Today is the very last day of May? The last day of Spring, by any practical means, even though some people think summer starts with the solstice, it really starts tomorrow. How was your May? Mine was fairly okay, because it was never too hot. It felt sometimes almost autumnal, which is of course my idea of heaven. My appreciation of May is dependent of the weather, as you can guess, but there are a lot of things I actually like about the month, as there are a few celebrations and anniversaries I have this month. You probably have seen some of them mentioned on this blog. In any case, this was my May 2024: not too hot, overall pleasant. Tell me in the comment how was yours and what the month represents for you.
Friday 31 May 2024
Ending May
Le jeu de l'oie
Y a-t-il un parmi mes lecteurs qui ait déjà joué au jeu de l'oie? C'est un jeu de société très ancien, datant sans doute de l'antiquité. Je me rappelle vaguement qu'un ami en avait une version quand j'étais jeune, dans une boîte pleine de jeux de société classiques. Je ne me rappelle cependant pas y avoir joué. Cela dit, comme j'aime les jeux de société, même ceux qui n'ont pas vraiment de stratégie et dont la victoire tient de la chance, je crois que je devrais m'en procurer une version. J'ai regardé sur Amazon et il y en a plusieurs, dont certaines en bois très esthétiques. C'est ce que j'aime avec les jeux de l'oie que j'ai vus: ce sont pour la plupart de beaux objets. L'ennui, c'est que j'ai déjà beaucoup de jeux de société dont je ne sais plus quoi faire.
Thursday 30 May 2024
Of Teas and Trains
"Les piquants"
Wednesday 29 May 2024
House of Hell
Le gazon qui pousse (observations)
Tuesday 28 May 2024
Flackwell Heath and its pubs
I wanted to blog about a bit of sad news I read recently, that got me thinking. I have rarely been to the village of Flackwell Heath and I never spent much time there, I never ever been to their pubs, but three of them were closing down recently. One lost pub in a small village is bad enough, but three of them closing down, it's like a death warrant to the community. I have been in none of these pubs, but saw The Stag from outside and I always thought it looked lovely. Then again, I just love the name. Well, I read the news on the Bucks Free Press on the 17th of May and since then, things have been looking up. Since then, I learned that the staff managed to save two of the three pubs, including The Stag. The other one is The Green Dragon (another great pub name, by the way). I don't know when we will go to Flackwell Heath, probably not any time soon, but I do hope we will visit these pubs one day. For no better reason than to encourage local businesses. But also because I love village pubs.
Sabler le champagne
Monday 27 May 2024
Almost a storm
It was stormy yesterday. Well, it almost was, anyway: for a few minutes it got dark, it rained, it thundered. And it was windy for most of the afternoon. Sadly, it did not last. I love storms, I mean proper thunderstorms, that's one of the few things I love about summertime. Wolfie, on the other hand, isn't too keen on it yet, but I try to make him change his mind. He got quite scared yesterday when he heard thunder. So he cuddled up to me when it started thundering. Which I'm not complaining about. I find thuderstorms so much fun, like a free light and sound show. They are so atmospheric.
Parlons pétanque
Petite anecdote qui n'est pas inintéressante: je viens d'apprendre qu'il y a un club de pétanque local. Bon, rien de très spécial jusqu'ici et non, je ne joue pas à la pétanque, en tout cas je ne suis pas amateur. J'ai joué (très mal) quelquefois, mais sans plus. Le club se réunit dans un pub une ou deux fois par semaine. Je le mentionne ici parce que la pétanque est le "sport" le plus franchouillard qui existe, en tout cas le plus provençal. Donc ça m'étonne qu'il y ait des amateurs ici, assez pour se regrouper dans un club, assez pour avoir des réunions hebdomadaires. Bon, sinon c'est tout ce dont je voulais parler. Des amateurs de pétanque parmi vous? Faites-moi savoir dans les commentaires. Parlons pétanque.
History of Britain's Railway
Chevreuil géant préhistorique
Sunday 26 May 2024
Irish Lager?
Marie-Ève Munger dans La Chauve-Souris
Petite annonce pour les amoureux de l'opéra et les gens du Saguenay fiers de nos artistes. Je suis les deux, mais enfin bref. La soprano Marie-Ève Munger va jouer Adèle dans La Chauve-Souris de Johann Strauss à l'Opéra de Lille. J'ai vu l'opérette à plusieurs reprises, toujours avec un plaisir renouvelé. C'est très drôle et les airs sone entraînants. Enfin bref, pour ceux qui veulent encourager une fille d'ici (enfin, de chez moi) et l'une de nos meilleures sopranos, si jamais vous vous trouvez à Lille, bien je vous conseille d'aller la voir. Marie-Ève a parlé sur les réseaux sociaux d'une production "complètement éclatée", alors ça promet.
The Dover Demon and Me
The things one learns thanks to the internet and to social media. I am a member of a few horror pages on Facebook, and I discovered on one of them the Dover Demon. From Dover, Massachusetts, not the English Dover. The Dover Demon is a creature that looks like a Grey Alien who was sighted on the 21st of April 1977. Okay, so far, so nothing special. I'm skeptical about the existence of aliens or weird creatures and I think there is most likely a natural explanation about it. But what I found kind of funny is that the Dover Demon was seen on the exact date when I was born. Well, that's all, really, I just thought it was a funny coincidence. It also has quite a cool name.
Le Manoir du Saguenay
Saturday 25 May 2024
Okay, internet algorithms are often scary. Eerily efficient. So anyway, for the last few months, when I watch something on YouTube, I get video adverts for BAERskin. They sell hoodies, apparently, not the type of clothes I really like or look for. But I mean, the design on theirs. I kind of like it, the colours, outdoorsy, badass design. And the label, with the badass bear. It looks very much like something I would like to have. I mean, any clothe with THAT bear label. I won't, at least I don't think I will buy anything from them. But it scares me, knowing that I can be such a sucker, that I can be so receptive to aggressive advertisement.
Locomotion in Shildon
Oh the things you learn thanks to the internet and social media. I stumbled upon this piece of info, which I intend to work on. Anyway, yesterday, I found out that there is a railway museum called Locomotion (fitting name if there is one) in the town of Shildon. I did not know about this town or its museum before yesterday. However, as I love old English towns almost as much as I love trains, I intend to learn more about both. I am not sure how they are easy of access, but I think they could make for a nice visit in our next holidays in the country. Just a thought. Anyway, if there are any railway lovers among you who visited Locomotion, tell me in the comments if it is worth a look. And those who know Shildon itself (either as visitors or even locals), please let me know in the comments. Worth a visit?
Question existentielle (388)
Une question existentielle inspirée de certaines circonstances (j'ai du champagne à boire):
-Quoi manger avec du champagne, plus particulièrement du Veuve Clicquot?
Je suis philistin, mais j'ai de quoi boire.
Friday 24 May 2024
Yuenyeung: coffee with tea
Oh the things you find sometimes just browsing the internet because a trivial question pops into your head. It happened to me recently: I was wondering if there was any people that drank tea with coffee, I mean together, in the same cup. I was wondering if it was a thing or just some abomination that existed in my twisted, imaginative mind. Well, a quick Google search made me discover that it is actually a real thing: it's called yuenyeung, as in ying and yang. Apparently, it originates from Hong Kong, where it is popular. I love tea, but loathe coffee, so for me this sounds like the stuff of nightmare, a Frankenstein's Monster of a drink, a brewing mutation. I'm not sure I would dare to try it, even out of curiosity. Be that as it may, yuenyueng is the word of the day.
Le Kiosque du Quartier
Thursday 23 May 2024
Sweater Weather VS Sweaty Weather
"Crevettes sauce mangue gingembre"
Wednesday 22 May 2024
Bouteilles de Saguenay Dry
Tuesday 21 May 2024
The New Italian Connection?
Last Sunday, late afternoon, Wolfie and I went outside so I could teach him to ride a bike. He is getting better, although he needs to build his confidence. But I digress. Outside the house in the corner, there were our neighbours, with some friends. These neighbours, I didn't know much about them, except that they are having their house extended. They are a couple in their thirties. So anyway, they had visitors, another couple and their child, a little boy of two or thereabout. When he saw Wolfie, he was drawn to him, as if he found a new friend. I asked Wolfie to say hello. I could tell they were speaking another language, but it didn't struck me it was Italian. Then the mum told me her little boy didn't speak English yet. And then I could hear they were Italian. So I introduced myself and Wolfie to them, and to the little boy, in Italian. We had a quick chat, mixing English and Italian, Wolfie spoke a few words of French because well, why the heck not. I didn't spend much time chatting, mind you, it was all an impromptu talk due to circumstances. I didn't even properly introduce myself to my neighbours. But I do hope to find time speaking to them and learn to know them better. They seem quite friendly. Being a foreigner, it is nice to see people in the same boat as you, so to speak. And I also hope to improve my Italian.
Pain au fromage
Monday 20 May 2024
October, October
Mafalda et le bonheur
Sunday 19 May 2024
The Boys' Night In
Yesterday evening, my wife went out with some friends. She rarely does that and I think she needed it. But that means Wolfie and I spend the evening in. We had, in effect, a boys' night in, the first proper one in months, I believe. I think our last one was in March. It went as it always does: we have pizza dinner, we watch a movie on Netflix. That's about it. We are very lazy, but we enjoy it tremendously. That's the advantage of being a father of a cheeky little boy: he allows you to live a second childhood. I know I said it time and again, but it's still true. So Yes, I am looking forward to the next night in, whenever that may be.
Olives aux atocas
Saturday 18 May 2024
The Godfather, the Game
Les hippopotames roses
Friday 17 May 2024
Say it with Champagne
Murale sur Saint-Laurent
Thursday 16 May 2024
Pound Puppies
Mai ici (et ailleurs)
De tous les mois du printemps, le mois de mai est d'habitude le plus estival. Il y fait beau et chaud. Enfin, d'habitude. Ce fût le cas la fin de semaine dernière, un peu la semaine d'avant. Mais ça a soudainement changé dès lundi, avec des températures et de la météo qui donne au mois de mai des airs d'octobre. Pas que je ne m'en plaigne, remarquez. Je n'aime pas les températures trop chaudes et le samedi, alors qu'il faisait un soleil splendide... je trouvais ça suant par moments. Heureusement que nous étions à l'ombre. Mais c'était peut-être une aberration: j'ai vu les prévisions météo et il risque de faire frais, sinon froid, pendant une semaine de plus. Quant à moi, c'est tant mieux.
Wednesday 15 May 2024
Work Anniversary
I forgot to mention it when it happened, but thought I better say it here: last Monday was my work anniversary. I have been three years in the same job. I hadn't expected it when I started. I had been temping for about nine months and before that temp job I hated my previous job, my then employer and everything about it. To say I am much happier in my current position is an understatement. It's not perfect, but it is the best employer I had in years, maybe since I am on the job market. So although I did not make a big celebration of it (or indeed any at all), I think it is important to mention it here and mark the anniversary.
Mille-feuilles érable et pacanes
Tuesday 14 May 2024
Early (or late?) Jack O'Lantern
Miguelito et les feuilles d'automne
Monday 13 May 2024
May Fayre's Scarecrows
La Boréale (une observation)
Sunday 12 May 2024
Rosemary's Baby on Mother's Day
Mafalda et la Fête des Mères
Classic Train Journeys
Le jardin du mois de mai
Saturday 11 May 2024
Northern Lights
St-Ambroise à la framboise
Friday 10 May 2024
Wolfie's Excalibur
La piscine familiale
Thursday 9 May 2024
Titanic Games
Kanuk à la conquête du monde
Ma mère m'a envoyé un article de la grosse Presse, titré Kanuk part à la conquête du monde. On y parle bien entendu de l'entreprise Kanuk, qui a été rachetée par Bertrand Cesvet. Je ne savais pas. Kanuk, c'est maintenant et depuis bientôt 20 ans ma marque de manteaux. J'en ai un pour toutes les saisons. Je ne crois pas qu'on puisse en trouver ici en Angleterre, mais j'espère que la situation changera un jour. Par fierté québécoise et montréalaise (je dis ça même si je ne suis que Montréalais d'adoption). Et aussi parce que j'espère pouvoir équiper mon fils en manteaux Kanuk un jour prochain. Ce serait pratique s'ils en vendaient ici, mettons. Surtout qu'ils n'ont rien à envier aux autres marques plus connues. Donc, qu'ils se vendent ailleurs, je me dis qu'il était temps.
Wednesday 8 May 2024
Holidays in Antarctica?
I recently watched Where'd You Go, Bernadette? Because it stars Cate Blanchett. Well, of course. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, which I had wanted to watch since its release five years ago, but that's not what I wanted to blog about today. I discovered, thanks to it, that you can travel as a tourist in Antarctica. Call me silly or uneducated, but I had no idea. You can a bit of info in this Wikipedia entry, but a quick Google search online should show you many companies offering trips to the continent. In the film, it was a ship, but I understand there are other means of transport. I don't think I would dare to go, I am far too much of a wuss, and I love far too much my comfort. Beside, a certain graphic novel scared me of Antarctica for good. That said, I find the concept of traveling to the most remote and cold part of our planet, just for the pleasure of being there, fascinating. It must be quite an experience. And you, would you consider it? Tell me in the comments.
Les breuvages froids du Café Cambio
Tuesday 7 May 2024
Irish Whiskey (on the Titanic)
Les truites (et un souvenir)
Monday 6 May 2024
The crocodile of Cholesbury
A little bit of creepy local news which caught my attention today: the police was asked to capture a crocodile that had been sighted in the village of Cholesbury. Fortunately, or disappointingly, the crocodile turned out to be a plastic toy. So it was an hoax. All the same, this is the stuff that urban legend are made of. Or village legends. I did not dare to hope that someone had brought illegally a crocodile in this country (it happens), kept it as a pet, then released him. Oh well. I think I might come off with some interesting story out of it. On a side note, my remembers might remember that I blogged about Cholesbury before, in August 2023. It's the second time this village catches my attention. I think fate is telling me to visit it.
3 et 4
Nous sommes aujourd'hui un jour férié ici en Angleterre. L'un des deux jours fériés du mois de mai. Je ne bouderai pas mon plaisir, mais j'aimerais en avoir un autre en été: le prochain sera le dernier lundi du mois d'août. Nous sommes un lundi férié, donc, et ça veut dire que nous avons eu une fin de semaine de trois jours. ce qui veut dire aussi que nous aurons une semaine de travail de quatre jours seulement. Je ne m'en plaindrai pas non plus. Quand mardi est notre lundi, c'est comme plus endurable.
The Wombat of Happiness
Truite au filet
Sunday 5 May 2024
Jaguar Versus Caiman
Oh the excitement one can find when one watches animal documentaries. Wolfie and I are really into the Netflix docu series Our Living World, narrated by Cate Blanchett. My favourite actress. I blogged about it already, see this post. Well, in one episode, we saw a jaguar (the animal, not the car) trying to hunt a caiman (the reptile, not the islands), on the caiman's own environment. I don't want to spoil it for those who have not seen the episode, but it was one epic fight. A short but gripping action scene. Hollywood has nothing on mother nature. I mean, you have in the South American jungle a young jaguar going after another apex predator, earth and water colliding, an unstoppable force against and immovable object, blood in water, the lot. Oh, and Cate Blanchett telling the tale, like she did when she was Galadriel. The series is worth watching just for that brief encounter. On a side note, the animal Wolfie and I were rooting for won. So we were very happy.
Le cidre en Normandie (et en Ulster!)
Saturday 4 May 2024
True Irish Ghost Stories
Orignaux suédois
Petite nouvelle suédoise animalière et bien sympathique: ils ont une émission de télévision sur ma migration des orignaux. Parce que pourquoi pas? Vous pouvez en voir un extrait dans l'article de la grosse presse. Ce n'est pas de la télé enlevante, mais c'est encore mieux, parce que c'est immersif. J'aime bien regarder des émissions sur la nature et j'aime les trucs relaxants comme ça. Je crois comprendre que ce n'est pas un concept facile à importer, notamment au Québec (question de densité et de proximité avec les orignaux), mais quand même, je crois qu'il faudrait y avoir plus de télévision comme celle-là.
More on the new Amadeus
I blogged last month about a new adaptation of Amadeus by Peter Shaffer, this time as a TV series. For someone like me who is a fan of the film, the play and, well, of Mozart as well, that's great news. I am cautiously optimistic about the project. Casting seems to be going well and they found their Constanze Mozart. Or Stanzie, as she is often called in the play. Welsh actress Gabrielle Creevy will play the part. I don't know her, at least I don't remember seeing her in anything, but I think she looks the part. I really cannot wait to watch it. Patience, patience.
Ixe-13 (encore)
Friday 3 May 2024
I thoughtI would write a post about a new word of the day, which for this occasion is navaja. The navaja is a Spanish knife that can be used both as a utility knife and a fighting knife. I first discovered it years ago through Carmen and I have been fascinated by it ever since. It's a nasty, sinister sort of tool, yet it has been romanticised in fiction (and in music, no less) and in one of the most famous operas in the world. It is not as widely popular as it used to be, from what I understand (thankfully, I may add), that said, I think it needs to reappear in more modern fiction. A month ago, I mentioned signature weapons for certain characters in crime fiction, I think the navaja should reappear as such. Not for a hero, but for a villain. Maybe it is the case, if you know of any character in a crime book using a navaja, let me know. Otherwise, I just might invent one.