Every week, Wolfie has forest school. On this occasion, he must wear warm clothes, water-proof trousers and boots. Which he does. So every week, he comes back with muddy boots. And I mean very muddy boots. The same thing happened last weekend, when we went for a walk in the nearby boots. We all walked back with muddy boots, but Wolfie's looked like they had been taken through a swamp. So recently my life has been about getting rid of the mud under his boots. Moral of the story: that's part of a dad's life.
Tuesday 31 January 2023
Muddy boots
Nous avons reçu une invitation à un mariage aujourd'hui. Une amie de ma femme se marie dans quelques mois. Je crois que la dernière invitation reçue pour un mariage date d'une dizaine d'années, sinon plus. Sur l'invitation, ils ont épellé mon nom "Guilliame". Nous allons sans doute l'accepter quand même, je sais que ce n'est pas méchant, mais je trouve que c'est quand même un peu nono.
January staycation
I have forgotten to mention it, but the last three working days of January, including of course today, I have been on holiday. I had to take leave before the end of the month, so I quickly booked them. Which means that I have been on holiday quite a lot in January, as I also took the first week off. Since Wolfie is at school, we haven't done anything special, but that is all right, I think January is not for exhausting activities anyway, if one can avoid it. I had done the same thing in 2022 and had enjoyed it a lot. So yes, in sum, I am starting to think that January is a fine month for taking short holidays, as long as they are staycations.
Le cégep de Chicoutimi en hiver
Monday 30 January 2023
Dunk Low: Montreal Bagel
Perdrix sur la neige
Sunday 29 January 2023
Of the usefulness of torches
You may remember that back in 2021, I received a torch as a birthday present. It is actually something I had asked for a number of reasons. I really loved the torch my wife bought me, it turned out to be one of the coolest and most useful presents I had in recent years. But near the end of 2022, for some mysterious reason, the torch completely fell apart: the button could not be pressed and it stopped working. Maybe because I had used it so much. It turned out that I had become dependent on my torch: I used it in the to take the bins out when it got late, I kept it on me when I had to walk at night, or even in the house to find something in a dark cupboard. It is crazy how useful a torch is, once you get used to it. So I asked for another torch as a Christmas present. My wife bought me two. The same model as the one before. I hope they lasts longer.
Le bois, les bûches
"Air Patrol"
Un gorille
Saturday 28 January 2023
Chocolate cake and ganache
Le quêteux (santon)
Friday 27 January 2023
Mozart and his birthday
Edmonton en un calembour
J'ai écrit récemment un billet sur Calgary qui a fait réagir mes lecteurs... d'Edmonton. Alors j'ai comme eu une inspiration pour un calembour vraiment atroce, que je ne peux pas m'empêcher de commettre ici: "Edmonton est monotone." Okay, bon, c'est une allitération, mais ça fait dur. Non, non, ne partez pas, lecteurs d'Edmonton! Je ne suis jamais allé dans votre ville, je suis certain qu'elle est très bien, ceci n'est qu'un calembour atroce. C'est une tradition sur ce blogue de partager les calembours absolument épouvantables. Et lui bien il est atroce comme albatros.
Thursday 26 January 2023
The Victorian House in Liverpool
For a while now, Wolfie has been obsessing about mansions. Don't ask me why, I'm have no idea how he came up with this sudden interest. But now he loves the word mansion, the concept of a big fancy house, what have you. So now he often plays "mansion", he build mansion with Lego blocks (my idea) and he draw mansions with daddy. I will tell you more about the mansion games and activities in other posts. He also wants to live in one eventually. It's a way for him to go up the property ladder I guess, so he's been saving money in his piggy bank so we can eventually have enough to move house and live in a mansion.
And well, it came to my mind that the Victorian house where I was living back in my year in Liverpool could qualify as a mansion. It was a big fancy house and had a rather imposing back garden. I rented a room there for a year and it did feel very posh, even though I was just renting and the house needed serious work on, which the landlady never bothered to do. Anyway, I wanted to show Wolfie the place where I lived, so I did a thorough Google search and found it on Airbnb. It changed ownership and whoever bought it renovated it and it looks absolutely glorious now. Everything is new, but it does not look too modern, if that makes sense. I have no idea how Airbnb works and I think the price must be prohibitive, but I would love to show it to Wolfie one day and maybe make him live the experience of living in a "mansion", even if it was for a short period of time. Even if he found the place not mansion-like enough for his expectations, it is still a big posh Victorian house.
RIP Boucherie Davis
Wednesday 25 January 2023
Shark Plane
Tuesday 24 January 2023
Viking Bookmark
22 pâtés à la viande
Monday 23 January 2023
Someone from Calgary
We went to the local toy shop this weekend and bought a few things for Wolfie. When I was at the till, the cashier asked me where I was from, probably because of my accent and all. I said Montreal (because it's always simpler than saying Chicoutimi), and she said from Calgary. So we chatted a bit. As I have never set foot on Calgary, I have no idea what to talk about. So of course I brought up hockey and the 1989 Stanley Cup playoffs, which is one of my most vivid hockey related memory. I'm still sad that the Habs didn't win this one. It was before her time and ut turned out she is not a fan of the Flames either. She mentioned another team, can't remember which one. Anyway, so that's it, I spoke to someone from Calgary. I honestly can't remember if I ever did that before.
Le Petit Chaperon rouge (santon)
Dont ce Petit Chaperon rouge un peu garçon manqué. J'aimerais bien qu'il fasse partie de ma future collection malgré tout. Le conte me fascinant depuis que je suis tout petit, il me semble qu'un santon à l'effigie du personnage serait une bonne idée.
Sunday 22 January 2023
Pound Puppies are back!
Un bateau nommé Isabelle
Saturday 21 January 2023
Police Set
Les 75 ans du fleurdelisé
Friday 20 January 2023
A Map of the Nine Realms
I blogged on Wednesday about the world tree Yggdrasil. And I remembered that I had another drawing of the tree in The Penguin Book of Norse Myths: Gods of the Vikings, with more details of the Nine Realms on it and the mythical creatures. I think I prefer this image to the other. So I decided to share it today, just because it is a very cool picture and a useful map. I intend to blog in more details about the worlds and the creatures pictured on it this year, when I have the time and inspiration. A lot of what you can see here deserves an entry on Vraie Fiction. Anyway, until then, you have a map to find your way if you were traveling between the Nine Worlds. Don't thank me.
Les tubes
Thursday 19 January 2023
Afternoon Tea
Montreal Pool Room
Wednesday 18 January 2023
The Tar controversy
You may have heard about this. So my favourite actress Cate Blanchett has performed in Tar, a musical drama about Lydia Tar, a brilliant and famous conductor who is also a sex predator and a monster. She also happens to be a lesbian. I haven't seen it, but according to a wide majority of critics the film is great, maybe even a masterpiece, and it might earn Blanchett an Oscar. Which would make up for all the Oscars she has been nominated for, but did not win (I'm still bitter about the 1999 ceremony because of it. However, it has been harshly criticised by real life female conductor Marin Alsop as an anti-woman, anti-feminist and homophobic movie, because the villain protagonist happens to be a woman and a lesbian. More on the controversy in this article. Cate Blanchett responded to the criticism and I don't think I am being a fanboy if I add that she defended her work very eloquently. Now I have not seen the film, but I found Alsop's criticism utterly unfair and frankly a tad hysterical. Making a woman the villain of a story does not make the work chauvinistic. In art, just like in real life, some women can be evil and predatory. And from all accounts, the portrait Blanchett makes of Lydia Tar is one that is subtle and nuanced, she is not a pantomyme villain. Yes, they could have made a man the badguy, but then he wouldn't have been played by Cate Blanchett. Furthermore, I doubt that a vocal feminist like Blanchett, who also has a wide lesbian fanbase, would make, even subconsciously, a chauvinistic movie. So yeah, in sum, I know I'm a fanboy, but people should get a grip. And while I have absolutely no idea when I can find the time for it, I really want to watch Tar.
Le dilemne du casanier
Tuesday 17 January 2023
New Snake
Question existentielle (378)
Je n'ai pas posé de question existentielle depuis février 2022. Il était temps que je me rattrape. En voici une nouvelle:
-Quels sont les bons aspects de janvier?
J'ai des réponses, mais je suis curieux de connaître les vôtres.
Monday 16 January 2023
Blue Monday (or not)
In case you did not know, today is Blue Monday. Allegedly the most depressing day of the year. Of course, this is according to pseudo-scientific considerations, so for me it is pure hogwash. Not that I never felt dow on a Monday in January and that I did not find it difficult in the past, but there are reasons why I find Mondays in January and Blue Monday in particular to be not too bad, all things considered. Here is a non-exhaustive list:
-I don't have to commute to go to work anymore.
-I don't hate my job. (Three years ago I might have felt differently about Blue Monday).
-I genuinely prefer January to June or July, especially if there is a heatwave. So I don't feel so down.
-I'm way over the post-Christmas blues at this point in the month.
-This year I only got back from leave last Monday, so this working month will be considerably shorter.
Therefore this Monday should not be too bad, touch wood. And worst case scenario... It would still be just a lousy Monday, just like any other lousy Monday you can have in a year.
Mon père m'a envoyé cette photo ainsi que d'autres hier. Des glaçons de bonbon clair, comme dans une certaine chanson. L'hiver comme je ne le connais plus, parce que je ne suis plus au Québec. mais on annonce de la neige (peut-être) pour cette semaine. Sauf que si elle tombe, elle ne restera pas. Et nous n'aurons certainement pas de magnifiques glaçons comme ceux-ci. Mais au moins j'ai les photos que m'envoie mon père.
Sunday 15 January 2023
Zebra plane over the Amazon
Statue "amazonienne"
Saturday 14 January 2023
Things to do in January
My January so far has been spent inside doing very little. Maybe it is the return to normal after the holidays, maybe it is just because the weather has been gloomy, but we spent most of our days in. As we are almost half way through, this might change. I read this article from English Heritage, suggesting five things to do in January. I invite you to read it, it has some useful suggestions. Some of them involve going out on one of their sites and I do think we have some nearby(ish). We don't walk enough nowadays, so we just might do that somewhere this month. So the family's second half of January should be a little bit more active and involve walking.
La tempête du vendredi 13
Une nouvelle qui n'en est pas une: il a fait une grosse tempête de neige hier au Québec. C'est pa première tempête de 2023. Ici, je désespère d'en voir une. Enfin bref, elle est arrivée un vendredi 13, ce qui peut sembler pour certains assez approprié. Moi, je me trouverais chanceux s'il y en avait une ici, je m'ennuie des grosses tempêtes de neige...
Friday 13 January 2023
Friday the 13th of January
So today we are Friday the 13th of January. I hope nobody among you is superstitious. Friday is Friday, whatever the date it is, so for me it cannot be all bad. It is the first of two Fridays the 13th this year, so if you don't like it, you might take solace in the fact that it will be out of the way early on. And January is an unpleasant month for many anyway, so it might as well has its 13th be on a Friday. Otherwise, I have little to say about it, except that I tend to mention every Friday the 13th on this blog, just for the sake of it. I am not superstitious, but superstitions do interest me, if that makes sense.
Conflit de canard
Thursday 12 January 2023
About empty trains
Une promenade dans les arbres
Wednesday 11 January 2023
Bientôt Pâques?
Tuesday 10 January 2023
New Year, New Books
S'encabanner (mot du jour)
Voici le mot du jour: s'encabanner. Dois-je préciser ce que ça veut dire. Nous avons passé les derniers jours encabannés, justement, parce que la température n'a pas été clémente: il n'a pas vraiment arrêté de pleuvoir depuis le début de l'année. Alors nous sommes sortis pour mener petit loup à l'école et le chercher et pour voir les parents de ma femme. Sinon, nous n'avons pas quitté la maison. Et je vais le confesser: je n'en ai pas trop souffert. En fait, je crois que ça nous arrange tous un peu.
Monday 9 January 2023
First Day Back
Bit of news of some small importance: this is my first day back to work today, after three weeks of leave. I am always a bit anxious on my first working day in January. Thankfully, I like my job, my employer and (most of) my colleagues, so that should make things much easier. And I still work from home, so I don't have to exhaust myself in commute. Of course, Mondays are generally more difficult, let alone Mondays after extended leave, but the circumstances this year should allow to make the transition easier.
Sunday 8 January 2023
L'Apprenti Docte Rat
Saturday 7 January 2023
I share this picture which I found on the Facebook page of the British Museum. It is a coin whith the depiction of the Roman god Janus. With one face looking at the past and another looking at the future. January is of course named after the god, so it is fitting that I share it here today. You can find more about the coin here. I have nothing else to add, except that a visit to the British Museum is long overdue. I might add it to my new year's resolutions.
Quelqu'un s'en souvient? Je désespérais de trouver quoi que ce soit en ligne sur Ciné-Famille, l'émission du samedi après-midi à Radio-Canada qui passait des films pour enfants (surtout des dessins animés, selon mon souvenir). À partir de janvier surtout, Ciné-Famille permettait de nous donner du moral pour passer à travers l'année jusqu'aux vacances. Et il y avait plusieurs trouvailles fascinantes. Mais enfin bref, je suis tombé par hasard sur le début de l'émission sur YouTube. Je partage donc aujourd'hui.
Friday 6 January 2023
Bring back personal blogging
I recently read a column on The Verge (don't know this one) from Monique Judge (don't know her at all) titled "Bring back personal blogging." I really enjoyed the article and the arguments brought forward. Because a blog like Vraie Fiction is now pretty much a rarity, in fact personal blogging is a lost art, maybe a dying one even. And I think the online world would be poorer without it.After about 15 years (give or take), I still blog daily and I enjoy it a lot, even though I migt only be blogging for a handful of readers, if that. But I find the interaction more genuine on a blog than other social media platforms, even when we have trivial subject matters (which is often the case for me). So yeah, I hope Monique Judge's call is heard and we see more blogs and more blogging this year.
La Galette des Rois
Thursday 5 January 2023
Spy Meeting in Marlow
I blogged about this particular subject back in 2019, but thought this would be the right time to blog about it again, sadly I miss the date by one day. Anyway, for those who read John Le Carré's first novel Call for the Dead,you may remember that protagonist George Smiley was summoned by letter to a meeting. The letter goes as follow:
"Dear George,
It is essential that I lunch with you tomorrow at The Compleat Angler at Marlow. Please do your best to meet me there at one o'clock. There is something I have to tell you.
Samuel Fennan"
The first funny thing is that I have been to The Compleat Angler in Marlow a couple of times. The other funny thing is that the letter by Fennan was dated on the 3rd of January, so the meeting would have been held yesterday the 4th. I wonder if The Compleat Angler was a place of pilgrimage for Le Carré's fans yesterday. Next time I go there or nearby, I will try to take a picture of the hotel.
Il y a 25 ans, la Tempête de Verglas
Voici un court billet pour vous rappeler qu'il y a 25 ans, le 5 janvier 1998, la Tempête de verglas commençait et allait envoyer le début de l'année chez le diable. Dans mon cas particulier, c'était la session d'hiver, qui fût très bordélique. Voici un article de la Presse sur le sujet. Je me rappelle de bien des détails, comme d'avoir manqué d'électricité pendant une journée et d'avoir tenté de faire mes lectures à la lumière du jour, jusqu'à ce que le soir tombe.
The Green Hoodie
My wife hates the colour green, for some reason which I haven't really figured out yet. Unfortunately for her, it is a colour both Wolfie and I love. Nevertheless, in spite of her loathing of everything green, she bought me a green hoodie for last Christmas. It shows how much she loves me. The hoodie is dark green, like olive green or forest green, I'd say pine tree coloured is the best way to describe it. And it is the nicest, comfiest piece of clothing I have now. It is not something to wear outside in public, as it is not elegant by any stretch of the imagination. It is literally a hoodie meant to keep warm on a cold day when you want to relax. And it has a large front pocket to put whatever you need to. And apparently it was quite cheap. So since I received it, it is my go-to piece of clothing. I am very grateful to my wife for buying it, which is a consolation for her.
Un livre sur les Saguenéens
Wednesday 4 January 2023
Chronicles of Crime
Les rideaux de la chambre de Wolfie
Tuesday 3 January 2023
"You always never do that!"
"You always never do that!" is a a new complaint Wolfie has when he thinks we should do something more often. Like giving presents, preparing certain meals (desserts) or going somewhere he likes. Or he tells me this when I complain about something that we don't do often enough. In other words, it is a new Wolfism which I wanted to share on this blog. He generally says it with vehemence, when he is supremely irritated. Nevertheless, he is so very cute when he says it.
Brique aux fruits
Monday 2 January 2023
Train and Snow
L'aéroport de petit loup
Sunday 1 January 2023
"For auld lang syne my jo"
Happy new year everyone! As a tradition on this blog, I am sharing again the classic Auld Lang Syne, sung here by Scottish artist Julie Fowlis. It's not the first time she shows up on this blog and it's been long overdue. She's an amazing artist. And she says "my jo" and not "my dear" and that's a bonus reason for me to choose her take on the song. Anyway, happy new year again.