Tuesday 31 January 2017
Of trains and boys
This is yet another picture among the many I took at the National Railway Museum of York. A more modest picture, of a train model instead of a true, life size locomotive this museum is full of. I love to look at the pictures of our time in York but especially at the NRM. It struck me tonight that little Wolfie has yet to travel by train. It might be scary for him the first time, I wonder if he will have the same love for trains my father, my brothers and I have, and if he will see model trains such as this one as the coolest toys ever. In any case, I want our family to visit the National Railway Museum.
L'époque des massacres...
Vous connaissez le sujet de mon billet. Si je n'en ai pas parlé hier, c'est que c'était trop frais. Et afin de mettre fin à toute ambiguïté: mon billet d'hier avait été écrit dimanche. Je n'étais pas insensible. Je vais éviter de spéculer ici et de faire mon gérant d'estrade, sur les motivations de l'assassin notamment. Je vais simplement dire que je suis de tout coeur avec les victimes et leurs familles et que je suis dévasté et en colère de ce qui s'est produit. Et j'ai aussi je l'avoue un certain fatalisme: je crains que des cinglés sanguinaires, il y en aura d'autres au Québec. C'est l'époque: le fanatisme religieux a repris de l'ampleur, mais aussi avec lui le sectarisme et une forme particulièrement réactionnaire de racisme. Nous vivons dans l'époque des massacres et le Québec n'est pas à l'abri.
Monday 30 January 2017
Binge reading
I tend to buy books faster that I can read them, like many avid readers. However, back in the old days, when I was a young man, I used to have enough free time and no distractions to be able to read a lot, enough to actually exhaust the content of my bookshelves and need to rush to the nearest bookshop or public library and buy some more. Back in the days, the nearest were not so near, so it meant I had to walk a good deal. I am over all still an avid reader, but recently I have been reading at a snail's pace. It takes me a bit more than a month to read an average length novel. And I don't even read extra books like I used to. This needs to change, so I decided that it is time to binge read. Some people binge watch TV series and movie franchises, I will do like the good old days (very old days) and do some serious binge reading. And will report about it on Vraie Fiction. If I find the time.
La photo du mois et moi (et moi, et moi)
...Bon ben c'est juste pour dire que je songe sérieusement à me désinscrire: j'ai déjà peu de temps pour bloguer, enfin moins de temps, et celle de janvier a été très peu visitée, encore moins commentée. En plus, je n'ai pas vraiment le temps ou l'énergie pour visiter les blogues des autres participants ou de commenter. Il est trop tard pour me désinscrire pour février, alors je me donne jusqu'au 15 du mois qui vient pour me décider.
La photo du mois
Sunday 29 January 2017
The owls here
I took this picture of a barn owl at a birds of prey display in York. Long time readers of this blog know that I am fascinated by owls. I love them, for many reasons which I will not enumerate again. When we prepared for the arrival of little Wolfie, we decided to buy a lot of the necessities according to a woodland theme. So we have woodland themed car seat, pram, rocker, play gym, etc. And often, owls are featured in them. If the wolf is Wolfie's totem animal, the owl is his totem bird. Except for one thing: he does not have an owl plush toy yet. Which I intend to correct as soon as possible.
Mon Nouvel An chinois
C'était le Nouvel An chinois hier. J'aurais oublié, si ce n'était de deux détails: j'ai été informé par les notifications sur Facebook (pas que j'aie beaucoup d'amis chinois, mais j'en ai un ou deux et d'autres qui aiment la culture chinoise) et il y avait des feux d'artifice hier. Apparemment, m'a dit ma femme qui suit les nouvelles locales, les feux d'artifice étaient pour célébrer le Nouvel An chinois. C'est assez approprié, les feux d'artifice venant de Chine, si je ne me trompe pas. Il s'est résumé à ça pour moi, les feux d'artifice. Comme ce temps-ci de l'année est monotone, c'était bienvenue.
Saturday 28 January 2017
Unexpected visitors
We were planning to go downtown early in the afternoon today, when the doorbell rang. It was the Ticklers, who were bored at home and had decided to visit us... or, more precisely, they wanted to see little Wolfie. They stayed here most of the afternoon. We did not have the heart to kick them out and they were so very cute anyway. So we fed them, we showed them pictures of Wolfie, videos of Wolfie, they were shocked when they saw pictures of beers I took for this very blog (as it is against the rules in the Wolfie booklet), but we mainly let them be in awe with our son. It was unexpected and got us late in everything, yet it made our Saturday. Although we also had to text the mother of Blonde Tickler as she had no idea where her daughter and her friend were. I am actually surprised they gave us such visit so late since we moved into our new home back in July. They had promised to visit us lots. I guess now they might.
fin de semaine,
home sweet home,
Fèves au lard
Je ne pensais/voulais pas faire dans le billet de food porn de sitôt, mais mon père a récemment cuisiné des fèves au lard et il m'a envoyé des photos. Et puis? Et puis, ben c'est bon, des fèves au lard. Je dois pas en avoir mangé depuis une dizaine d'années environ. Le genre de repas traditionnel québécois qui se mange aussi bien au souper qu'au déjeuner. Ici en Angleterre, ils font cuire les bines dans la tomate et c'est vraiment pas très bon. Je l'ai appris à mes dépens lors de notre premier voyage en Angleterre. J'avais commis l'erreur de commander au restaurant de l'hôtel, en pensant que je les aurais au lard... L'horreur, l'horreur. Tout ça pour dire que j'en mangerais bien ces temps-ci.
comfort food,
fèves au lard,
Friday 27 January 2017
Celebrating Mozart
Today is the birthday of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. My favourite composer, bare none. For his operas mainly, I have to confess. I consider him the greatest opera composer ever, regardless of whatever else he wrote. I celebrate his anniversary every year, mainly by listening to the arias he composed. This year makes it very special, because I have been sharing my love of Mozart with my son. Little Wolfie started knowing Mozart from the cradle, if not the womb. Because the Mozart Effect might be pure urban legend, but why take a chance? So to mark the birthday on the blog, I will share tonight a bit of The Magic Flute, the duet between Papageno and Papagena, which happens to be Wolfie's favourite so far. The "Pa, pa, pa" makes him smile and laugh. A warning: Papagena looks a bit tarty in this one, but Papageno is sang by Simon Keenlyside and I like him.
La flûte enchantée,
Le Petit Ménestrel,
Simon Keenlyside,
The Magic Flute
Question existentielle (298)
C'est l'anniversaire de Mozart aujourd'hui et je blogue donc sur le sujet. Ce sera mon premier billet ce soir sur lui. Cette question existentielle a été inspirée de mon frère PJ qui l'a posée sur facebook il y a quelques semaines:
-Quelle est la plus grande pièce composée par Mozart?
-Quelle est la plus grande pièce composée par Mozart?
existential question,
question existentielle
Wednesday 25 January 2017
Buck Rarebit
Here is a little food porn post, just for the sake of it. When my parents came to visit, I made them discover the Welsh rarebit, the classic British comfort food that I love so much and that I often crave these days. If they ever had prejudice against food on this part of the world, they don't have it anymore. But anyway, it struck me that what I truly prefer is the variant of the recipe that adds an egg on top of it, called a buck rarebit (and which I blogged about here). For practical and greedy reasons: the egg adds some extra proteins, for one, but also it gives the rarebit far more flavour, especially with a warm runny yolk. So the buck rarebit is now my dish of predilection when I want to order a quick lunch in a restaurant or a café.
comfort food,
Welsh rarebit
Un bon feu de foyer...
Photo prise dans le Derbyshire, je les regardais hier et ça m'a fait penser que ça fait très longtemps que je n'ai pas profité d'un bon feu de foyer de soir d'hiver. Ou à n'importe quel moment de l'année en fait. Il y avait peut-être un foyer dans notre maison, enfin il y a un espace qui pourrait ressembler à ça, mais si c'est le cas il a été reconverti. J'envie beaucoup les amis de ma femme qui possèdent celui sur la photo. Non seulement ils vivent dans la campagne anglaise dans le Nord (ou presque, le Derbyshire n'est pas tout à fait le Nord), mais ils ont un authentique foyer pour faire un feu. Petite note de fierté familiale: mes parents en ont deux et ils sont pas mal plus impressionnants.
Monday 23 January 2017
In time to see the otters
Sometimes one gets lucky: I just finished watching this year's first episode of BBC's British wildlife program Winterwatch. I nearly missed it. I was doing some house chores when my wife told me she just saw on the TV schedule that it was. So I tuned in. it was way into it and I only half watched it, as I often do as house chores have to be done, but all the same, I had time to see the otters. I love otters, they are one of my favourite wild animals here in the UK. I don't think they are the star of this particular show (they are featured more in Springwatch and Autumnwatch), but it's nice to see these little fellas all the same. (Side note: I took this picture in Derbyshire in an otter and owl sanctuary, as I thought it would fit this post's topic.)
Royaume Uni,
Ils mettent vraiment n'importe quoi...
...dans la saucisse. Non sérieusement. Vous avez vu cette photo d'un paquet de saucissons allemands? C'est fait à 100% de pute. Il faut le voir pour le croire.Et pas rien que de la pute ordinaire, de la Reine Pute. Elle devait connaître son métier. Enfin, bon, trève de plaisanterie: Pute en allemand veut dire dinde. Ça ne s'invente pas. Mais un ami a mis cette phot sur Facebook et j'ai trouvé ça tellement tordant que j'ai décidé de la partager ici. C'est lundi, il faut bien trouver des excuses pour rire un peu. Et je crois que la blague du lundi est en train de devenir une tradition sur ce blogue.
Sunday 22 January 2017
Farewell to the local Irish pub
Well, here is another piece of bad news I have learned recently: the local Irish pub will soon close. It will be replaced by... yet another gastropub. That truly sucks. Where am I supposed to truly enjoy a pint of Guinness now? More importantly: where am I supposed to celebrate St-Patrick's Day now? It was THE place to be on that day, full of genuine atmosphere and so warm and welcoming. In fact, it was truly Irish in that way, it was a warm and welcoming pub any other day too. Oh and the many memorabilias that made it so unique (and example here). I feel like we really lost a great gathering place.
La meute des petits loups
Je ne sais pas si c'est à cause du personnage de P'tit Loup, lequel semble très populaire dans le monde francophone, ou si c'est parce que je donne à mon fils le surnom de petit loup, toujours est-il qu'au moins deux de mes amies sur Facebook en sont maintenant à appeler leur fils petit loup. Je n'avais pas remarqué avant d'être père. J'ai l'impression que je leur ai donné l'idée, ou alors il se peut que j'aie subconsciemment été influencé par elles. Pour ce qui est de P'tit Loup lui même (et non pas notre petit loup), il a ses entrées ici: notre fils a reçu un livre P'tit Loup de ses grands-parents paternels et le toutou ci-joint a fait un malheur lors du shower de bébé de l'amie de ma femme.
Saturday 21 January 2017
A quote from The Manchurian Candidate
This is probably (I hope anyway) the last time I am going to blog about American politics, real and imagined, for a while. Out of masochism or for cathartic reasons, I am reading at the moment The Manchurian Candidate. You probably know (like me) one of the two films that have been made out of the novel. I have seen both, the first one is by far the best and a true classic (in fact the second one is pretty rubbish in comparison). Anyway, I try not to label any work of fiction prophetic, as it often a stupid and inaccurate label: writers are not prophet neither do they tend to be. But there are things in there that are borderline identical to what we are seeing right now in the US. And among the many quotes that have been haunting me since I started reading, this one struck a chord:
"Johnny was doing great. From a semi-hangdog country governor, Raymond's mother said, utterly unknown outside domestic politics on a state level in 1956, he had transformed himself into a global figure in 1957. He had a lot going for him beyond Raymond's mother. His very looks: that meaty nose, the nearly total absence of forehead, the perpetual unshavenness, the piggish eyes, red from being dipped in bourbon, the sickeningly monotonous voice, whining and grating-all of it together made of Johnny one of the greatest demagogues in American history, even if, as Raymond's mother often said to friends, he was essential a lighthearted and unserious one. Nonetheless, her Johnny had become the only American in the country's history of political villains, studding folk song and story, to inspire concomitant fear and hatred in foreigners, resident in their native countries. he blew his nose in the Constitution, he thumbed his nose at the party system or any version of governmental chain of command. He personally charted the zigs and zags of American foreign policy at a time when the American foreign policy was a monstrously heavy weight upon world history. To the people of Iceland, Peru, France, and Pitcairn Island the label of Iselism stood for anything and everything that was dirty, backward, ignorant, repressive, offensive, antiprogressive, or rotten, and all of those adjectives must ultimately be seen as sincere tributes to any demagogues of any country on any planet."
Does it remind you of anyone? Last time they visited us, the Ticklers saw the book and told me reproachfully(as they don't want Wolfie to hear scary stories) that it looked like a scary book. They have no idea how right they are. It is absolutely chilling.
"Johnny was doing great. From a semi-hangdog country governor, Raymond's mother said, utterly unknown outside domestic politics on a state level in 1956, he had transformed himself into a global figure in 1957. He had a lot going for him beyond Raymond's mother. His very looks: that meaty nose, the nearly total absence of forehead, the perpetual unshavenness, the piggish eyes, red from being dipped in bourbon, the sickeningly monotonous voice, whining and grating-all of it together made of Johnny one of the greatest demagogues in American history, even if, as Raymond's mother often said to friends, he was essential a lighthearted and unserious one. Nonetheless, her Johnny had become the only American in the country's history of political villains, studding folk song and story, to inspire concomitant fear and hatred in foreigners, resident in their native countries. he blew his nose in the Constitution, he thumbed his nose at the party system or any version of governmental chain of command. He personally charted the zigs and zags of American foreign policy at a time when the American foreign policy was a monstrously heavy weight upon world history. To the people of Iceland, Peru, France, and Pitcairn Island the label of Iselism stood for anything and everything that was dirty, backward, ignorant, repressive, offensive, antiprogressive, or rotten, and all of those adjectives must ultimately be seen as sincere tributes to any demagogues of any country on any planet."
Does it remind you of anyone? Last time they visited us, the Ticklers saw the book and told me reproachfully(as they don't want Wolfie to hear scary stories) that it looked like a scary book. They have no idea how right they are. It is absolutely chilling.
Donald Trump,
Richard Condon,
spy fiction,
The Manchurian Candidate,
C'est le Schtroumpf, Schtroumpf, Schtroumpf...
Ceci est un billet à la fois nostalgique et aussi de ma nouvelle existence de père. Des Schtroumpfs, j'ai tout d'abord connu la musique du film adapté de la bande dessinée La flûte à Six Schtroumpfs. Vous dire que j'ai aimé... C'était l'une de mes musiques préférées. Puis j'ai vu le film et enfin j'ai lu les albums des Schtroumpfs, puis finalement l'album des aventures de Johan et Pirlouit qui les avait vu apparaître pour la première fois. Je n'y suis guère revenu, mais j'ai toujours eu un gros, gros faible pour le film et sa musique.Tout ça pour dire que j'ai récemment décidé de réécouter ça sur YouTube et faire découvrir les chansons à mon fils. Il a adoré, particulièrement l'Hymne au travail, qui le fait immanquablement rire. Ce n'est pas la seule fois qu'il rit aux éclats en écoutant une chanson, mais ça marche à tous les coups avec celle-ci. Alors j'ai décidé de la télécharger sur le blogue, rien que parce que. Ça fait des années que je n'ai pas vy le film ou lu la bande dessinée, je crois que je devrais m'y remettre.
Friday 20 January 2017
A filthy joke to cheer you up
I know some of you must be feeling down about today. So I thought I would share a joke that might cheer you up. At work, near the end of the day, one of my colleagues said that the preacher who talked during Donald Trump's inauguration ceremony said that the rain falling was God's action, a manifestation of the Almighty blessing the new administration, or some such thing. I then said: "Well, I am no theologian, but surely not unless it's golden rain."
And that's it. I have no idea of how accurate the words were, or indeed if the rumor about Trump's ahem, particular tastes are true, but nevertheless, this filthy joke deserves to be a great unknown line. And I have no remorse whatsoever. The new POTUS is a very, very little man and deserves any filth we can throw at him.
And that's it. I have no idea of how accurate the words were, or indeed if the rumor about Trump's ahem, particular tastes are true, but nevertheless, this filthy joke deserves to be a great unknown line. And I have no remorse whatsoever. The new POTUS is a very, very little man and deserves any filth we can throw at him.
Donald Trump,
grandes répliques inconnues,
great unknown lines,
Faim de pâtés à la viande
Petit billet de food porn ce soir, rien que parce que ça me tente parfois. Tout ça pour dire que j'ai faim de pâtés à la viande. Ça me prend parfois aussi. Peut-être que c'est parce que janvier est un temps propice à manger des pâtés à la viande: c'est un mois misérable et glauque qui pousse à la mélancolie (et une mélamcolie déplaisante). Manger ça sorti chaud du four, ça remonterait le moral. Aujourd'hui, je crois que bien des gens en auraient besoin...
comfort food,
pâté à la viande,
pork pie
Wednesday 18 January 2017
The Tea Explorer
I was recently blogging about the exotic nature of tea. Well, it seems that David's Tea was thinking the same thing, because the recently launched their feel good collection which has among them a package called the tea explorer. That would fit exactly my state of mind. I know you cannot judge a tea by its box, but the camel and the Middle Eastern colours just make me want to try them and make my mind travel to faraway places. In the dreary, gloomy weeks and months ahead, I could do with a healthy dose of feel good drinking and a bit of exoticism. With some of their new tea mugs, because they look so darn cool and we have plenty of room in their cupboards for them. How I wish they had shops here!
Trouver le temps...
Vous avez sans doute remarqué que je blogue beaucoup moins depuis que je suis père. Ça tombe sous le sens: les activités virtuelles prennent le bord, sauf le Facetime ou le Skype avec la famille. Cela dit, j'essaie de suivre le conseil de ma cousine l'artiste-photographe qui est elle nouvelle maman depuis avril et qui m'a dit de trouver du temps pour moi. Ce qui comprend Vraie Fiction. Ma femme me conseille de transformer mon blogue en blogue parental, je n'irais pas jusque là. Sauf qu'évidemment les sujets tournent souvent autour du petit loup. Mais je vais tenter de garder une diversité de sujets sur le blogue. Et de trouver le temps, mais surtout l'énergie, de maintenir Vraie Fiction actif.
Monday 16 January 2017
Joey Jo-Jo Junior Shabadoo
It's Monday for everyone, the lousiest day of the week and I usually try to cheer my readers up on a Monday with a joke or two. This one is from The Simpsons, back when they were funny. It is from The Last Temptation of Homer if you want the context, but you don't need the context. The joke stands on its own as a brilliant piece of absurd humour. And I feel sorry for Joey Jo-Jo Junior Shabadoo, but he does have a peculiar name.
The Simpsons,
tv series
Question existentielle (297)
Il fallait bien que je la pose un jour et je sais que ça va paraître désespéré, mais bon:
-Y a-t-il une bonne raison d'aimer janvier?
-Y a-t-il une bonne raison d'aimer janvier?
existential question,
question existentielle
Sunday 15 January 2017
Muddy Times
This is a trivial post, in spite of its title I am not blogging about the controversies of Western democracies. Something one must remember about England: it rains a lot and its relatively mild weather means it rains even more when it should be snowing. Which means that this island seems sometimes to be made of mud. We walked into town with a cousin of my wife and her two children today. When we were back, our shoes and boots were all muddy. Including my beautiful Pajar boots. Yesterday, during our walk in the park with the kids of our friends, the children were literally covered in mud, from feet to the forehead. I know my Pajars can take that kind of weather, all the same, I will clean them thoroughly as soon as I find time. Moral of the story: for the Norse Hell was made of ice, for the Hebrew it was made of fire, but people living here must know that Hell must be wet and muddy.
La photo du mois de janvier
C'est encore le temps de la photo du mois. Celle-ci a été prise à York (encore une fois). Je ne sais ni si ça compte comme du "street art" (le thème du mois, choisi par Who Cares?), ni de quel pub il s'agit, mais ça devrait faire l'affaire. C'est ma photo la plus appropriée en tout cas. Essayez d'identifier toutes les célébrités, vraies ou fictives.
Et pour les autres rues, c'est par là:
A chaque jour sa photo, Akaieric, Alban, Alexinparis, Angélique, Aude, Autour de Cia, BiGBuGS, Blogoth67, Brindille, Calamonique, Carole en Australie, Chat bleu, Chiffons and Co, Chloé, Christophe, Cécile, CécileP, Céline in Paris, Danièle.B, DelphineF, Dr. CaSo, E, El Padawan, Escribouillages, Estelle, Eurydice, Evasion Conseil, François le Niçois, Frédéric, Gilsoub, Gine, Giselle 43, J'habite à Waterford, Je suis partie voyager, Jess_TravelPicsAndTips, Josette, Josiane, Julie, Kellya, Kenza, KK-huète En Bretannie, Koalisa, Krn, La Fille de l'Air, La Tribu de Chacha, Lair_co, Lau* des montagnes, Laurent Nicolas, Lavandine, Lavandine83, Lilousoleil, Luckasetmoi, Lyonelk, magda627, Mamysoren, MauriceMonAmour, Mirovinben, Morgane Byloos Photography, Nanouk, Nicky, Noz & 'Lo, Pat, Paul Marguerite, Philae, Philisine Cave, Pilisi, Renepaulhenry, Sinuaisons, Sous mon arbre, Sweets Mix, Tambour Major, The Beauty is in the Walking, Tuxana, Who cares?, Wolverine, Xoliv', écri'turbulente, ÔBD.
Saturday 14 January 2017
A circle of friends
Something I noticed with becoming a parent is that it changes your circle of friends or at least your relationship with them: you lose contact with some people and your bond with others is tightened, because you share parenthood. Our family experienced it today when we visited some uni friends of my wife for a baby shower. For the future mummy (I say future but she already has two children) it was the very first time she was meeting little Wolfie. It was lovely catching up and of course Wolfie was very popular. He made every woman very broody (he usually does that), even when he was being cranky (when our son is upset he twists his bottom lip and it makes your heart melt). We may not be exactly at the same step of our journey as parents, but sharing this status really gives us a sense of belonging. At least we never get short of subjects of conversation!
Là où sont les neiges
Friday 13 January 2017
Of beers and curries
I do not follow this British Friday tradition religiously, but sometimes we do have as our Friday meal a curry. This was the case tonight. I just poured some cheap curry sauce in a pan with Quorn chicken (my wife being vegetarian) and some vegs. I like making curries as they are dead easy for the lazy chef (like myself). But cheap and easy curry or not, having a curry it means I had to accompany it with a proper beer: something that fits a curry but that actually has flavour. In Indian restaurants, all they seem to offer is overpriced lagers. So instead, I had this beer from Mark & Spencer. It is a pale ale, but the kind of beer that goes with a curry, or so they say. It was an ok beer, easy to drink and all. But I hope I can find a darker ale that would suit spicy food next time. Well, at least it was not a lager.
comfort food,
Marks and Spencer,
real ales,
Un chat noir pour ce vendredi 13
Les chats noirs ont une mauvaise réputation, à tout temps de l'année, mais surtout un vendredi 13 comme aujourd'hui. Ce qui m'attriste beaucoup, parce que j'aime les félins en général et les chats noirs en particulier. Je fais peut-être de la projection, mais j'aime leur nonchalance. Ils ont l'air de petites panthères. Alors je télécharge ici une photo prise à Café Venosa, mon café préféré de Montréal, justement parce que c'est aussi un refuge/centre d'adoption pour chats. Je ne me rappelle plus le nom de celui-ci, je ne sais même pas s'ils l'ont encore, mais il est pas mal beau.
Café Venosa,
Friday 13th,
Plateau Mont-Royal,
Vendredi 13
They call that a blizzard...
No seriously. Don't laugh. There is a severe weather warning going on right now. They say a blizzard is taking over the UK. It snowed yesterday evening, some wet, sloshy snow, then today again. No accumulation. But anyway, there is still this severe weather warning. So they call this a blizzard. I know, we are Friday the 13th, so I better not tempt fate. Things may change until the end of the day, we are early in the afternoon, but so far this is the blizzard they are warning us about.
Friday 13th,
Vendredi 13,
Superstition du vendredi 13
Nous sommes un vendredi 13, au cas où vous ne l'aviez pas remarqué. En ce moment, un plombier s'affaire à réparer notre douche, mais il manque une pièce à ce qu'il a commandé, alors il va devoir vérifier dans son atelier s'il a le morceau manquant en réserve. Si ce n'est pas le cas, on devra se passer de douche pour encore quelques jours. Et en attendant qu'il ait trouvé (ou non) la pièce on n'a pas l'eau. Si j'étais superstitieux, je dirais que nous n'avons pas choisi notre journée pour faire venir le plombier.
Thursday 12 January 2017
Return to Krav Maga
I was back to Krav Maga yesterday, the second training session I have been to since I am a father and the very first one in the new year. It was great to be back. I was rusty, but happily surprised that I remembered the techniques and still had fairly decent reflexes. I got a bit of pain and I can still feel my muscles aching today, but no bruises. And I am almost disappointed that I have none. I don't know when I will be training next time, so I treasured every moment of yesterday evening.
Il neige (!)
Ĵ'arrive à peine à y croire: au moment où j'écris ces lignes, il neige dehors, depuis une heure environ. De la neige fondante, mouilleuse, dégueulasse, bien sloshe, mais c'est néanmoins bien de la neige. Il fait trop sombre et c'est trop laitte pour prendre une photo, mais voilà, il neige. C'est déjà ça de pris, même si j'aurais préféré que ça arrive plus tôt en hiver. Si jamais il y a accumulation au sol, je vous tiens au courant.
Wednesday 11 January 2017
Scary Bear
You can see this stuffed bear at the Natural History Museum, which has a collection of old stuffed animals like this one. Like many products of taxidermy, this bear (a grizzly?) is striking a dramatic pose, looking very threatening and downright nasty. I have to confess, I have a soft spot for such display, even though it gives bears (in this instance) a bad rep. I mean, they diet consists mainly of berries for crying out loud! It is true however that bears are not the cuddly soft toys that children (and sometimes adults) love. They can be vicious attackers when provoked, hungry or scared. So this bear may have struck such a pose in real life, but somehow I doubt it. And now he is stuck with it. Still, I love this scary bear and I love him because he is menacing. I'd give him a hug if I could.
Natural History Museum,
teddy bear
Un (une?) pic
Allons-y ce soir d'une photo de saison, parce qu'il faut bien se rappeler que c'est l'hiver. Mon père m'a envoyé cette photo récemment d'un pic chevelu femelle. Rien à dire de cette photo, sauf qu'elle est jolie et hivernale et que c'est une raison comme une autre pour la télécharger sur Vraie Fiction.
Tuesday 10 January 2017
Hipsters explained
As the friends of my brother Andrew know, he hates hipsters. I never quite understood the definition of hipsters and what concretely a hipster would look like or behave, all I knew is that the name itself sounded utterly irritating. That is, until I found out The Ladybird Book of The Hipster, which explains in simple terms, with illustrations, what are hipsters and what they do. I now understand and share the contempt. In fact, I loved the book so much that I bought it for my brother as a present last year. There are many fascinating Ladybird Books, which are just as educational. I bought one for my wife as well (I let you guess which one until I blog about it). I have seen them at the local bookshop, so I will buy a few titles. As for hipsters, read this and laugh at them.
La tourtière de la famille
Oui, je sais, je reviens souvent sur notre glorieux plat régional, mais cela fait plus d'un an que je n'en ai pas mangé, alors ça me travaille pas mal. Cette tourtière date de... janvier 2012. Je n'y ai même pas goûté, c'est une photo que mon frère PJ a prise. Outre le pur plaisir de faire de la food porn, c'est aussi par fierté familiale que je blogue encore une fois sur l'authentique tourtière (la seule, la vraie). Parce que c'est pas pour vanter les talents culinaires de ma famille (je n'en ai à peu près aucun, personnellement), mais je n'ai pas encore trouvé une tourtière qui soit meilleure que celle de ma mère. Nulle part. Pas chez des amis, de la famille. Souvent elle était trop salée, à d'autres moments trop fade, trop composée de viandes blanches au point de ressembler à un pâté au poulet géant. Je ne suis d'ailleurs pas le seul à penser ainsi: bien du monde se sont invités à nos soupers tourtière, certains membres de notre famille ont même supplié ma mère de leur en faire à cause d'expériences décevantes ailleurs. Morale de l'histoire: ma famille est profondément saguenéenne.
comfort food,
Monday 9 January 2017
A fancy tea set
I saw this at the window of the local Italian shop, of all places. It is a fancy tea set from China or Japan or elsewhere in the Far East, I have no idea. And I was in a rush when I took the picture so I did not take time to ask the shopkeeper where it was from. Or its price. All the same, I love it. From Italy to the East, I felt like a modern Marco Polo just looking at it. I would love to have such a tea set, because I love the idea of tea drinking rituals (see my post here) using posh tea cups. And don't get me wrong: I am a borderline Philistine when it comes to tea. I would just like to be a bit sophisticated drinking it from time to time.
Monsieur Bouteille...
Il fut un temps où, dans les années 90, les lundis soirs québécois étaient ceux de Taquinons la Planète. Les Bleu Poudre étaient génials dans l'humour absurde et parfois dans les calembours atroces, comme celui-ci, proféré par Monsieur Bouteille. J'ai le jingle de Monsieur Bouteille en tête depuis une semaine, j'ai chercé sur YouTube pour me rappeler de ce qu'il en retourne et je partage donc ma redécouverte ici. Avouez que c'est vraiment atroce et malgré cela hilarant.
Les Bleu Poudre,
Québec tv,
Taquinons la Planète,
téléséries québécoises,
word play
Burglary alert
Now for something to be worried and especially vigilant about. My wife has a friend/acquaintance, a new mum like her, who lives a few streets away from ours. They recently were broken into when they went out for a walk. That gave us a little chill. We knew already that there had been a rise in burglaries in the neighborhood (my wife reading lots of local news) and we had noticed more police cars patrolling during our own walks. Thankfully for my her friend and her family, they stole nothing, probably hearing them coming back. Crime fiction (a literary genre I am very fond of) often makes burglary something glamorous, with gentleman thieves, but the reality is something far scarier and far more unpleasant. All loss of valuables aside, it is the feeling of being violated in the intimacy of our home which I fear. So I will keep my eyes and ears open.
crime fiction,
home sweet home,
littérature policière,
L'ourson polaire
Vous ne voyez pas celui qui le porte, mais ceci est un ours polaire qui se trouve sur l'un des habits de mon fils. C'est je crois notre vêtement préféré parmi tous ceux qu'il peut porter en ce moment. Ma femme trouve que j'ai beau l'appeler petit loup, il est à bien des égard un petit nounours. Je l'appelle quand même petit loup, mais il est vrai que l'ours, surtout l'ours polaire, est peut-être plus emblématique de ses origines québécoises.
Sunday 8 January 2017
Enforcing prohibition
You might remember that the Ticklers have written the Wolfie Booklet, basically a book of rules about parenting regarding our little wolf cub. Rule number five strictly forbids the consumption of alcohol until our son leaves home. Well, yesterday, we had the Ticklers coming with the parents of Blonde Tickler for dinner. The dad had brought some bottles of Budweiser, which I probably hadn't drink since my early twenties (I am NOT a drinker of American lager). All the same, you don't refuse a beer, so I had one, but it scandalized the Ticklers, who started acting like conspirators for the whole evening. I only discovered this morning why: they had hidden every bottle of alcohol they could find (the one Budweiser beer left and two bottles of wine) by the door leading to the garden. I had to take a picture.
Nevertheless, they enjoyed their evening and our company: they even locked themselves in the bathroom at some point because they wanted to spend the night here. I guess then every single bottle of booze we have would have been carefully hidden somewhere where I cannot find them. What can I say? They are SO naughty, but I adore them.
Nevertheless, they enjoyed their evening and our company: they even locked themselves in the bathroom at some point because they wanted to spend the night here. I guess then every single bottle of booze we have would have been carefully hidden somewhere where I cannot find them. What can I say? They are SO naughty, but I adore them.
Les résolutions du Nouvel An
Ce billet pourrait être intitulé: les niaiseries que l'on retrouve sur Facebook. Cela dit, ce meme m'a fait beaucoup rire, alors je le partage sur Vraie Fiction. remarquez le féminin à "attentionnée", ce qui veut dire que c'est une femme qui a écrit cette liste de résolution... et sans doute le meme. Avouons-le, des résolutions, les hommes comme moi n'en font guère. Voir cet autre gag. Mais quand j'en fais, ça ressemble un peu à ça.
N'importe quoi,
New Year,
nouvel an,
Saturday 7 January 2017
Hungry like Wolfie
One little anecdote about Wolfie I have not told on this blog. A few days after he was born, one of the nurses who was monitoring him and his milk intakes told us: "Your son has the stomach of a 40 year old man downing pints at the pub on a Friday night. In 15 years in the NHS, I have never seen anything like this." We thought it was hilarious and very true. Wolfie downs milk like grownups down drinks. And I thought it deserved to be put on this blog as a great unknown line.
Tire-bouchons et calembours atroces
Mon petit frère PJ a un tire-bouchon Laguiole qui est son orgueuil. Il a récemment inscrit sur sa page Facebook: "RIP petit tire-bouchon pas cher. Je devrai me contenter de mon Laguiole." C'est un tantinet snob, alors je lui ai écrit: "Ah, ta guiole!" C'est un calembour tellement atroce que je devais le partager ici.
Thursday 5 January 2017
Craving a Welsh rarebit
The Ticklers would think again that I am food obsessed and I guess they would be right. All the same, these days it is cold and nasty outside and it puts me in the mood for some hearty food and I am really, really, really hungry for a Welsh rarebit. This one I had in October, I think the last one I ate was in November, always at the same local café. I am food obsessed and a man of habit. And I thought I might share my obsession on this blog tonight.
comfort food,
Welsh rarebit
Des vacances de janvier
Bon ça devient une habitude/tradition chaque année, je ne sais pas trop pourquoi, c'est involontaire, mais je vais encore une fois avoir des vacances en janvier. Des vacances relativement courtes d'une semaine. Ça adonne comme ça, il me restait, me reste encore beaucoup de jours de congé à prendre et peu de temps pour le faire. Je serai donc en vacance bientôt. C'est une assez bonne chose, dans un certain sens: je n'aime peut-être pas janvier, mais au moins j'aurai du temps libre pour combattre la mélancolie qui me prend chaque année ce mois-ci.
Wednesday 4 January 2017
About grandparents
My mother said something very sweet yesterday about being a grandparent. She was discussing it with a friend of hers who is also a new grandmother and mum came up with this saying: "Having grandchildren is a consolation for reaching old age." It is bittersweet, but it is sweet nevertheless and I thought I would share this new great unknown line with you.
La nuit dans le brouillard...
J'ai pris cette photo il y a quelques jours. La semaine dernière, il y a eu plein de brouillard, la nuit comme le jour, c'était épais comme de la soupe. Un brouillard typiquement anglais. On n'a pas de neige, mais tout de même, ce pays ne manque pas d'atmosphère.
Monday 2 January 2017
Countdown to...?
Since the beginning of January, a month I never liked, I am wondering what will be the next countdown on this blog. Usually, it is fairly easy: I write a countdown to Halloween, to Christmas, to autumn, last year there was also a countdown to fatherhood. Countdowns are useful when one wants to keep inspiration to blog. In fact, if it was not for lack of time (and energy), certain times of the year I would blog far more than I can. But come January, I am out of inspiration and there is so little to look forward to until a very long time. I could turn Vraie Fiction into a blog on Wolfie, but I want to keep it diverse. Variety is the spice of life, and all that. So what could be the next blogging countdown?
Des pommes et de la neige
C'est mon père qui a pris cette photo il y a quelques jours. Je me demandais quelle serait ma première "vraie" photo de 2017 à publier sur Vraie Fiction et je voulais qu'elle soit saisonnière. Ce n'est pas la première nature morte avec des pommes et de la neige que je publie sur mon blogue, alors ce n'est pas une photo particulièrement inusitée, mais c'est tout de même à la fois circonstanciel et joli et ce sont des raisons suffisantes pour partager la photo. Surtout que c'est pas mal plus hivernal que ce que je vois ici, même quand il fait froid.
Calvin's wisdom about New Year's resolutions
I have not blogged about Calvin & Hobbes for a while and thought as we are already the second day of the new year, I would share this one. I am not a big fan of New Years, if that makes sense, or the whole celebrations and traditions related to them, for a number of reasons which may be for another post (probably around 2018). Let's just say for now that I always hated new years resolutions, looking back on them even more, so I absolutely adore what Calvin says here. And the expressions of Hobbes is priceless.
Bill Watterson,
Calvin and Hobbes,
New Year,
nouvel an,
Question existentielle (296)
C'est une question qui m'est venue en tête avec la relecture de ce billet qui date de l'année dernière (déjà l'année dernière, pourrais-je dire):
-Dans les souhaits du nouvel an, lequel vous irrite le plus?
-Dans les souhaits du nouvel an, lequel vous irrite le plus?
Sunday 1 January 2017
Auld Lang Syne
Happy new year everyone! I thought I would start 2017 on this blog in music and with a British tradition. You will of course recognize Auld Lang Syne. It is not midnight anymore here, but there you go... So have a happy 2017 again and enjoy the day.
Auld Lang Syne,
New Year,
nouvel an,
Robert Burns,
Royaume Uni,
La nouvelle année selon Mafalda
Tout d'abord, bonne année 2017 à tous mes lecteurs! Pour commencer l'année, une perle de sagesse enfantine de Mafalda. C'est en espagnol, mais je crois qu'on peut tous comprendre. 2016 a été une assez mauvaise année pour l'humanité (pour moi, c'était d'un point de vue personnel une grande année). Mais pour tous, si on veut une bonne année 2017, il faut que nous soyons de meilleures personnes que l'année dernière. Je le tiens, je le répète, je le maintiens: Mafalda siempre!
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