Monday 28 February 2022
Looking for an office desk...
This weekend, we went to John Lewis for the first time in two years. It was a pleasant visit overall. As muchas I hate shopping, it felt nice doing something we had taken for granted before the pandemic. And our nearest John Lewis is actually a pleasant place to go to. Wolfie got quite excited anyway. But we went there for a reason: the lockdown may be a thing of the past, but I am still going to work from home pretty much in permanence now, so I need a proper office space, with proper office furniture: a chair and a real desk. This is no longer time for guerilla working. So I looked for a desk and a chair and so far bought nothing. There is one desk I liked, the one pictured above, it looks like an old fashioned desk, with leather and dark wood. I was very tempted for a moment. But I thought the price was a bit steep for what it was and for its size. So I will keep on looking.
Le baiser maléfique
Demain c'est Mardi gras, la veille du carême. J'en profite donc pour refaire une suggestion de lecture à ceux qui aiment les contes québécois: essayez de vous trouver Le baiser maléfique, inspiré de la légende de Rose Latulipe. J'ai blogué plus d'une fois sur le sujet. De tous les contes de la collection Ovale, c'est celui qui était le plus effrayant et le mieux illustré. je compte partager d'autres images dans les prochains jours. Prenons un moment pour admirer la page couverture: on n'a pas besoin de savoir que l'étranger bien habillé qui arrive est le diable pour savoir qu'il représente une menace.
Sunday 27 February 2022
Badass Baritone
I found this video online recently and I wished to share it. It is Ukranian opera singer Yuriy Yurchuk singing his country's national anthem. Nothing left to say, except that the Badass Baritone is not only a trope in fiction, it's a reality.
Snakes and Ladders
Gâteau rubis (!)
Saturday 26 February 2022
Rebellion Beer's Rocket
Encore la gratte
Friday 25 February 2022
Reading Damages Ignorance
I try not to share too many memes I find online on this blog. Because I try as much as I can to find original content and original photos, things you will not find anywhere else. But sometimes, just sometimes, I find one I feel compelled, if not obliged, to share on this blog. This is the case with this one. Even though what it says might be a tad cliché, it is nevertheless true. And it reminds me that I must read more than I do at the moment.
"Conduire bourré" (1000 Bornes)
Thursday 24 February 2022
One word about Ukraine
So Putin and Russia are at war with Ukraine. I am not a specialist of international relations, war or geopolitics anywhere, let alone in that oart of the world. And I try to keep this blog cheerful and positive as much as I can. But yes, I try to follow the news, although it depresses me. And it can strike pretty close to home, in a way: one of my colleagues is Polish and now living in Poland and I know they are very worried that the conflict may end up touching them. As in: they might have to make a run for it. She already packed one suitcase of essentials. Absolutely chilling.
Une gratte pour petit loup
Dead at Daybreak
"Envahis par la neige"
Mon père m'a envoyé des photos, dans des emails intitulés "Envahis la neige". Parce que c'est encore l'hiver au Québec.
Wednesday 23 February 2022
Wolfie in the garden
Two days ago, all of a sudden, Wolfie asked me to go play in the garden with him after work. I don't know why, but he suddenly got in the mood to play in the garden. Or, rather, to do gardening. Which means getting rid of weeds growing on the back fence, or cutting whatever plants he thinks needs trimming. He brings his toy rake and his toy shovel and he gets rid of moss on the patio. We also got rid of branches that fell in the alleyway during Storm Eunice. It was quite fun actually. He told me a new Wolfism: "Daddy, daddy, when you grow up, you can become a gardener." Very cute.
Mafalda et le peigne
Tuesday 22 February 2022
Cute Cute the cuddly toy
Arsène Lupin
Monday 21 February 2022
More weather warnings
So Storm Eunice came and went last Friday. From an amber warning of wind the night before, we went up to a full on red alert on the day. The wind was blowing hard and we remained safe inside. When it left, our garden fence had gone down, as if it had been a sheet of paper. I'm not too sad about it: it had always been a bit iffy and we suspected it would not survive a storm of this magnitude. So we'll have to change it. In the meantime, there is a yellow warning of wind this morning for our area, so we will stay inside again. I like windy days when I can stay inside.
Petit loup en relâche
Mon fils est dans sa semaine de relâche cette semaine, donc il sera à la maison pendant que je travaille. À la relâche d'automne,nous avions tous les deux été malades, donc nous n'en avions pas vraiment profité. Je n'ai pas pris de vacances, les réservant pour plus tard dans l'année (j'ai relativement peu de vacances), mais peut-être que j'aurais dû. Au moins si c'est tranquille au travail je pourrai passer plus de temps avec lui.
Sunday 20 February 2022
Yesterday, for the first time in years, we went to Wimpy, the fast food restaurant chain which is like a fancier, posher McDonald's. You may remember that the local Wimpy had shut down back in 2017, which saddened me quite a lot. But a new one opened in a nearby town, so we went there forlunch, the first time in years and the first time since Wolfie was born. I had a double cheeseburger and chips,with lots of ketchup and I regret nothing. Even though I'm no longer used to such portions.
L'intro des Beaux Dimanches
Je suis tombé dessus sur YouTube. L'introduction des Beaux Dimanches dont je me rappelle le plus. Dans ma jeunesse, le signe que la fin de semaine touchait à sa fin. Mais il y avait parfois de très bonnes choses qui apssaient aux Beaux Dimanches: du théâtre, de la musique, des films de répertoire, que sais-je. Parfois je me dis qu'on a perdu au change.
Saturday 19 February 2022
Visit Bergamo
My brother PJ has a friend, or at least an acquaintance, who will visit Italy soon and will be in and around the city of Bergamo. As this is where I spent most of my time when I was in Italy, he asked me if I had any suggestions of interesting places to see that were not too much of a tourist trap. And hinking about it, it struck me that I have a very vague memory of what I saw there. I thought the place looked absolutely gorgeous, but I don't remember the names. I asked my Italian friend who lives there, she gave me a list of places and things to do and suggested that the website Visit Bergamo. It seems quite useful and it got me in the mood to go and see Italy again. I've been there only once and it was more than twenty years ago. Way too long. There is a lot of the country to see, but I would to see my old friend again and her family, and revisit Bergamo.
Friday 18 February 2022
Stormy Wind
1000 Bornes
Thursday 17 February 2022
Whatever happened to the minibar?
I quickly read this article from the Washington Post, about the death of the hotel minibar. I can easily understand why: it was costly and now it is pretty much obsolete. All the same, I can't help but feel a bit sad about this. I know, I'm terribly nostalgic and this is pushing it, even for me. I rarely if ever used the hotel minibar, nevertheless I found their presence reassuring: you knew there was a safe supply of food and drinks. I am happy to learn that some hotels are trying to reinvent it and to make it survive.
Il neige encore...
Mes parents craignaient qu'il pleuve aujourd'hui, mais apparemment ça s'est transformé en neige. Tant mieux. L'hiver est encore vivace au Québec.
Jade Owl
Question existentielle (377)
J'ai une question existentielle à la fois abstraite et onirique:
-Qui a peur du Grand Méchant Loup?
Wednesday 16 February 2022
Wuthering Night
As I am typing this, the wind is blowing heavily outside, enough to make the windows shake. I love it. It started late in the afternoon, now it is in full power. Apparently, it will carry on like this all day tomorrow. I lvoe windy days and windy nights, as long as you can stay in. I find them very soothing.
Computer Screen Weather
Yesterday at work (which means at home), I was in a meeting when I started feeling bored. (I hope I can confess it here, sometimes I do get bored at work. Not that I don't like my work, but there are a few moments in a day when I am bored.). So I quickly glanced at the window and saw that it was pouring outside. I then looked at my screen and discreetly looked at the weather function in the bottom right corner of my screen. It told me that... There was heavy rain at the moment. It even had an umbrella icon, wide open to signify that it was raining a lot. Then another icon came up, a shut umbrella, telling me that the rain was meant to stop at any time from then. And it did. I was both impressed by its accuracy and a bit depressed by the silliness of it all. Because why use the weather function of a computer when you can just look at the window?
Le poids de la neige
Tuesday 15 February 2022
Say it with a hammer (and chocolates)
Jaseur boréal
Je cherchais de nouvelles photos à partager et j'en ai retrouvé du jaseur boréal que mon père avait sauvé en 2020. Je voulais partager autre chose qu'une photo de neige. Enfin avec juste de la neige. Je m'ennuie des oiseaux de chez mes parents, de la variété d'oiseaux qu'on y avait.
Monday 14 February 2022
Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! This year, I thought I would celebrate it with a bit of video from The Simpsons, from the episode I Love Lisa. Back in the days when they were still hilarious, with just enough cruelty to be acidic but remaining pleasant. Every joke hits the mark and they are many of them. And is it only me, or does it look like many Valentine's Days we experience, as a child or an adult?
Question existentielle (376)
Aujourd'hui c'est la Saint-Valentin, alors je me permets de poser une question existentielle sur le sujet:
-Comme cadeau de la Saint-Valentin, vaut-il mieux offrir des chocolats ou des fleurs?
Sunday 13 February 2022
A Library in a Box
Serpents et échelles
Nous sommes allés à une fête d'enfants encore une fois aujourd'hui, un party de fête en fait. Comme de raison, il y avait pour chaque enfant un sac-cadeau avec des bébelles, dont... ce jeu de serpents et échelles miniature. Une feuillepliée en quatre, des jetons comme pions et un dé minuscule. Quand même, j'étais content: serpents et échelles est le premier jeu de société auquel j'ai joué et je l'ai toujours beaucoup aimé. C'est simple, facile à apprendre et expliquer et c'est éducatif. Alors voilà, j'ai hâte de pouvoir y jouer avec Wolfie.
Spilled red wine
Here is a completely trivial anecdote that I have witnessed yesterday. I am not sure why I am sharing it, maybe because it is trivial and a bit silly and it is one of these little nothings that make life. So anyway, yesterday I went to Marks and Spencer to buy some Valentine's Day presents. There was an old lady among the customers, with a rather large purse. Walking down the aisles, she swung her purse a bit too much and it hit a bottle of red wine, which fell down and broke. Everytime I see this happening, I just hope it was a cheap bottle. I guess it is just a bottle of wine, but I can't help thinking it's a wasteof a good drink, even if it was most likely cheap. The staff was very efficient getting rid of the broken glass and the spilled wine. Almost a shame: it gave the shop a lovely fragrance.
Saturday 12 February 2022
Clue Master Detective
La Saint-Valentin imminente
Friday 11 February 2022
Quaterstaff or walking stick?
During one of our school runs with Wolfie, I noticed that one of the mothers had a walking stick with her. I say walking stick, but it was as tall as she was and truly looked more like a quaterstaff. It looked like it was made of a branch, although quite straight, with the base cut a bit like a pry bar. I wonder why she used it. She was not old, neither did she seem to have a liability. I guess walking sticks can be quite useful for trekking, but we were not exactly in the wilderness.Maybe she just had it for style. Or, another hypothesis that came to my mind, she had it for self-defence. A quaterstaff can of course make for an excellent weapon, when one knows how to use it. I thought it looked quite cool in any case. I'd like to have one for our next walk on the countryside, whenever that will happen.
Observation linguistique France/Québec
Court billet linguistique aujourd'hui, portant sur les anglicismes et les rapports France/Québec. C'est une observation que j'ai lue il y a quelques temps et je ne sais pas trop pourquoi j'y ai pensé récemment. Alors donc, voici l'observation: en France, on se stationne au parking tandis qu'au Québec, on se parque au stationnement. Voilà, c'est tout.
Thursday 10 February 2022
When's the next train?
I blogged yesterday that I was going to go to the office in a few weeks for an gathering of the whole company. Well, I learned yesterday morning that the even had been cancelled. So I will not be taking the train, going through London to go to work for the first time in month. I'm glad I won't have to stress about the journey, but I'm sad I won't be travelling by train. Maybe my next journey will be for a holiday with my family. That would be more exciting and far more pleasant. (On a side note, I took this picture at Paddington Station during my last train journey in October 2021.)
Wednesday 9 February 2022
La remise enneigée
My next train journey
La neige qui a neigé
Mon père m'a envoyé cette photo ainsi que d'autres de la neige qui est tombée récemment, en citant Nelligan. Ici on n'a toujours pas eu de bordée digne de ce nom.
Tuesday 8 February 2022
BLT Treats
Langoustes au four
Mon père m'a envoyé cette photo de leur repas de la fin de semaine dernière: des langoustes au four. Je connaissais les langoustines, que j'aimais bien enfant, mais je n'ai jamais essayé de langoustes. Me mère a trouvé ça moyen, si je comprends bien c'est un peu fade. J'essaierais quand même rien qu'une fois, parce qu'en général j'aime les fruits de mer.
Monday 7 February 2022
Tea with barbaric milk
Travail de menuiserie
Sunday 6 February 2022
New Socks
Cossin gluant
Saturday 5 February 2022
Dragon Dojo and City Pizza
Passions livresques
Friday 4 February 2022
Matcha Matsu and Me
Many businesses celebrated the Chinese New Year recently on social, including David's Tea. They associated each sign of the Chinese Zodiac, so I learned on their Facebook page that as a serpent, I should celebrate with Matcha Matsu. And... Well, I don't know. I generally drink black tea, but I do enjoy some green tea from time to time. It's meant to be very healthy. It looks and sounds very exotic, according to its description.
"Le 12"
Je suis l'actualité policière québécoise et également les vidéos de la Sûreté du Québec sur YouTube. Récemment, ils ont publié sur leur vlogue une vidéo sur une pièce d'équipement qui a disparu des auto-patrouilles en 2003, le fusil de calibre 12. Communément appelé dans mon enfance, "le 12". Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais on avait l'impression que c'était le nec plus ultra en matière d'arme à feu. Et que c'était extrêmement puissant. Enfin bref, je sais maintenant d'où l'image et l'expression nous vient.
The local bookshop is hiring
Libertad siempre
Thursday 3 February 2022
The Year of the Tiger
Wednesday 2 February 2022
Rainbow Cake
Les médailles de mon enfance
J'ai trouvé cette photo dans les internets. Vous rappelez-vous de ces médailles? Des écussons en fait, mais on les appelait médailles. Si vous vous en rappelez, vous vous faites vieux, comme moi. Ce sont des médailles données lors de nos cours d'éducation physique au primaire. À la fin d'épreuves qui évaluaient par rapport à la moyenne canadienne nos capacités motrices, notre endurance, notre force, etc. Il y avait, de la plus basse à la plus haute: la médaille de participation, la bronze, l'argent, l'or et l'excellence. L'argent c'était la moyenne canadienne. Je m'en rappelle car notre prof d'éducation physique, assez grincheux, nous le rappelait: "L'argent, c'est la moyenne canadienne. Si vous ne avez plus bas, posez-vous des questions." Je n'ai jamais eu que l'argent, mais j'aimais bien la couleur. Même si je n'étais pas très porté sur l'éducation physique, au fur et à mesure que je grandissais, j'ai quand même conservé mes médailles précieusement dans un coffre à souvenirs pendant quelques années, allez savoir pourquoi. Je me demande si elles ont été jetées.
Tuesday 1 February 2022
NIHL Hockey?
I have learned recently, by chance, of a number of ice hockey teams playing in England, all members of the NIHL, the National Ice Hockey League. Like the NHL at home, except the English must specify it is ice hockey to distinguish it from, well, the other sort of hockey that is not truly hockey and is played on a lawn. English are weird like this sometimes, they just don't know what is proper hockey. So yes, some of these teams have arenas not so far. And I was thinking that maybe, just maybe, since the Habs are being absolutely terrible this year and I have a son to raise following proper Québec traditions, I should start getting interested about local hockey teams. Maybe follow what's happening here, maybe even support a local team. It's not the same as hockey back home, but it's still the sport I enjoy the most. I could even do some evangelising. I know some relatives of my wife enjoy a game from time to time. So anyway, it could be an interesting project for this year.
Bon ben, commençons par les clichés et lieux communs habituels: février est arrivé, c'est le mois le plus court, etc. Je suis de retour à l'ouvrage après une semaine et un jour de vacances. Comment trouvez-vous le mois de février d'habitude? C'est l'un des mois que j'aime le moins, personnellement. L'objection habituelle quand on dit ça, c'est qu'il ne dure pas longtemps. Ce qui n'arrange pas vraiment les choses, puisqu'il faudra subir février malgré tout. Qu'espérez-vous de février cette année? Ou que craignez-vous?