My birthday is coming next month and, as I have sarted preparing it, among other things giving my wife a few present suggestions. Not that I am hard to please: nothing is easier than buy gifts for me, I am a man of many interests and ideas. But she asked me anyway, so I gave a few suggestions among them a... flashlight. Or, as we call it in the UK, a torch. Why did I think of that? I am not sure. Mainly because it is quite a practical tool to have. My parents-in-law bought me a torch as a birthday present back in 2008 and I used to really like it (I even blogged about it) and I used it a lot, until it went kaput. Then I remember old black torches that my grandparents and parents had when I was a kid. I used to love them too, because they looked good and I liked to lay with them. I guess I just thought it could come in handy to have a good quality torch like these old ones.
Just Do It
2 days ago
all blanket tent dwellers need a proper torch.
You are now well and truly middle-aged.
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