Tuesday 30 April 2024
Elmore Leonard en bd (et en français)
Monday 29 April 2024
Cold April
As April is ending, I was wondering how it is going where you are. Here, it has been surprisingly cold. I mean April can be treacherous and go from summery to wintery, but this year the month here has been cold enough so I did not wear a single time a t-shirt. In fact, I have been pretty much wearing my winter clothes. Sometimes it is a bipolar month. Well, not this time, not this year. I don't think it's even been above 15 degrees, and that was at its warmest. You can read more about it here. That said, I am not complaining. Like, not at all. I dread hot weather, so I am glad we had a month of April that did not feel like summer was on its way. There will be plenty of time to sweat. This month has been comfortable for a change.
Marcher jusqu'au dépanneur
Parfois, quand on est casanier, il faut se motiver pour être actif, mais la plus simple excuse permet de le faire. C'est ce qui est arrivé hier: comme nous avions passé la fin de semaine à l'intérieur jusque là (l'excuse: le temps pluvieux, le retour d'Irlande, le calme après la fin de semaine dernière, j'ai suggéré à petit loup d'aller au dépanneur. Le plus proche est à cinq minutes de marche, mais c'est une station-service sur une rue passante, alorsj'ai suggéré celui à une quinzaine de minutes d'ici. Cela nous a fait un bien immense. Et pour une raison quelconque, Wolfie l'a pris comme une sortie spéciale. J'imagine qu'un dépanneur, pour un enfant, c'est un peu un endroit stimulant, plein de surprises. Même si on n'y vend pas grand-chose.
Sunday 28 April 2024
Tea for the Flying Scotsman
Les olives
Saturday 27 April 2024
A Clockwork Orange and... David Bowie
You know I am a fan of A Clockwork Orange, both film and novel. Iam howevernot a fan of David Bowie. I don't dislike him, I'm just not a fan or anything. I never cared all that much about his music. Well, I learned recently that David Bowie and I have a point in common: we are both fans the film. To the point that he even imitated the Yorkshire accent of Malcolm McDowell. Well, I once spoke nadsat, but I never went as far as trying to mimick McDowell's accent.
Le choeur des enfants dans Carmen
L'opéra Carmen fut mon premier amour opératique, quand j'étais encore tout jeune. Il y a plusieurs raisons pour cela, dont peut-être un peu le choeur des enfants, que je partage ici aujourd'hui. Je me rappelle avoir même songé à faire partie d'un choeur, ou en tout cas d'y avoir rêvé. Le Royal Opera House va présenter Carmen en mai. Je songe à y aller.
The voice of Cate Blanchett (and our world)
A bit of fun news about my favourite actress Cate Blanchett: she is narrating the Netflix docu series Our Living World. You can read a review here, to give you an idea. I started watching it with Wolfie and we are both enjoying it. In fact, I can safely say that Wolfie is fascinated by it, mostly because the images are so perfectly gorgeously lush. It is a nature/wildlife documentary series, but with a twist: it shows how seemingly unrelated phenomenons and actions are interconnected. So it is worth a watch in itself, for its educational value. For its beautiful images too, like I said before. Plus, you have the voice of Cate Blanchett for the narration. If Mother Earth had a voice, it would be hers.
Un smoothie pour la route
Friday 26 April 2024
Another new Pelecanos
Well, I a spoiled as a crime fiction reader. You may remember that, a year ago, I was complaining that George Pelecanos. had not published anything new in a while. Luckily, this year he published Owning Up, a collection of four novellas. That made me happy enough. I bought the book right away to have it on release, then I read it eagerly. I will blog about it again. But my luck did not stop there: I learned yesterday that he will release another novella, titled Buster: A Dog. About a dog named buster, of course, but it's also crime fiction. Knowing of Pelecanos' love of dogs and how they have been featured in his previous works, this story promises to be both original and touching. I am not much of a dog person, although there are a few dogs that I loved, however I pre-ordered the book.
Apprendre à aimer lire?
Je viens de voir un article dans Urbania, que j'ai lu en diagonale. Le titre et la question qu'il pose est Est-ce qu'on peut apprendre à aimer lire? C'est une bonne question et je n'ai pas de réponse claire. Moi, dès que j'ai appris à lire, ou à peu près, j'ai appris à aimer lire, parce que j'ai trouvé des bouquins que j'aimais. Tout simplement. Et,même si je n'avais pas accès à la même quantité de titres, j'ai trouvé assez vite ce qui m'intéressait. J'en ferai peut-être une question existentielle. J'aurais cependant tendance à croire que c'est un peu inné. Mais ça vient aussi de l'environnement, pas tant que dans l'apprentissage: quand on vit dans une maison pleine de livres, on va finir par aimer la lecture.
Thursday 25 April 2024
Thirsty Thursdays
Des cadeaux et des oiseaux
Wednesday 24 April 2024
New Tractor
No, no, we did not buy a new tractor. We never bought an old one to begin with, except toy tractors. But you may remember that Wolfie has been obsessed with tractors, or used to be when he was a toddler. He is not nearly as much anymore, having found new interests and fascinations, but he still likes them. And we still do sometimes a bit of what we call tractor spotting. It's like a conditioned reflex for us: there is a tractor within sight, we notice it. So anyway, yesterday, during the back to school run, I noticed a tractor. A big one, dark green, kind of forest green, which I don't remember seeing before. And, well, that's it really: it struck me that I can still spot new tractors in the neighbourhood.
Le prochain Quais du Polar?
Tuesday 23 April 2024
Wolfism about Saint George's Day
Happy Saint George's Day everyone! I nearly forgot about it. Which is a pretty English thing to do. Nobody cares here about the country's patron saint. Even Wolfie does not care much, if at all, and Saint George's Day. He told me this morning, in a disdainful tone: "Daddy, what's special about Saint George's Day? Why do people celebrate it?" This is a new Wolfism and, while not the Englishest he said, it is pretty close. Because it seems that no true Englishman cares about Saint George's Day.
Un faisan
Monday 22 April 2024
Fight Write
La carte d'un père
Indie Bookshop Week this year
Mafalda et Felipe siempre!
Sunday 21 April 2024
47 (Argh!)
Today is my birthday. I'm 47. Argh! I am kind of freaking out, because my fourties aregoing through far too quickly for my taste: I remember turning 40 like it was yesterday. And Wolfie was not even one yet, it was a hot, almost summery day and, well, it still felt somewhat young. Now I am only three years away from 50. That feels kind of unfair. Tempus Fugit, and all that. Now, today will feel different for another reason: Wolfie's friend has his birthday party today. It's not his birthday, but they are celebrating it today. So it means I am sort of sharing it with one my son's friends. It does not really matter: when you are a father, it is all about your child(ren) anyway. And since it is not one of the birthdays ending in 0, I am happy to celebrate a bit less this year. And I know my wife and kid have a few surprises up their sleeves today. In any case, the best birthday celebrations I had were often the smallest ones.
"J'ai 47 ans, mon vieux Corneille..."
Bon ben... J'ai 47 ans aujourd'hui. Je suis déjà un peu plus,à chaque année, comme le vieux Corneille. Et par conséquent je partage, ainsi qu'à chaque année, ses Stances à Marquise, chantées par Georges Brassens. Je ne peux emmerder personne en attendant. Ce serait un brin hypocrite, à mon âge.
Saturday 20 April 2024
Signs you are a Werewolf
Passion Café d'Arvida
Friday 19 April 2024
Dining on The Orient Express
I watched with interest this new video from YouTube channel Tasting History. It talks of the food on the Orient Express. Not so much for the food (although it does look yummy) as for the history of the world's most iconic train, which I knew fairly little about. Anyway, I had to share it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Renoir en Irlande
Thursday 18 April 2024
Guinness and Patience
Wednesday 17 April 2024
A New Amadeus
Well, some good news for the Mozart fan that I am: there will be a new version of Amadeus by Peter Shaffer. Not a new movie, but a new TV series. I found the info in an article on ClassicFM about the casting. I don't know anything apart from that, but I'm intrigued and excited. I hope I can find a platform to watch it, when it will be released. A part of me is anxious: I hope they don't mess it up. The film was already a brilliant transfer from stage to screen, turning the play into a TV series is probably going to be an at least equally challenging task. But if nothing else, there will be great music to go with the drama. And the source material is solid.
Rose anglaise
Tuesday 16 April 2024
Things I buy at Mountain Warehouse
My readers know that I love Mountain Warehouse, even though I'm not exactly into outdoor sports. But it's always useful. For clothes, for one, especially warm clothes, especially socks. I have been buying lots of clothes for Wolfie there: a coat, socks (well of course), a water bottle, and some odd things. More recently, just before our last holiday, it was... travel toothbrushes. I love buying travel toothbrushes before holidays, it feels like a inconspicuous little ritual before the big day.
Premier orage, première grêle
Cet après-midi, nous avons eu droit à notre premier orage: le tonnerre a grondé. Et en plus, il est tombé de la grêle. C'est une première cette année, un brin tôt. Mais bon. J'imagine que c'est ça, le mois d'avril. J'aime bien la grêle et les orages, tant que je suis confortablement à l'intérieur. Je l'attendais avec impatience: les nuages noirs l'annonçaient déjà.
Titanic Belfast
Le Harfang de l'Ulster
Monday 15 April 2024
The Belle of Belfast City
You might know this song as I'll Tell Me Ma and I know I shared it before. I first heard it in a pub in Liverpoolon Saint Paddy's and I fell in love with it. Of course, as it is often called The Belle of Belfast City, I listened to it prior to and during our holiday in Belfast. Wolfie now knows some of the lyrics and has been humming it for the last few days. Ironically enough, I haven't heard much if any Irish music during our time there. I'm sharing the version by Possibly Irish, an American group from Oregon, because I quite like it. And also because I'm possibly Irish myself, sort of. I want to blog into more details about it, but apparently, some of my ancestors were Ulster Scots, so it is very possible that among my great, grandmothers, there were a few belles of Belfast City. I'd like to think so, ayway.
Crabe et homard
Sunday 14 April 2024
Titanic in Lego
"Vivre dans ses valises"
Ma mère utilise souvent cette expression quand elle parle de voyages. C'est à dire toujours en déplacement. Mais je crois que l'expression peut fonctionner dans un autre contexte. Comme vous le savez depuis hier, nous sommes de retour de Belfast. Or, pendant quelques jours encore, je vais m'habiller avec les vêtements encore dans mes valises. Je vais aussi les défaire lentement pour redécouvrir nos souvenirs nord-irlandais. Et j'aime bien ce moment de retour de vacances, quand nous sommes à la maison, mais un peu en décalage mental, voire spirituel, quand l'endroit visité est encore en nous.
Saturday 13 April 2024
Back from Belfast City
If you were worried about my silence (well, you never know) I was on holiday. And I am back. My family and I went to Belfast. Like in the song, which I sang over and over again, enough for Wolfie to hum it. It was my wife's idea. So we were not officially in a different country, but truly, by any practical means, North Ireland truly is a different country than the one we live in. I have been to the Republic of Ireland before and, while North Ireland is sort of separated from it and far less Catholic, you can definitely feel the Celtic roots. I will blog more about my experience in the upcoming days, but we all enjoyed it and sometimes I felt almost at home there.
Riz aux crevettes
Tuesday 9 April 2024
September Cottage
Avril: le dilemne
Vous connaissez le proverbe: "En avril, ne te découvre pas d'un fil". Bon ben, c'est ça qui est ça. En fait, non, il a fait doux pendant quelques jours, maintenant c'est moins le cas, ça a changé en une journée. C'est le dilemne habituel: enlever des vêtements ou non, s'habiller plus léger ou pas? Je garde mon manteau d'hiver, rien que par prudence. Et le pire, c'est que je n'ai même pas envie de m'habiller plus légèrement. Et vous?
Monday 8 April 2024
I think this song is in order today... Oh and long live Pink Floyd. The greatest rock band ever.
La St-Ambroise et son décapsuleur
Sunday 7 April 2024
For today's post, I come back to Deon Meyer's Heart of the Hunter and its Netflix's movie adaptation. A minor details that I found cool: in both the film and its source material, the main character (whose name changed in the adaptation) wields an assegai among his arsenal. I would even say that is his weapon of choice. And, well, I find it cool. I think iconic characters, whether they are heroes or villains, should have a signature weapon. James Bond has his Walther PPK, Tarzan his knife, King Arthur Excalibur, it makes sense that Zuko (Thobela in the novels) has his assegai. It gives the character a neat African twist. Anyway, assegai is the word of the day.
Le Salon du Livre du Saglac (2024)
Saturday 6 April 2024
Heart ofthe Hunter (#1)
Les "nouveautés" des Pères trappistes
Friday 5 April 2024
The Ducks' Mug
Une bière et un moulin
Thursday 4 April 2024
Not just a shoe box
A couple of months ago, we had to buy new shoes for Wolfie. We bought Clarks, as we uusally do. They came in a shoe box with this lovely message. I just adore it and I had to share. It is pretty much what a shoe box is for a child, often for a grownup too. It never is just a shoe box.
Un autre thé l'après-midi
Wednesday 3 April 2024
Five Children and It
a writer of children literature. That said, because I admired her scary stories so much, I decided to read more of her. Including Five Children and It, which sounds like a prequel to a Stephen King novel, but is not. I found it in the local bookshop and read it in 2020, in the middle of lockdown. recently, my wife found it among the bookshelves and has decided to read it to Wolfie, who really loves it. So this is now a faily book.
Avril: le mois sournois
Depuis hier, il pleut. Quelle surprise. Le premier avril était ensoleillé avec un peu de pluie ici et là, mais depuis hier, la température est froide, en tout cas fraîche, et assez morne. Rien de nouveau sous le soleil (ou son absence), me direz-vous: c'est ça le printemps, c'est ça avril. Mais les gens ici s'en plaignent. Ce n'est pas mon cas. En fait, ce que je n'aime pas d'un printemps, c'est quand il devient trop chaud, trop vite. J'aime voir se prolonger l'hiver en mars, jusqu'à ce que le mois d'avril ait l'air d'un quasi-automne. Je sais, je sais, je suis bizarre. Mais dans tous les cas, je me méfie d'avril, car il change de température fréquemment.
Tuesday 2 April 2024
'Mozart, You Drive Me Crazy!'
Here's some great musical news, at least for me: South African soprano Golda Schultz (maybe my favourite soprano) is releasing a new album, called Mozart, You Drive Me Crazy!. About Mozart's music from the three operas he composed in collaboration with librettist Lorenzo Da Ponte. Now, there are many like this, but Schultz just gets Mozart, she is one of the most Mozartian opera singers we have now. Plus, she loves the composer so much, she is as much a fan as she is a singer. And it shows when she sings it. This album is a labour of love and I intend to either buy it, or put it on my birthday presents list. But maybe I will not be able to wait until my birthday, even though it is soon. In any case, check this video about it:
"Le petit ours"
Monday 1 April 2024
Radio Times for Easter
Boisson d'avril (Groovy Aardvark)
Parce que c'est le premier avril, ben, je partage Boisson d'avril de Groovy Aardvark, comme je le fais presque chaque année.