During my last time in Chicoutimi, I saw my godson and his sister, first an evening at their home, then in my parents's place, where we had tourtière. The first evening, I helped the children do their homework. The girl had to do a bit of research about the sun and she had to write something about Icarus and Daedalus. The tourtière night, after supper, I showed her a book of Greek mythology (this one). She asked me to read her a story. Then two. I read the story of Orpheus in the Hades and then the one of Prometheus followed by Pandora. So two stories and a half, in a way. My godson fell asleep lying on my shoulder, but his older sister listened until the end and she was fascinated.
I was really into Greek mythology as a child, and I was happily surprised to see that it still holds a strong appeal to young children. I don't know why, but this little event made my evening and it also gives me hope for the future.
Sorry....still in shock
6 hours ago
A lovely and inspiring post, there is hope.
Ç'a fait aussi ma soirée. Depuis que t'as eu Dieux, 3 héros grecs... euh je veux dire, Dieux et héros grecs, et qu'on a écouté Le Choc des titans, on a tous trippé mythologie, grecque d'abord et bien d'autres ensuite, particulièrement celle viking, et un peu l'égyptienne. Quelques millénaires plus tard, ça fascine toujours.
J'ai adoré mes cours de latin pour ça! on faisait un peu de mythologie grecque et ensuite beaucoup de romaine!
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