We went to a local petting zoo this weekend and something I saw made my day: there was that sign advertising the upcoming Pumpkin Festival in October. With pumpkins (but strangely no jack o's) and friendly looking scarecrows. This is the very first local sign of Halloween I have seen. When the time comes, we are most definitely going there, especially since the place is going to be decorated for Halloween. I am so very glad they are already advertising seasonal activies in late August. It is most definitely not too early. For Halloween, I tend to think it is never too early. In any case, I hope the spooky readers among you enjoy.
Wednesday 31 August 2022
New sign of Halloween (and a Pumpkin Festival)
Les noces de crystal
Tuesday 30 August 2022
A portrait for Mary Shelley's birthday
Des bénévoles pour le Salon du Livre
Wallingford Railway
Un bouquet d'anniversaire
Monday 29 August 2022
Writing about witches
Un épervier
Sunday 28 August 2022
Amazon World's Bookmark
L'histoire du Manoir du Saguenay
Depuis quelques temps, Wolfie a une obsession: les manoirs, enfin les "mansions" comme il dit. Je lui ai appris que lorsque j'ai grandi,il y avait un manoir, le Manoir du Saguenay, sur lequel j'ai blogué en 2013 et en 2018. Voulant lui donner des détails, je suis tombé sur cette vidéo sur YouTube, que nous avons regardée attentivement. Il a été très déçu (et moi donc) que le Manoir soit devenu un édifice à bureaux. Tout en espérant qu'il retrouve une vocation publique, nous irons peut-être le visiter de l'extérieur lors de notre prochain séjour au Saguenay. D'ici là, j'espère que vous aimerez la vidéo:
Saturday 27 August 2022
Long John Silver
Bock, bière et moutarde
Monstrum on the Cthulhu Mytho
They are a little bit behind, but I thought I needed to share this video from Monstrum at some point. As you know, it was the birthday of H.P. Lovecraft a week ago. So Monstrum made a video on him three days after, showing why his work is important. They even mentioned the RPG. Well, we can't get enough Lovecraft in the months and weeks leading to Halloween, so here it is:
Les récoltes
Friday 26 August 2022
Seafood Dipping Platter
Le nouveau logo des Bouquinistes
Thursday 25 August 2022
Bokke supporters in the park
Last weekend, we went with my wife's family in a local park. So we were our family, her sister, her sister's partner and Wolfie's cousin and of course the parents/grandparents. As the children were playing, I saw a little boy and her dad. The boy was about three or four and I recognised right away that he wore a Springbok shirt. The Springboks are of course the South African rugby team. As you may remember, my father-in-law is South African and a big rugby fan, he is also of course a Springboks supporter. I sitll know zilch about rugby and never watch it, but I have decided that South Africa is "my" team. I was tempted to say a word to the father of the boy and see the reasons why they are Bokke supporters, but I did not in the end. Still, I find it a bit strange that I can now recognise a rugby jersey.
Wednesday 24 August 2022
Stocks of Welsk Cakes
Le Moulin en Lego
Tuesday 23 August 2022
Moby Dick's Revenge
La tente de petit loup
Monday 22 August 2022
"Back to School"
Raie Manta
Je partage ici une vieille photo d'un de nos séjours en Bretagne. Je ne crois pas l'avoir mise sur le blogue avant. C'est une sculpture de sable représentant (je crois) une raie manta. Bien des licences artistiques ont été prises, je ne crois pas qu'elle devrait avoir la bouche et les dents d'un requin.
Sunday 21 August 2022
A "false autumn"?
My wife found a BBC article regarding the effects the latest heatwaves and the drought had on the environment here. Apparently, in some places the leaves are already changing colours in the trees, even falling, as they are already in survival mode. Hence the term "false autumn" Which is obviously not a good thing. I haven't seen major changes in the trees around here, so I hope they have been spared. But I find it sad that I cannot associate the colours change to a most welcomed seasonal change. Not just yet anyway. Otherwise, and that said, I have been looking and seeing signs of autumn to come: the air is cooler and there is something in the light that is no longer summery. One can hope.
Tarte cthulienne
A Rocket in our Garden
"Temps des Moissons"
Saturday 20 August 2022
Cosmic Horror Mood
Le cidre
Friday 19 August 2022
RC Cola - Why It Failed
I don't know if you ever drank RC Cola. I did, I used to do back in my twenties in Montreal, particularly when I was at uni. With my brother PJ, it was one of our weekend treats, we used to buy at the nearest dépanneur, it cost $0.95 or something for two litres, far cheaper than Pepsi or Coke. It also felt nice to give money to the underdog of the Cola Wars. But I don't see it anywhere anymore. This video I found on YouTube explains why:
Le nettoyage du Kanuk
Signe que je me prépare à l'automne: aujourd'hui j'ai nettoyé mon vieux manteau Kanuk. Je me suis dit qu'autant il fallait le faire pendant que j'y pensais et que je n'en avais pas encore besoin. Je dis vieux, mais il n'est pas si vieux que ça: je l'ai reçu de mon père en 2013 parce qu'il était trop petit pour lui. C'est un gilet de demi-saison qui est trop léger pour les hivers québécois, mais ici je le porte d'octobre à avril environ. La première fois que je le mets sur le dos, j'ai comme un agréable frisson, c'est l'un de mes nombreux rituels automnaux. Plus je commence à le porter tôt, mieux c'est.
Fish & Chips in the Isle of Wight
Pour qui est ce serpent?
Thursday 18 August 2022
Something came to my mind recently: is it me, or are ponchos back into fashion or something? You are going to tell me that I know nothing about it and they never were out of fashion to begin with, but I have seen them more, I think, in shop windows and catalogues and so on. Or maybe it is just a false impression I have. I never wore a poncho, except those throwaway plastic ones you can scrunch into a tiny bag and you use when you travel somewhere in case it rains. When I was a child I remember my mother wearing one that looked like an old rug. It was the seventies. Not even a hipster would want to wear that. But my mum always told me it was a great piece of clothes, both comfy and warm. I'm not sure I would like to wear one myself. First, because I think only Clint Eastwood in his prime can look good in it and because I read somewhere that it's not really practical. Anyway, what are your thoughts on ponchos?
Mafalda, Manolito et l'argent
Wednesday 17 August 2022
A Lighthouse(?)
Le pommetier chez mes parents
Tuesday 16 August 2022
"Yellow warning of thunderstorms" (at last!)
Yesterday was the last day of a long heatwave, one of many we've had this year. Too many in fact. But now the temperatures have dropped significantly, it has rained regularly all day (not heavy rains, but still) and the BBC even gave a "Yellow warning of thunderstorms" for the area. We haven't had one yet, but I welcome it. I love storms, for one, and it is such a welcome change after the heated inferno of the last week. So bring on the storm.
Le Salon du Livre du SagLac, 2022
A new bookmark
"L'Abuseur de Séville"
Monday 15 August 2022
The Flying Scotsman Official Socks
Le Brochet empaillé
Sunday 14 August 2022
Wight Squirrel
La paella annuelle
Une fois par année durant l'été, mes parents invitent des amis pour un souper de paella. Celle paella-ci (ou cette paella-la?), avec homards, moules, crevettes, pleins d'autres trucs. Et du vin rouge pour aller avec. Une tradition commencée en 2007, ironiquement quand je vivais déjà en Angleterre. Alors je manque la paella chaque année.
Saturday 13 August 2022
I'm a Bookaholic
"Comme la BBC..."
L'un de mes oncles a préparé des retrouvailles familiales en ligne sur une plateforme spécialisée dans ce genre de choses. J'en dirai sans doutes plus dans les semaimes/mois qui viennent. Toujours est-il qu'il a demandé à ma mère (sa soeur) de lui fournir les emails de tous ses fils et, comme je fus le plus prompt à réagir (une minute à peine après que l'invitation ait été lancée), il a écrit que j'étais "toujours premier sur la nouvelle, comme la BBC". Ma famille élargie fait souvent grand cas de mon statut d'expatrié. Dans tous les cas, c'est je crois une nouvelle grande réplique inconnue.
Friday 12 August 2022
Books, bookshelves and personality
I recently read this article from Penguin Books about bookshelves organisation (or lack of) and what it says about your personality. I have come across similar articles in the past and mentioned my own way of organising my shelves in at least one post. For the record, it is mostly by genre, which according to Penguin means that I am cultured, interesting and know about a lot. Well, of course. I also do it by value, i.e. according to how much value specific books have to me. Which means among other things that I am a touch sentimental. Again, that is spot on. But let's not forget that on top of that and to complicate things, I use liberally the "stack n' pack" method, which is just piling one book onto another. I do this especially and specifically for new acquisitions. Which means I don't believe in too much order. That is also a bit true. So anyway, you now know about my bookshelves arrangement approaches. What about yours?
Coaching pour offensés
An Outlaw from Blackgang Chine
Le 12 août...
Je veux simplement souligner ic que le 12 août, ben c'est la journée pour acheter un livre québécois. Si vous le pouvez, bien entendu, ce qui n'est pas mon cas. Mais je le ferais bien si je le pouvais. J'avoue que même quand je suis au Québec, j'en achète peu, mais j'essaie de me rattraper dans la lecture.
Thursday 11 August 2022
A girl named Autumn
During our time in the Isle of Wight, we went to Amazon World, a rescue centre for exotic animals (we visited plenty during our holiday), which also has lots of special activities for kids. Wolfie loved it. Among them, there was a sand square with "dinosaur bones", where kid could make "fossil excavations". Wolfie played there for a while, alone but for a little blonde girl about his age, kind of tomboyish I think, who was very into excavations. They got on like a house on fire. They were very cute playing together and digging these bones like a team. I took the liberty to ask for her name and she said: "I'm Autumn". I looked at my wife, as if destiny had manifested itself: here might be Wolfie's future wife. No, I jest of course, but I think she has such a beautiful and that original name, for one, and hearing it reminded me of the season to come. I did not dare to give her mother, who was watching her, our contact details, just in case they don't live too far (you never know) and I feel like we might have missed an opportunity for the development of a beautiful friendship. (On a side note, it might remind you of a scene in a certain romcom, but more of that in another post, maybe.)