Saturday 31 July 2021
A treasure (for pirates?)
Manon (le dessert)
Mon père n'est pas allé de main morte avec les photos prises à Québec, il a aussi décidé de m'envoyer encore plus de food porn, dont des photos prises à la Chocolaterie E.L.. Cela dit, j'en partage quand même une: celle-ci. J'ai déjà entendu le terme Manon pour désigner un dessert, mais je ne sais pas ce qu'il y a dedans. Quelqu'un pourrait m'expliquer, s'il le sait?
Socks for the railway journey
L'Hôtel de Ville de Québec
Friday 30 July 2021
Fish & chips in Quebec City
My parents are in Quebec City and they sent me a few pictures. They had fish and chips (they did not tell me where), so mum sent me this pic of her meal (and her thumb). Now I find this particular plate of fish and chips a bit odd (a salad?), but all the same, it looks good enough. And it struck me that I did not had fish and chips since Good Friday. Today is Friday, it should mean Fish Friday, so maybe I should have some tonight.
"Soleil rouge"
Thursday 29 July 2021
My wife has been watching the Olympics. She always does for some reason, even if she never follows any sport any normal time of year. Nevertheless, she follows the football's World Cup and Euro Cup, tennis at Wimbledon and... the Olympics. I don't, except distractly, sometimes, the winter ones, if a Quebecker is playing. But anyway, so to my and my wife's surprise, she spent a lot of time enjoying taekwondo. I know nothing about this martial art, except that it's Korean. I do remember, when I was doing Krav Maga (I need to get back to it by the way) that some of my fellow students had done taekwondo in the past. They had stopped for the same reason: a martial is very nice as a competition sport, but it's at best limited as a self-defence method. Still, it's weird to see my very sweet wife enjoying a violent sport.
Bleuets et framboises en dessert
Wednesday 28 July 2021
Mushrooms: new sign of autumn?
It's been hot, then it's got cooler (but still quite warm), overall this summer so far has been bearable. But I am here to talk about the earlysigns of autumn, although maybe it is wishful thinking. Anyway, a few weeks ago, I saw leaves changing colours already. In July. A few days later, walking back home after some errands, I saw these mushrooms. Again, maybe it is wishful thinking, but mushrooms are one of the signs of autumn. In July, it is still a fairly unexected sight. Maybe it was just because of the wet weather we've had this month. All the same, I think we might just have an early autumn.
Les Sorcières (le vin)
Tuesday 27 July 2021
First family gathering?
My wife's brother contacted her yesterday, asking about our availabilities in the coming weeks. So we arenow planning for a full family gathering, the first since... Well, since a long time ago. If everything goes well, there will be grandma and daddad, the sister-in-law, her boyfriend and their son (Wolfie's little cousin), th brother-in-law, his wife and if we are really lucky our niece. And us of course, somy wife, Wolfie and me. I hope it works out for everyone, because that has been long overdue.
Un bouquet de fleurs
Monday 26 July 2021
Sockeye salmon filet
Menaud, maître-draveur
Sunday 25 July 2021
Mozart: The Man Revealed
Here is a bit of a reading suggestion for classical music lovers. Those who may not be artists or specialist themselves, but are not totally clueless. Anyway, my wife bought me last year for my birthday a biography of Mozart: Mozart: the Man Revealed, by John Suchet. I had asked her to get me a book about Mozart, not specifying which one in particular, just any biography of Mozart would do, providing it is a good one. She got me that one and I was not disappointed. In fact, of all the books I read last year, it is the one I read wih the most interest. I got through it really quickly and I wished I had taken more time to enjoy it. Suchet made the subject really accessible to anyone with even the slightest interest in classical music. Apart from one point of contention (he seems to think little of the brilliantly subversive plot of Cosi fan tutte), I thoroughly enjoyed it. Suchet also made me far more knowledgeable about Mozart, his time and his entourage, whether familial or professional. Anyway, I cannot end a post on Mozart without sharing a piece of his music. Here's the opening duet from Le Nozze di Figaro, with Markus Werba as Figaro and Golda Schultz as Susanna. At the moment, Schultz might actually be my favourite soprano, for many reasons, but this is for another post.
Les bleuets déjà
Saturday 24 July 2021
Hoping for a Storm
I don't like the heat of the summer and I am getting quite fed up with it. There is one thing I still genuinely love about summertime and it's a good thunderstorm. I was waiting for one a month ago, it didn't happen. Recently, there's been a few alerts on the BBC in our region and elsewhere in England, forecasting heavy storms. So far they missed us. I cannot wait for it, as it would cool down the temperature overall. And it will look gorgeous. It might happen today, although we are going out to see some friends, so it might not be the best time for us. Maybe I should be careful what I wish for, but all the same, I can't help but hoping for a thunderstorm.
Le chocolat aux bleuets, cuvée 2021
Friday 23 July 2021
N.Y. Chase (Mr X in New York)
Thursday 22 July 2021
Barefoot at work
So we have been going through a heatwave, which I always hate, but hey, I guess it's the downside of summertime and there is nothing else to do with it than trying to survive. Thankfully, I work from home and one of the advantages of working from home is a rather lose dress code. So for the last few days, I haven't put any socks on and my colleagues have been none the wiser. It's not a miracle, but it does make the heatwave a tad more bearable. And it saves washing up. My wife said it best: "It's all right, it's called caveman living". Which I think deserves to be a great unknown line.
Dessert aux framboises
Wednesday 21 July 2021
Railway Keyring
McAuslan, la distillerie
Je viens d'apprendre quelque chose de cool à propos de la Brasserie McAuslan: elle ne sera plus seulement une brasserie (et une terrasse, et une marque de moutarde, et une marque de miel, alouette),mais aussi une distillerie. Elle est donc en train de développer du whisky canadien, qu'elle devrait mettre en marché dans pas long. Va falloir que j'essaie. C'est ma microbrasserie québécoise préférée (à cause de la Griffon rousse), je ne sais pas s'ils vont faire mon whisky préféré, mais comme je n'ai pas encore pour le moment de marque de whisky préférée... Et puis une petite shot de whisky avec une bière, surtout une rousse, ben c'est pas mal bon.
Tuesday 20 July 2021
Neptune? No, Poseidon!
Here's a bit of old news which I wanted to comment on, but forgot about. It's not very old, it's from the 8th of July, but I still think it needs to be adressed. I say this because the news sort of slightly irritated me. So anyway, the BBC reported that the face of Neptune appeared in the waves during a storm in Newhaven. My initial reaction was: "Neptune? Surely this is Poseidon!" Those darn Brits conquered by the Romans and since then having no idea what the true god of the ocean is! I blame them and Caligula of course (I hope some of my readers know the historical reference here). Anyway, if this was indeed a good showing up, it was Poseidon.
L'humour tendre du Chat
Monday 19 July 2021
When Summer is Hell
So far, we'd had a fairly cool summer, a bearable one and I was counting my blessings. But of course, you can't have what I would call a nice summer, i.e. a summer that does not feel too summery, forever. Since last Friday and moreso during the weekend today, we've been having scorching heat. Now is the time for discomfort: I feel like I'm covered in swet, then I feel sticky due to suncream and I bloody hate eerything about now. French poet Arthur Rimbaud wrote a poem called Une Saison en Enfer (A Season in Hell). Well, right now it is my season in Hell.
Il y a 25 ans, le Déluge
C'est aujourd'hui le vingt-cinquième anniversaire du Déluge du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean.Pour mes souvenirs sur cette page d'histoire régionale, lire ce billet de 2016, sur le vingtième anniversaire. Pour d'autres souvenirs de ma famille, lire cet autre billet de 2016. Et il y a aussi, de manière plus générale et sans doute pour la plus grande histoire, cet article de La Presse que j'ai bien aimé. Moi, je l'ai toujours vécu à travers les écrans de télé plus que d'autre chose. Mon amie Françoise l'a bien résumé récemment: "L'odeur. Le bruit. Le sentiment d'être impuissant." En résumé, c'est pas mal l'expérience de la plupart d'entre nous, je crois. Notre part d'Apocalypse.
Sunday 18 July 2021
The quest for new clothes
This title might sound dramatic, but this is exactly how I feel it is going to be very soon. A bit of context first: it struck me yesterday that my jeans were getting seriously worned out. I bought my last pair in 2019, it feels like eons ago already. Generally speaking, I need to buy a new pair of jeans every year or so. For PJs, it is every three years or so, sometimes more. I don't like to go clothes shopping and with the pandemic I was lucky enough in that regard: my clothes didn't get used nearly as much (hence the two years gap) and I didn't have to look presentable in society because misanthropy was de rigueur. But now there is no way I can avoid it: I will need to buy new jeans ad probably a few other stuff. I am dreading it. Even though the government will lift many restrictions by tomorrow, I'd rather be careful, for one, and well, I don't hate clothes shopping any less after a year of avoiding shopping centres. So I might just make mypurchases online, even though I prefer to try before I buy. It will do wonders to my peace of mind, if nothing else, and surely as long as I know my size (obviously this may have changed within a year), things should be all right.
Qui est Giovanni Baresto?
Saturday 17 July 2021
Invoking October
Shortcake déconstruit
Friday 16 July 2021
The return of the hare
My readers might remember Bozo the hare, who has been squatting and/or visiting my parent's garden in the alst year or so. My dad gave him that stupid name. Well, he's recently returned, or maybe it's another hare, but anyway, there's been a visitor and my father managed to take a few snapshots. He is very cute.
Le nouveau logo de la Panthère verte
J'ai une bonne et une mauvaise nouvelle tirées de la page Facebook de La Panthère Verte. La bonne: leur local sur Mont-Royal est réouvert. Pour les chanceux qui veulent essayer, c'est le meilleur resto vegan que j'ai essayé dans la ville (ma femme n'est pas d'accord). La mauvaise: qui c'est qui a eu l'idée de changer de logo? Ils ont sorti celui-là en octobre 2020 et franchement il est pas vargeux.
Thursday 15 July 2021
Wednesday 14 July 2021
The local White Stuff shop is closing
My wife gave me some sad news today: our local White Stuff shop is closing. Now I hate clothes shopping in general, but I happen to like their clothes. It's where I found my favourite jumper, which if nothing else made me very grateful that we have one nearby. It also has (had) a cool Kid's DeN and Manky Franky. So it makes shopping there at least bearable and often useful, even if there are more affordable shops. Well, we'll have to find another White Stuff. There are plenty in nearby towns, so it might not be all so bad, but I wish we still had that one close and I hope the chain survives.
Prise de la Bastille (chant révolutionnaire français 1790)
Tiens, je viens de découvrir une nouvelle chanson du temps de la Révolution française, je la partage ce soir rien que parce que. Drôle qu'une chanson aussi bonhomme et sympa soit inspirée par un évènement aussi sanglant.
The Queen and her Knight
Parce que c'est le 14 juillet
Parce que c'est le 14 juillet, parce que j'ai tujours aimé cette minisérie sur la Révolution française, je mets ici la version orchestrale de l'Hymne à la liberté.
Tuesday 13 July 2021
The football at the door
Ani couni
Les personnes de ma génération et de celles d'avant doivent se rappeler de cette chanson autochtone, qui vient semblerait-il des Iroquois, et que l'on chantait parfois lorsque nous étions enfants. Je crois me rappeler que c'était populaire chez les scouts et guides, autour d'un feu de camp ou lors de randonnées. Je n'ai jamais su ce que ça voulait dire, jusqu'à ce que je tombe sur cette image dans les internets. Beaucoup plus grave que j'aurais imaginé. Bien entendu, je ne peux même pas être certain que ce soit une traduction exacte, ou même un peu fidèle, mais quand même, j'ai trouvé ça intéressant.
Monday 12 July 2021
Getting the school uniforms
This week, my wife will go to Wolfie's future school to pick up the uniforms and other official school stuff we purchased for when he starts school this September. For a while I was not keen on the British policy of having mandatory school uniforms, but it does make things way easier for parents, if nothing else. The school colour is green, which is our son's favourite colour, so let's hope it will be a reason for him to enjoy it it there, because I know he is getting a bit nervous about it. So is his father, come to think of it. Time is truly flying and it is flying way too fast for my taste.
"Dessert royal"
Sunday 11 July 2021
Time for olives
Edmond le prince des ratons
Saturday 10 July 2021
Very early sign of autumn?
Le héron de la Gacilly
Je regardais des photos de Bretagne datant de 2008 et je suis (re)tombé sur celles de la fontaine avec le héron à La Gacilly. Je ne sais pas si j'ai partagé cette hoto en particulier, mais je me rappelle avoir partagé une autre photo de la même fontaine au moins une fois. C'est parfois drôle de penser que nous avons passé beaucoup de temps là-bas, à une époque pas si lointaine, et maintenant plus du tout.
Friday 9 July 2021
The cover of Rosemary's Baby
La récolte des tomates
Ma belle-mère nous a donné des plantes en cadeau, de quoi faire un modeste potager. Un potager à la mesure de mes talents de jardinier. Parmi celles-ci, les tomates ont commencé à mûrir, assez pour qu'on en fasse la cueillette. Petit loup a insisté pour qu'on le fasse en famille et j'ai étéheureux de voir son enthousiasme à prendre soin du potager familial et de vouloir en récolter les fruits (ou les légumes, mais dans le cas des tomates ce sont bien entendu des fruits). Il reste encore des tomates vertes, alors on en aura pour quelques jours. Je compte aussi mettre les plants dans de plus gros pots, afin qu'ils puissent pousser. Et je vous tiendrai au courant des prochaines cueillettes dans une prochaine chronique potagère.
Thursday 8 July 2021
The milk option
We are preparing Wolfie's first year at school these days. Yes, time goes way too quickly and yes, I freak out when I think about it. But anyway, I learned recently that for lunch and snack, the school he will going to provides an optional glass of milk, for a small extra fee. Wolfie coul either drink milk or water. We are not certain what to decide. While I think milk is an abomination in tea, I love it by itself and I grew up on milk, both at home and at school. I know humans should not drink as much milk as we do, but I nevertheless associate it with a good source of calcium and proteins. Sure, milk is in essence barbaric, but isn't childhood a barbaric age and a time for wild anarchy? Now Wolfie has never been a big milk drinker at home, generally he just have sips of mine, as a special moment he shares with daddy, but he seems quite keen to have a glass of milk at school, for some reason, to his parents' surprise. Maybe I am old-fashioned and traditionalist, but I am tempted to pay for the milk option.
Le drôle d'été
Je relisais un billet de l'année dernière, en juillet 2020, où je mentionnais notamment que le mois de juillet était frais et que c'était un juillet atypique. Je ne sais pas si c'est une torpeur qui a pris le dessus depuis le début de la pandémie, mais nous avons encore une fois un juillet frais, où il fait rarement soleil longtemps et où je porte souvent un petit gilet pour demeurer comfortable. En fait, c'est tout l'été qui est atypique cette année. Je ne m'en plaindrai pas: je n'aime pas les étés trop chauds. Alors comme l'année dernière,je m'accomode assez bien de ce drôle d'été.
Wednesday 7 July 2021
Accursed leaf blowers!
Yesterday, 6:30AM or thereabout, my wife and got woken up by a darn leaf blower! It was not the first time. Some guy in the parking of the office behind our home does it every Tuesday or so. I wonder why: the offices have been mostly empty for the last year and a half, and so was the parking, and we in the middle of summer! I already hated them in autumn, when at least you could make a rationale for using them. Even though let's face it, why can't they use a good old rake? Leaf blowers must be the most useless thing ever invented by man: it's noisy, it's polluting, it's clunky and probably as heavy as it looks and you just move leaves from one spot to the next. Like I said, use a rake, or let the wind blow them, if you really must get ri of the leaves. It's just properly ridiculous. And I, for one, love leaves on the ground. It looks pretty and it's a natural fertiliser. Anyway, my wife emailed the town council and apparently the guy who did the job (at 6:30 in the morning!) was very nice and promised the councillor that he would be more considerate next time. If he was truly considerate, he'd switch career.
Bientôt la deuxième dose
Hier, j'ai réussi à fare devancer de quelques jours ma deuxième dose de vaccin. Tant mieux: je me sentirai plus en sécurité lorsque ça arrivera. Ce sera sans doute encore une fois AstraZeneca, mais ça ne me dérange pas du tout. La première fois, c'était passé comme du beurre dans la poêle et je n'avais eu qu'un petit frisson en fin d'après-midi et un léger engourdissement du bras, alors je crois que je serai encore fonctionnel à l'ouvrage, mais sinon j'irai mollo. L'avantage de travailler de la maison et d'avoir le centre de vaccination à quelques minutes de marche seulement.
Tuesday 6 July 2021
The Big Ugly Casting
A month ago exactly, I blogged about The Big Ugly. A crime movie that was neither great nor inventive, but that I enjoyed a lot. One of the reasons why is that Malcolm McDowell and Ron Perlman play in it, and this casting was a stroke of genius. I also thought that it was quite interesting, as both have played in films that were direct or indirect works of Anthony Burgess. McDowell of course for A Clockwork Orange and Ron Perlman for Quest for Fire, which language was created by Burgess. So they in a way Burgessian actors. I think The Big Ugly is the only film they played opposite each other, in which case it's another reason to cherish it. In any case, whoever did the casting for this movie sure did his job well.
L'équipement de barbier
Comme vous le savez sans doute, depuis le début de la pandémie, je suis devenu le coiffeur officiel de la famille. J'ai d'abord été mon propre cobaye, en utilisant un clipper cheapo acheté sur Amazon, puis j'ai utiliséles ciseaux et coupé les cheveux de ma femme et de mon fils. Pour un amateur, ce n'est pas mal. Comme j'ai brisé leclipper le mois passéen l'échappant, j'ai racheté récemment un équipement complet un peu moins cheapo: ciseaux, clipper avec différents réglages (y compris un pour le rasage de la barbe), peigne et ciseaux, puis d'autres trucs. Des fois je me demande si j'ai raté ma vocation. En tout cas, je crois que j'ai dépensé des fortunes dans les salons de coiffure.
Monday 5 July 2021
Overlook Hotel, July 4th Ball, 1921
L'anxiété en deux diagrammes
A red kite at sundown
Two days ago, the evening was falling and I heard the distinct cry of a red kite. There are many of them around here, they are our most famous avian neighbours in this part of England. I often see them flying but they are quite difficult to . Then I heard the distinct cry again and saw where it was coling from: the top of a nearby tree, where a red kite was perched. I am not good at taking pictures, but I took a few snapshots and I think they look quite nice and very atmospheric. There is just something about the shadow of a bird of prey at sundown. So I decided to share it today.
Spaghetti tunisien
Sunday 4 July 2021
The BBC is talking about the Habs
I seldom blog about sports, but those who also read my blog in French know that I have been blogging about hockey recently, more than ever blog about it before and that I ever blogged about other sports, all put together. So anyway, although they are now struggling and it looks that they will not win the Stanley Cup this year, the Montreal Canadiens have done very well this year, enough to get into the finals for the first time in 28 years. I have always been a Habs fan, although I havefor long stopped following hockey, so I am very happy about this (or rather I was until they ran short of whatever had made them successful this year). Their status as the NHL's new Cinderella team got some attention this side of the pond, where I saw yesterday a BBC article about them. I am always happy when things like that happen. Sadly, I think it won't be this year, but all the same, just in case, from this Montreal expat: Go Habs Go!
Le temps de relire Mafalda?
Photo prise par mon frère PJ, qui a acheté l'intégrale de Mafalda . je pose la question de façon réthorique, car je n'ai pas d'album ici et je crois qu'ils sont difficiles à trouver en Angleterre. Mais toujours est-il que je me sens d'humeur à lire du Mafalda. J'ai souvent blogué sur Mafalda et sur l'effet qu'elle a pour me calmer de ma mélancolie. J'imagine que je me sens d'humeur mélancolique ces jours-ci.
Saturday 3 July 2021
Our neighbours de hedgehogs
Les orchidées en fleur
J'ai blogué il y a une dizaine de jours sur des orchidées sauvages que mon père, son frère et ma cousine Amy la photogaphe ont vues quand ils ont marché sur le lot de mes oncles. Comme quoi il y a des orchidées sauvages dans les forêt du Québec. Amy avait pris des photos, même si les orchidées n'étaient pas en fleur. Elles ont fleuri depuis et ma cousine a été assez gentille pour prendre de nouvelles photos des orchidées rien que pour ce blogue. J'en partage donc une aujourd'hui. Ah oui, et petite note linguistique: en fleurest au singulier, parce qu'il s'agit de plusieurs fleurs de la même espèce.
Friday 2 July 2021
Coffee and me
As my readers know, I am not a coffee drinker. Not anymore anyway, or at least not outside extremely rare circumstances. I think the last time was back in 2009. I think it tastes vile and looks even worse. It has not always been the case, I used to drink it fairly regularly before or between classes, when I was at college and uni, then back in 2007, I went to an induction at my then job and one of the seniors there mentioned that he always hated coffee. I had a sip of mine at the break and just thought: "Wait a minute, I'm not enjoying this." I noticed the taste, the smell, in fact I could almost perceive the bad breath I would get afterwards. It was a sort of epiphany. So that was the end of it.
Question existentielle (371)
Nouvelle question existentielle. C'est un été assez frais jusqu'ici et donc endurable, mais j'ai toujours peur que la température augmente, ce qui m'a inspiré cette question existentielle:
-Qu'est-ce qui est pire, chaud et sec, ou chaud et humide?
Thursday 1 July 2021
Railway Watch
As I mentioned in this post, I often think about the National Railway Museum of York. Also spend a fair deal of time browsing through its online shop. And I saw this limited edition NRM Flying Scotsman Silver Plated Pocket Watch. Also available in gold. Both are at £145.00, both are amazingly low in stock. I willnot buy it, but I'd love, love, love to have one. Funnily enough, my brother Andrew received from my parents an old pocket watch like these when he was a child, although I hope my parents didn't buy anything that expensive. It was a silvery one, with the image of a steamed locomotive on it. We were very spoiled as children I guess. My bro even had his intial on his watch. Even though it was not meant to be a toy, we sort of used it as one, albeit a precious one to be treated with great care (wewere spoiled, but sometimes knew the value of things). The watch was a prop in our make believe, sometimes even a MacGuffin. It was then part of a treasure, or had a secret microfilm in it, or something of the sort. Be that as it may, I'd love to have a watch like this one.
Cinq ans de crémaillère
C'est aujourd'hui un jour très spécial: nous sommes le... Jour du Déménagement. Je n'ai jamais déménagé un 1er juillet au Québec, pas dans ma vie consciente en tout cas. Mais ironiquement, nous sommes devenus propriétaires de notre maison il y a cinq ans aujourd'hui. Alors j'ai vécu une fois dans ma vie un Jour du Déménagement, mais dans mon pays d'adoption. Je dis ça et nous avons vraiment emménagé le 2 juillet, mais bon. On n'avait pas vraiment fêté pour pendre la crémaillère alors, puisque petit loup s'en venait. Il y avait tellement de choses à régler. Nous n'avons pas vraiment célébré d'anniversaire de déménagement par la suite, contrairement à ce que l'on faisait dans notre ancien appart. Faudrait pourtant bien qu'on le fasse un peu, devenir propriétaire est quand même une étape importante dans la vie.