Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Foggy Nights
"Viking aux fruits"
Tuesday, 21 January 2025
Lego Magazine
Amaryllis (2)
Monday, 20 January 2025
THE Blue Monday
Today is Blue Monday. Usually, I wouldn't care less. Because it's pure pseudoscience to begin with. Because there are worse Mondays than January Mondays and the first working Monday of January is worse than any other in the month anyway. However, not this Blue Monday 2025. This is a proper, genuine, bona fide Blue Monday,the Blue Monday to end all Blue Mondays, THE Blue Monday. There are two reasons for it. The first one, you can probably guess. Yup, the Swine is back. The other reason is that my current job sucks. And things are probably going to get worse before they get better. To a point where pretty much every working day for me will be Blue Monday, until further notice. So yeah, I'm not in a very good mood.
La mort du Cherry Blossom
Bon, ben c'est pas pour vous rendre la journée plus morne qu'elle ne l'est déjà, mais j'ai appris une triste nouvelle en fin de semaine: Hershey met fin au Cherry Blossom. En d'autres mots: phoque. L'une de mes friandises préférées quand je reviens chez nous disparaît. Ma femme aime les Cherry Blossoms aussi, les Cherry Blossoms ont inspiré un surnom (stupide) que m'a donné une amie quand j'étais à peine majeur. Le Cherry Blossom, c'est beaucoup de souvenirs chez moi, un peu ma madeleine de Proust. C'est vraiment une très, très, très mauvaise nouvelle. Hershey avait déjà scrappé les oeufs de Pâques Lowney's quand ils ont hérité de la compagnie dans les années 80. Mais mettre fin au Cherry Blossom, c'est cynique et mesquin, surtout dans un temps où on fait beaucoup dans la gastronomie nostalgique.
Sunday, 19 January 2025
The Orient Express Puzzle
Don Giovanni au Royaume
Saturday, 18 January 2025
Train Holidays
I receive lots of news reading suggestions online, thanks to algorithms. So an article from Euro News recently caught my attention, about the best train journeys in the world. Some I knew about, some I did not. If time and money were no objection, I would so go to one of these journeys for a holiday. Taking the train can be in itself a holiday. My favourite would probably be the Orient Express. But I am curious about Rovos Rail and the more I learn about the Glacier Express, the more I want to try it. I have been to Switzerland only once, and very briefly, so I would love to revisit the country. And I know even their ordinary trains are absolutely brilliant, so imagine the Glacier. Anyway, I really want a train holiday when the journey would be more important than the destination. And you, what of all these train journeys would you like to experiment?
Boudin de sanglier
Friday, 17 January 2025
To revisit Isola
"The city in these pages is imaginary. The people, the places are all fictitious. Only the police routine is based on established investigatory technique."
No, no, this post's title is not referring to our next holiday destination. I'm referring to the setting of Ed McBain's 87th Precinct series. Isola is imaginary, but it's a stand-in for Manhattan, the imaginary city being a thinly disguised New York. In August last year, I was lamenting that I hadn't read McBain since 2021. It hasn't changed, in fact I didn't even buy a new book from the crime fiction series. I want 2025 to be different, but I have a lot of books on my TBR list and I am reading very slowly. That said, I still hope to find time to slip one title or two from the 87th somewhere in the coming months, after I finish the next two or three unread books on my shelves. I mostly read crime fiction until August anyway, so I think I can find the opportunity.
Le raton enragé
Thursday, 16 January 2025
Adopting a Pound Puppy?
Wednesday, 15 January 2025
Lynx in the Scottish Highlands
I just learned that four lynx have been illegally released in the Scottish Highlands. Of them, two have been recaptured. Releasing them was of coursea terrible idea, as the article explains. That said, I hope they release legally and responsibly lynx in Scotland in the future. Because it struck me that the land and the animal go well together. And this bit of news made me think of something else: I wonder if the many tales and sighting of cryptid wildcats that abound in the UK are not caused by such illegal release, accidental or intentional, of wild animals like these lynx.
Ma femme cuisine du Hello Fresh et elle ne trouve pas la coriandre fraîche pour la recette. Tragédie. Non, je plaisante, mais je suis devenu amateur de coriandre depuis qu'ils en mettaient (de la coriandre sèche) dans les falafels du défunt Folie en vrac. À chaque fois que je goûte de la coriandre dans un repas, c'est comme ma madeleine de Proust, je me rappelle de Folie en Vrac. C'est vraiment triste que ça n'existe plus. Y a-t-il un comptoir sandwich semblable à Montréal? Des magasins en vrac, oui, il y en a pleins. Mais pas avec un comptoir sandwich qui fait des falafels assaisonnés de coriandre.
The Night Agent Returns
I blogged before about The Night Agent, a Netflix spy thriller series which I quite enjoyed. It was not a masterpiece, but it was fun to watch, if a bit derivative. Well, there is a season 2 of the series coming in a week. I wonder what it will look like. Since the first season was based on a novel, which I haven't read, I think this time the story will be new and only the characters will be the same, which would make the title a placeholder one. Unless the book has a sequel, which is also possible. Somebody in the known tell me about. I think it was freely adapted from the source material in any case. Anyway, I am looking forward to season 2.
Parlons du Cinéma de 17 heures
Bon, l'année étant entamée depuis un petit bout maintenant, faisons un retour nostalgique dans ce qui me divertissait durant mon enfance les jours de semaine ordinaires. J'ai déjà blogué et re-blogué sur le Cinéma de 17 heures à Radio-Canada, sur lequel il n'y a pratiquement rien en ligne. Alors je songe à chercher dans mes souvenirs et les vôtres (si vous vous en rappelez) et faire une liste des films qui y passaient. Je la partagerai ici et bloguerai plus en détails. Certains lecteurs (pas des réguliers) ont commenté sur le sujet au fil de mes billets, alors je crois qu'on a un peu de matière.