recette de galettes aux bananes. J'ai déjà blogué à leur sujet, la dernière fois c'était en avril 2013. C'était un un des desserts santé que j'aimais bien durant mon enfance. Je crois que ma mère la tenait d'une voisine, mais mon souvenir est peut-être inexact. Ca se mangeait bien comme collation en après-midi avec un grand verre de lait. Mais enfin bref, je trouve un peu honteux que je n'aie pas essayé de faire la recette depuis que j'en ai eu le goût... il y a deux ans. Et on a des bananes, bien qu'elles soient encore pas tout à fait assez mûres. Dans quelques jours peut-être, si j'ai l'énergie.
banana bread,
comfort food,
pain aux bananes
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