I am not certain, but this post is either profound or trivial. Or maybe both. I am certain everybody knows it, but 2012 is a leap year. Which means that tomorrow is the 29 of February. I started my blog four years ago, on the 25th of February to be precise. This was also a leap year, which I didn't even notice at the time. I blogged something about British beers which I thought was smart and witty. It was one of my first attempts at being smart and witty, now I am not sure it worked very well.
But anyway, it means that my blog was born in February, on a leap year, a day of unemployment where I couldn't find anything better to do. For me February was never associated with anything, I never thought little of the month. Now it is associated with something that takes a lot of my time and creative energy (too much sometimes, if you see me blogging less it is because I try to channel it differently). And the leap year, which I barely notice (in 2008 I didn't even blog about it), is also associated with this blog. Or rather: I associate it with this blog. I must remember anyway.
This Should Work
1 week ago