Tuesday 14 February 2012

My New Memento Mori

You remember that recently I received for free some anti-wrinkle cream? Just to remind me that I was not getting any younger, they even had the nerve to say "more and more men buy these products you know", just to get me in a foul mood. Well I decided to change this stupid promotional gift into a Memento Mori. Sure, it is not nearly as dramatic or poetic as this classic Memento Mori (artists in Ancient Rome sure knew how to create striking images), it is actually stupidly mundane, but it should do. I can look at it, or even pour some around my eyes, repeating to myself in the mirror: "Remember O foolish mortal man, ashes to ashes, dust to dust" in a gloomy voice.


Cynthia said...

Love the mosaic tiles on the wall!

suzanne said...

Hahaha! Good luck with that. I sometimes think anti-wrinkle creams and really pro-wrinkle creams, designed to keep people buying more and more . . .