This picture was taken from an image in Dracula's Castle. It represents Samuel Unimportant, a.ka. the Happy Undertaker, whom I blogged about here, turned into a... a sort of... a kind of mix between a werewolf and a demon. The name given in the book is a, or actually the, Funereal Fiend. Here is a description of the metamorphosis: "His eyes have begun to bulge, his ears extend and sharpen into points. Fangs are growing in place of the neat little pearly teeth he displayed only moments ago. Claws burst forth from his hands. His skin turns purple and his shirt rips apart to reveal a gold medallion. He throws back his head and howls like a wolf." So far, so werewolf. And the description continues: "Mr Unimportant, brutally transformed, is jumping up and down on the spot, guttural sounds emerging from his throat. His shoes burst apart to reveal huge, taloned, bright green feet. He howls again, in agony this time, as his head splits open to allow the emergence of a huge, knotted and slowly pulsating amber brain."Kill!" he chants. "Kill! Kill! Kill!"" People can help me find references to horror movies or stories in this description. I am sure the medallion means something, I have no idea what. But in any case, isn't it a very gripping, horrifying transformation scene, especially from a character that first appeared as comical?
I uploaded this picture for two reasons: 1)for the cheer pleasure of uploading a picture from the book and to quote the lovely, vivid description, that has been haunting me since childhood. and 2)it is tonight Walpurgis Night. Which is the lesser known sister of Halloween, its Springtime equivalent. Walpurgis Night has been featured in various works of fiction, including Dracula's Guest. And since Dracula's Castle is well, based on Dracula, and furthermore since a wolf is features in Dracula's Guest it is a good enough excuse to upload it on Vraie Fiction. For more about Walpurgis Night, you can read my blog post from last year. For my fellow bloggers into spooky things, remember that tonight you have something to celebrate until Halloween is near. Maybe it is confirmation bias, but I found the recent weather to be fittingly autumnal.
Tuesday 30 April 2013
Question existentielle (182)
Ce soir, c'est la Nuit de Walpurgis (des Walpurgis? je dis toujours des Walpurgis). Aussi connue comme la soeur jumelle et moins connue de l'Halloween. Alors voici ma question existentielle:
-Comment célébrer la Nuit des Walpurgis?
-Comment célébrer la Nuit des Walpurgis?
Monday 29 April 2013
A taste of Mozart
First, a word about the picture: forgive me for the poor quality, it was taken with my mobile phone. Okay so I am blogging a good deal about Mozart these days. But circumstances brought me to blog about it again. I blogged before about Mozartkugeln, the chocolate coated marzipan which I first discovered in Salzburg, the year of Mozart's 200th death anniversary. Well, you can now find them in the local sweet shop, which changed owners at some time early this year. I say this and according to the Wikipedia entry what they sell is an imitation. But I don't know if I ate imitations or the original ones when I was in Austria twenty-two years ago. They don't sell them in boxes, only individually, and they are not exactly cheap, but I can buy a few once in a while, when I am in the mood for the taste of chocolate and marzipan or for a bit of nostalgia: visiting Austria is one of my favorite memories.
I ate them listening to Mozart, which was pure bliss. Probably because of the music more than the chocolate, but it is a lovely mix all the same. I have decided to upload here to accompany to accompany this post another aria from Don Giovanni. This one. Sung by José Van Dam. I did not see Don Giovanni in Austria, but I did hear plenty of arias from it, including Madamina.
I ate them listening to Mozart, which was pure bliss. Probably because of the music more than the chocolate, but it is a lovely mix all the same. I have decided to upload here to accompany to accompany this post another aria from Don Giovanni. This one. Sung by José Van Dam. I did not see Don Giovanni in Austria, but I did hear plenty of arias from it, including Madamina.
Le vin avec le taureau dessus
Je reviens brièvement sur la photo du mois d'avril. Je ne savais pas/plus ce que c'était, puis E dans son commentaire m'a appris que c'était du Sangre de Toro, vin espagnol (catalan en fait) vendu 13,25$ à la SAQ. Ce que je considère comme un vin cheap, ça m'a étonné qu'il ne soit pas cheap ailleurs. Enfin, ce n'est quand même pas une piquette de dépanneur. Je suis heureux d'avoir pu l'identifier, quoique c'était assez simple avec le taureau en plastique dessus. Si jamais j'ai comme une rage de Sangre de Toro, je sais quoi acheter. Maintenant si je pouvais trouver le vin que je me suis acheté pour célébrer l'obtention de mon doc...
La photo du mois,
N'importe quoi,
Sangre de Toro,
Sunday 28 April 2013
Blofeld, a portrait of evil
I have blogged about villains in the past, for instance here and here. I have also mentioned in the past that Ernst Stavro Blofeld, the nemesis of James Bond, was one of my favorite villains in popular literature. I have recently read again his description in the novel Thunderball. It made a strong impression to me when I first read it 13 years ago (in September 2000) and it never lost its impact. I have decided to quote it here:
''Blofeld's own eyes were deep black pools surrounded -totally surrounded, as Mussoloni's were- by very clear whites. The doll-like effect of this unusual symmetry was enhanced by long silken black eyelashes that should have belonged to a woman. The gaze of these soft doll's eyes was totally relaxed and rarely held any expression stronger than the mild curiosity in the object of their focus. (...)Blofeld's gaze was a microscope, the window on the world on a superbly clear brain, with a focus that had been sharpened by thirty years of danger and of keeping just one step ahead of it (...)
The skin beneath the eyes that now slowly, mildly, surveyed his colleagues was unpouched. There was no sign of debauchery, illness, or old age on the large, white, bland face under the square, wiry black crew-cut The jawline, going on the appropriate middle-aged fat of authority, showed decision and independence. Only the mouth under a heavy, squat nose, marred what might have been the face of a philosopher or a scientist. Proud and thin, like a badly-healed wound, the compressed, dark lips, capable of only false, ugly smiles, suggested contempt, tyranny, and cruelty. But to an almost Shakespearian degree. Nothing about Blofeld was small.''
There is more to it, but overall it gives you an idea of the character. It is a beautifully sinister portrait of a very evil man. Ian Fleming may only have written popular literature, he knew his craft. Blofeld changed his appearance radically in the subsequent novels, always looking like the pure evil, malevolent man he is. But it all started in Thunderball with this long, slow, almost allegorical description.
''Blofeld's own eyes were deep black pools surrounded -totally surrounded, as Mussoloni's were- by very clear whites. The doll-like effect of this unusual symmetry was enhanced by long silken black eyelashes that should have belonged to a woman. The gaze of these soft doll's eyes was totally relaxed and rarely held any expression stronger than the mild curiosity in the object of their focus. (...)Blofeld's gaze was a microscope, the window on the world on a superbly clear brain, with a focus that had been sharpened by thirty years of danger and of keeping just one step ahead of it (...)
The skin beneath the eyes that now slowly, mildly, surveyed his colleagues was unpouched. There was no sign of debauchery, illness, or old age on the large, white, bland face under the square, wiry black crew-cut The jawline, going on the appropriate middle-aged fat of authority, showed decision and independence. Only the mouth under a heavy, squat nose, marred what might have been the face of a philosopher or a scientist. Proud and thin, like a badly-healed wound, the compressed, dark lips, capable of only false, ugly smiles, suggested contempt, tyranny, and cruelty. But to an almost Shakespearian degree. Nothing about Blofeld was small.''
There is more to it, but overall it gives you an idea of the character. It is a beautifully sinister portrait of a very evil man. Ian Fleming may only have written popular literature, he knew his craft. Blofeld changed his appearance radically in the subsequent novels, always looking like the pure evil, malevolent man he is. But it all started in Thunderball with this long, slow, almost allegorical description.
Ian Fleming,
James Bond,
Une observation sur la fin de semaine
Je me demande souvent pourquoi j'ai les bleus le dimanche. J'ai réfléchi à ça aujourd'hui, je crois que j'en suis venu à une sorte d'équation (moi qui suis nul en mathématiques, le mathématicien dans ma famille c'est PJ), ou en tout cas une théorie: plus le samedi est rempli d'activités et de petits plaisirs et somme toute plaisant (dis-je avec l'accent saguenéen) plus le dimanche est mélancolique. Me trompe-je?
fin de semaine,
Saturday 27 April 2013
The first line of 1984
''It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.''
I have no reason to quote the opening line of 1984. Well, yes I do, I have two: 1)it is still April and I had wanted this line which pictures the month in a nutshell on the blog for a while and 2)it is a funny line, for the incipit of such a grim novel. Read it again if you haven't notice it.
I have no reason to quote the opening line of 1984. Well, yes I do, I have two: 1)it is still April and I had wanted this line which pictures the month in a nutshell on the blog for a while and 2)it is a funny line, for the incipit of such a grim novel. Read it again if you haven't notice it.
Un peu de Mozart (et du Petit Ménestrel)
Je sais, je sais, nous ne sommes pas dimanche, alors je suis donc un jour trop tôt pour télécharger de la musique dominicale. Cela dit, c'est le soir ici, alors mon lectorat aura ça pour demain. Et puis Mozart, c'est bon tous les jours, même si c'est pas tous les jours dimanche. J'ai récemment demandé à mon père de m'envoyer des photos tirées de l'album de Mozart du Petit Ménestrel (sa vie, son oeuvre, racontée par Gérard Philipe). Il m'en a envoyé quelques unes, Comme il y avait un prêtre (l'archevêque de Salzbourg?) sur ce dessin, j'ai pensé qu'il fallait que je télécharge la Grande Messe en Ut Mineur, enfin son Kyrie, chanté ici par Natalie Dessay. J'avais téléchargé le Kyrie avant, mais ça fait déjà cinq ans.
J'ai déjà blogué sur les albums du Petit Ménestrel, plus précisément sur celui de Mozart ici. La collection m'a fait découvrir bien des grands compositeurs et m'a donné un début d'éducation musicale. J'ai donc une affection toute nostalgique pour eux, même si parfois le récit avait des tons particulièrement moralisateurs.
J'ai déjà blogué sur les albums du Petit Ménestrel, plus précisément sur celui de Mozart ici. La collection m'a fait découvrir bien des grands compositeurs et m'a donné un début d'éducation musicale. J'ai donc une affection toute nostalgique pour eux, même si parfois le récit avait des tons particulièrement moralisateurs.
Hail storm
April proved one again that it is a treacherous month: it was almost summery last week (well, almost), then yesterday it got suddenly cooler. I was freezing walking home in the evening. This morning, April showed up in all its nasty glory: it suddenly rained, then hailed. I think I even heard thunder once. It looked very nasty, that said inside, it was magnificent, even though it was very short.
Achilles' Heel
This is a completely trivial post, about something that is of no importance whatsoever in the great scheme of things, yet it is one of those little nothings that makes life. Short story short: I have been wearing my shoes for a few weeks now and it hurt my left heel. In fact it is wounded, a cut on it that, because I need to walk daily and to use my shoes daily, would not heal. My heel would not heal. This is a ridiculously lame word play that came to my mind and that I shamelessly had to put here. To make this post and my predicament less trivial, it reminds me also of Achilles' heel. I am into Greek mythology, so it came to my mind immediately when I saw the wound. Except I haven't died of it. Yet.
Greek mythology,
mythologie grecque,
N'importe quoi,
word play
Friday 26 April 2013
Quoi faire à Chicoutimi?
Je sais, j'ai déjà posé cette question sous forme de question existentielle (la numéro 105). Je la pose ce soir, parce que mon amie Françoise va passer la fin de semaine là (là prononcé avec mon accent saguenéen à trancher au couteau). Alors elle se demandait quoi faire. Je prends la liberté de poser la question à nouveau sur Vraie Fiction, si jamais quelqu'un a des idées. Je me suis fait dire par un prof de philosophie à Montréal, qui avait déjà enseigné un an à Chicoutimi: ''Chicoutimi, on en a vite fait le tour.'' Il avait raison, mais il y a quand même de quoi être occupé une fin de semaine. Alors, des idées? Des Bleuets en exil ou locaux?
fin de semaine,
Elusive bat
Yesterday, it was the full moon. The evening fell down fairly late too and the skies were mostly clear, so it was light enough in a garden. Looking for the moon, I saw a bat flying in the back garden. My first bat of the year I think. Full moons are good for bats spotting. That said, so far I have been unable to take a picture of a bat here. Bats just fly wildly, they are swift, small, just specks of shadows that sometimes squeak. I like them quite a lot.
Steak frites et déception
Cette photo a été prise l'année dernière, dans un pub local spécialisé dans les steaks... L'année dernière, j'ai comme eu une rage de steak frites. Je mange des steaks frites assez souvent durant mes années universitaires à Montréal, des steaks cheap avec des frites cheap que je mangeais accompagné de vin cheap (voir la photo du mois). Je suis philistin quand je mange bien des choses, dont ce repas sans prétention. L'année dernière, donc, je suis allé dans ce pub local spécialisé dans les steaks. Mal m'en pris. Voir la photo à gauche. On avait le choix de la sauce, j'avais choisi un truc au fromage bleu je crois. La sauce était acceptable, mais le steak, oh le steak! Un steak de semelle mince comme ça. et dur et filandreux. Enfin bref, je n'ai pas aimé. Surtout à ce prix-là: les steaks de semelle, je les avais moins pour moins cher à Montréal et elles étaient meilleures.
Je ne sais pas si c'est parce que je mange beaucoup moins de viande depuis quelques années, surtout moins de boeuf, mais je ne suis pas chanceux lorsque je m'aventure à essayer du steak. En 2009, un ami m'avait recommandé un steak dans un restaurant qu'il affectionnait particulièrement. Mal m'en pris: il ne goûtait rien. Peut-être que c'est parce que j'avais pris une bière plutôt qu'un verre de vin rouge. Le steak, je l'apprécie seulement avec du vin rouge, sans ça goûte rien. Mais enfin bref, je crois que je me suis libéré de ma rage de steak frites. Quand je m'ennuie du goût, je me rappelle cette soirée l'année dernière.
Je ne sais pas si c'est parce que je mange beaucoup moins de viande depuis quelques années, surtout moins de boeuf, mais je ne suis pas chanceux lorsque je m'aventure à essayer du steak. En 2009, un ami m'avait recommandé un steak dans un restaurant qu'il affectionnait particulièrement. Mal m'en pris: il ne goûtait rien. Peut-être que c'est parce que j'avais pris une bière plutôt qu'un verre de vin rouge. Le steak, je l'apprécie seulement avec du vin rouge, sans ça goûte rien. Mais enfin bref, je crois que je me suis libéré de ma rage de steak frites. Quand je m'ennuie du goût, je me rappelle cette soirée l'année dernière.
comfort food,
steak and chips,
steak frites,
Thursday 25 April 2013
Ella Fitzgerald
Once again, a Google Doodle: it is Ella Fitzgerald's 96th birthday today. This time I will not upload the Doodle, however beautiful it is, I don't want Vraie Fiction to look like, well, a Google Doodle gallery. I am not that much into jazz, I know very little about it, but I love the voice of Ella Fitzgerald, especially when she sings Cole Porter, like she does in Anything Goes, the song I uploaded. Mum had received a pack of three CDs of Cole Porter songs one Christmas (1993), which I listened to a lot at the time. Because of the fond memories, I have uploaded it here.
Cole Porter,
Ella Fitzgerald,
Les recherches qui mènent à ce blogue
Ca m'arrive de temps en temps (ici par exemple), je jette un coup d'oeil dans mes statistiques aux recherches qui ont mené des personnes à visiter Vraie Fiction. En général, cela amène plus de questions que de réponses: je n'apprends pas ce qui intéresse mes lecteurs, réguliers ou épisodiques, mais je me demande ce qui a pu pousser des gens à faire telle ou telle recherche. J'ai eu droit à quelques découvertes intéressantes:
-Quelqu'un aux États-Unis a cherché sur ''Carnaval Souvenir de Chicoutimi 2011'' et est resté 4 minutes 41 secondes sur ce billet datant de 2009. En passant, le Carnaval-Souvenir, il n'existe plus, à mon grand regret.
-Quelqu'un à Paris a cherché sur ''gifs anime krabat l'apprenti sorcier'' et est resté un gros 14 secondes sur cette page d'archive.
-Quelqu'un d'autre, de Saint-Didier-de-Forman (connais pas) a cherché sur encore ''suce sur st malo'' (!) et n'est resté qu'une fraction de seconde sur ce billet. Visiblement, ce n'était pas ce qu'il cherchait.
-Toujours sur, quelqu'un de Moulineaux en Haute-Normandie a cherché ''conte absurde'' (déjà plus intéressant, en tout cas moins scabreux) et a passé 4 minutes 39 secondes sur Vraie Fiction, en visitant d'abord ce billet puis celui-ci. Je me demande ce qu'il a pensé de Phylactère Cola ou du conte familial.
Enfin bref, c'est ça. Dites-moi ce que vous en pensez.
-Quelqu'un aux États-Unis a cherché sur ''Carnaval Souvenir de Chicoutimi 2011'' et est resté 4 minutes 41 secondes sur ce billet datant de 2009. En passant, le Carnaval-Souvenir, il n'existe plus, à mon grand regret.
-Quelqu'un à Paris a cherché sur ''gifs anime krabat l'apprenti sorcier'' et est resté un gros 14 secondes sur cette page d'archive.
-Quelqu'un d'autre, de Saint-Didier-de-Forman (connais pas) a cherché sur encore ''suce sur st malo'' (!) et n'est resté qu'une fraction de seconde sur ce billet. Visiblement, ce n'était pas ce qu'il cherchait.
-Toujours sur, quelqu'un de Moulineaux en Haute-Normandie a cherché ''conte absurde'' (déjà plus intéressant, en tout cas moins scabreux) et a passé 4 minutes 39 secondes sur Vraie Fiction, en visitant d'abord ce billet puis celui-ci. Je me demande ce qu'il a pensé de Phylactère Cola ou du conte familial.
Enfin bref, c'est ça. Dites-moi ce que vous en pensez.
L'apprenti sorcier,
Phylactère Cola,
Wednesday 24 April 2013
Age related great unknown line
I haven't blogged a great unknown line in nearly a month. It was about time I publish a new one on the blog. So I had my birthday recently. This week at work, people ask me every morning: "How are you today?" My answer: "I'm 36."
Polar: état des lieux
C'est mon cousin Samuel(celui-là bien entendu) qui m'a fait découvrir cette entrevue/conversation dans L'Express entre Aurélien Masson et François Guérif, têtes dirigeantes de Série Noire et Rivages, les mythiques collections de romans policiers. J'ai trouvé l'entretien fascinant. Il donne un état des lieux de la publication des polars que le lecteur que je suis percevait plutôt mal. J'ai redécouvert la littérature policière sur le tard, un peu avant le début de la vingtaine, quand j'ai découvert les classiques du roman policier américain. Samuel a d'ailleurs contribué à cette redécouverte, en me donnant à Noël un roman de Jean-Patrick Manchette (Manchette est d'ailleurs mentionné dans l'article). Je suis un lecteur passéiste, je le dis sans détour: je ne lis pas les thrillers scandinaves, préférant les oeuvres américaines et le personnage du détective privé. Ca m'a d'ailleurs attristé de lire Guérif dire que l'archétype avait quasiment disparu, étant remplacé par celui du policier. Bon, je le savais déjà, mais quand même, ça me fait un pincement de voir un spécialiste du genre le confirmer. Ce qui me fait penser que je suis peut-être un lecteur d'un autre siècle.
Tuesday 23 April 2013
George and the Dragon
Today was Saint George's Day, the day of the patron saint of England. I was reminded that it was today thanks to the Google Doodle, a nice little pseudo-medieval manuscript looking doodle, which I have uploaded here. I did nothing to celebrate it today, just like pretty much most English people. No other national day has ever been so nationally ignored. As I work now I did not go to the pub to have an English beer named after the saint, the dragon, or both. This is all of what's left of Saint George, in a way: pubs' names (there is one here named George & Dragon) and beers. Incidentally, it is also the anniversary of Shakespeare's death. A very English day indeed. I have decided, to commemorate it, to upload a video from YouTube, a reading of a version of the story, aimed at children, very naive and full of charm. I hope you enjoy as much as I did.
Middle Ages,
Moyen Âge,
Saint George,
L'Omertà artistique au Québec?
J'ai trouvé ce petit montage polémiste sur YouTube, à propos de la distribution dans les films au Québec et dans le film Omertà en particulier, qui m'a beaucoup déçu, parce que mes réserves se sont révélées fondées, notamment à cause d'une distribution racoleuse et mal inspirée. Ayant quelques amis dans le milieu artistique et plus spécifiquement dramatique au Québec, qui ont souvent déploré la même chose que dans ce vidéo. Alors voilà, j'amène une nouvelle controverse sur Vraie Fiction.
Luc Dionne,
Omertà: la Loi du Silence,
Monday 22 April 2013
Battle Bjarki
This is a new Viking mythology related post, about a Viking hero who is now probably lesser know than other Norse heroes. His name is Bodvar Bjarki or, as I knew his name back when I was a child, Battle Biarki. He is a character of the Hrolfs saga kraka, and don't tell me about the spelling, I know it is all wrong. Bjarki is lesser known because he may have been at the origin the same character as Beowulf. Maybe I just don't know enough about Viking mythology. All the same, I thought I would do like I did with Tyr and give the hero a publicity boost on Vraie Fiction.
I read about Battle Biarki in Gods & Heroes from Viking Mythology, where he is featured in The Story of the Trembling Hood. The Trembling Hood of the story being the boy you see at the bottom left of the image. I don't know exactly how far Brian Branston move it from the original legend, but in the book it was an initiatic/coming of age tale with Bjarki teaching the fearful teenager Hood, bullied by the men of King Hrolf Kraki, to become a warrior. In the climatic scene of the tale, they had to kill a dragon that was eating the king's cattle and terrorizing his kingdom every Yule. Because of this, I find most fitting to read this story during Christmastime, before a game of Dungeons & Dragons. But I reread it recently and it is still enjoyable. Drawn by Giovanni Caselli, Battle Bjarki is an impressive warrior, especially in contrast to Hood. Heavily armed with a sword and an axe, high and large, he is very warrior-like. if you know more stories about him, please let me know in the comments.
I read about Battle Biarki in Gods & Heroes from Viking Mythology, where he is featured in The Story of the Trembling Hood. The Trembling Hood of the story being the boy you see at the bottom left of the image. I don't know exactly how far Brian Branston move it from the original legend, but in the book it was an initiatic/coming of age tale with Bjarki teaching the fearful teenager Hood, bullied by the men of King Hrolf Kraki, to become a warrior. In the climatic scene of the tale, they had to kill a dragon that was eating the king's cattle and terrorizing his kingdom every Yule. Because of this, I find most fitting to read this story during Christmastime, before a game of Dungeons & Dragons. But I reread it recently and it is still enjoyable. Drawn by Giovanni Caselli, Battle Bjarki is an impressive warrior, especially in contrast to Hood. Heavily armed with a sword and an axe, high and large, he is very warrior-like. if you know more stories about him, please let me know in the comments.
Est-ce toujours le temps des pâtés à la viande?
Ceci est un petit billet trivial de lundi morne, une autre excuse pour télécharger une photo de bouffe. Avril est un peu schizophrénique à nouveau, mais il paraît qu'il va refaire soleil et chaud. Aujourd'hui, c'est gris et un peu frais. Alors comme ça m'arrive parfois, j'ai comme une rage de pâtés à la viande. Je ne me pose pas cette question comme question existentielle, simplement comme question circonstantielle. En fait, c'est une question un peu bête, parce que je n'ai pas la patience d'en faire, ni la place dans le congélateur. Il me faudrait aussi trouver du porc haché chez un boucher en qui j'ai confiance, donc trouver ledit boucher. Bien entendu, ça pourrait se faire, si je me mettais martel en tête. Cela dit, si dans quelques jours ça réchauffe, je n'aurai plus de rage de pâté à la viande avant un bout de temps. Quoique ça pourrait se discuter...
comfort food,
pâté à la viande,
pork pie,
Sunday 21 April 2013
The grey shirt
So it was my birthday today. It is still, for about an hour and a half. I wore a grey shirt that my mother gave me as a gift last Christmas. So far so good. And then it struck me: with my greying temples, the shirt really made me look much older. My hair looks more grey. So, Memento Mori and all that: I am over the second half of my thirties. Otherwise, it is a lovely shirt.
21 april,
21 avril,
Memento Mori,
Marquise, si mon visage...
Parce que c'est maintenant une tradition annuelle sur ce blogue le jour de ma fête...
Saturday 20 April 2013
Pseudo Italian pasta and sausages
This picture at the top left was taken at Felicini in Manchester, an Italian restaurant which was recommended to me by one of the people of the ABF. It was my meal, penne pasta in a sausages and olives sauce. Buried in Parmesan, as you can see, I always bury pasta with cheese, unless it is macaroni and cheese, in which case I just have it like that. Before I go further, I wanted to quickly plug Felicini: they were professional and very efficient, serving me within and hour because I had to see a play. And the meal was delicious. It was quite nice and it inspired me to cook my own variation of this dish, which I did last weekend.
You can see the picture of said dish at the bottom right. I used British sausages, heavily garlic flavored.I bought them in a local artisanal food shop. The owner gave me a few advices about making the sauce: no more garlic as the sausages already had plenty, and a bit of balsamic vinegar. I cut the sausages in small bits, fried them, then added a tin of tomatoes. I added a tea spoon of sugar to get rid of the acidity of the tomatoes and poured a generous drop of balsamic vinegar. No olives, no onions or anything like this. Only tomatoes, sausages and of course the Parmesan on top of it all. I drank a Sicilian red wine with it. It was not authentic Italian gastronomy, but it was fairly close.
You can see the picture of said dish at the bottom right. I used British sausages, heavily garlic flavored.I bought them in a local artisanal food shop. The owner gave me a few advices about making the sauce: no more garlic as the sausages already had plenty, and a bit of balsamic vinegar. I cut the sausages in small bits, fried them, then added a tin of tomatoes. I added a tea spoon of sugar to get rid of the acidity of the tomatoes and poured a generous drop of balsamic vinegar. No olives, no onions or anything like this. Only tomatoes, sausages and of course the Parmesan on top of it all. I drank a Sicilian red wine with it. It was not authentic Italian gastronomy, but it was fairly close.
balsamic vinegar,
vinaigre balsamique,
Question existentielle (180)
C'est ma fête demain. Il m'est venu en tête cette question existentielle:
-Quelle est la date de fête idéale?
-Quelle est la date de fête idéale?
Greying hair and some kind of solace
Two things that may seem unrelated, yet in a way they are: I had my haircut today and it will be my birthday tomorrow. I notice again my greying temples. They look more grey if I have short hair, I think. Maybe I am wrong. But anyway, I found something to cheer me up about it, in case I would turn too gloomy. A friend of mine, same generation as me, already balding, told me on Facebook: ''I don't have this problem anymore''. So at least I've got hair. They are just greying. So this is some kind of consolation.
Memento Mori,
N'importe quoi,
Changement de manteau
Non, je n'en ai pas acheté de nouveau. Mais aujourd'hui, pour la première fois depuis septembre, je porte mon manteau d'été, enfin mon manteau de printemps. Il fait soleil et il fait suffisamment doux. Il faisait déjà moins froid, mais c'est la première fois qu'il fait vraiment une température printanière. Je me devais donc de le souligner.
Friday 19 April 2013
The Friday song
Maybe I am too puritan, but I could not title this post Bitch, although it IS the title of the song I am uploading here. It is also a song sometimes (often?) featured in the Godless Bitches podcast, who are among my female role models. Even though I am dubious about the name they chose. I think it might be the only song I know of Meredith Brooks, but it is so full of in-your-face attitude and I love it. So here it is.
Godless Bitches,
Meredith Brooks,
Le Saguenay morose
Petite nouvelle qui a fait le tour de Facebook et qui a bien entendu retenu mon attention: une étude récente classe Ville de Saguenay au 21e rang sur 22 selon l'indice de bonheur relatif. Bien entendu, le maire Jean Tremblay a réagi comme il fallait s'attendre: répondre hargneuse, stupide, accusant ''les athées'', ses boucs-émissaires préférés, de croire des niaiseries puisqu'ils ne croient pas en Dieu. Ne me méprenons pas: je suis dubitatif quant à l'étude et très sceptique quant à cet indice de bonheur relatif. Cela dit, le maire a encore une fois démontré quel être méprisable il est. S'il était respectueux de TOUS ses concitoyens, il répondrait à la critique sous-entendue dans l'étude, il tenterait de défendre sa ville, sa région, les gens qui y vivent (encore). Mais non, il a plutôt préféré faire des attaques ad hominem et sous-entendre qu'il y a deux catégories de citoyens chez lui: ceux qui croient comme lui, et les autres. Il est petit, le maire de Saguenay. Je ne sais pas si le Saguenay est vraiment malheureux, mais venir d'une Bible belt du nord, avec un maire qui a des allures de Rick Perry francophone et qui parle du nez, ça me rend passablement morose.
Thursday 18 April 2013
Hamlet and me
Here is an anecdote that was both heart warming and flattering. One of my former teachers from cégep told me on Facebook that he is having his students read Hamlet, incidentally my favorite of Shakespeare's plays. He said that he can hear my voice. It was flattering but obscure: I did a bit of acting schtick under his supervision, but I never played Hamlet. He explained to me today that it was because of my love for England. Okay, so it had little or maybe even nothing to do with acting. Still, it is nice to know that I am remembered like this, after all those years.
Ceci n'est pas la photo du mois
Pour la photo du mois, vous la trouverez sur ce billet. Mon choix était trivial, mais mon père en le lisant en a eu un plus inspiré. Il m'a donc envoyé une photo d'un poster de Marlene Dietrich avec une orchidée. En noir et blanc. Mon père n'est pas particulièrement un fan de Marlène Dietrich, mais il cultive les orchidées. Ca a beau être la photo d'une photo, c'est plus artistique qu'un taureau en plastique.
La photo du mois,
Marlene Dietrich,
Wednesday 17 April 2013
The Detective Tales cover for April
I did not want to blog about the Boston bombing (too depressing and I don't know what I could say worthy of interest) or the funerals of Margaret Thatcher (too sickening), I thought I would do my monthly upload of a Detective Tales cover. This one is April 1949. I blogged recently about realism in crime fiction, ironically enough I have chosen a cover that is utterly over the top. It bears similarities from the one I uploaded in January 2012 (from a January 1939 cover), because in both the hero is being attacked by a man in a knight's armor. It is maybe more interesting than the previous cover, because this one is a reversed situation: the private eye is suddenly in the role that would usually suit to the damsel in distress, with his iron clad adversary making him powerless, and the blonde heroine wearing red (a favorite color for heroines in crime fiction, it seems), usually the one in need to be saved, now trying to save her man. Rather inefficiently, I might add. Little detail of interest: the villain in the armor was behind a glass, they might be in a museum. Looking at it, I actually wonder if it is a crime story and not a horror one. Maybe the armor is haunted.
Les conversations dans le train
En général, je passe mon trajet en train vers le travail à lire. Or, depuis hier, une ancienne collègue fait le même trajet que moi. Elle a quitté la compagnie pour faire un tour du monde de quelques mois. Elle travaille maintenant dans une autre compagnie. Ca fait des sujets de conversation intéressants. En général, je suis plutôt zombie le matin et le soir, alors ça me force à être un peu social et réveillé. Suis-je le seul à socialiser dans les transports en commun? Et si oui, vous le faites avec qui?
Monday 15 April 2013
King George V and speedball
The things one learns sometimes. I was checking about speedball, which is the name of the cocaine and heroin mix, or cocaine and morphine, on Wikipedia. I then saw King George V among the list of famous people killed by it. I thought at first it was pure hogwash, something added by someone with a twisted sense of humour, or some urban legend that got through.It seems that it is in fact genuine: his doctor apparently did give him a mix of cocaine and morphine to treat his cancer, which may have hastened his death. Of course, in later slang terms, the mixture would be known as speedball. And, for the record, I know of the term from Eyes Wide Shut. Not from any personal experience.
Eyes Wide Shut,
George V,
légendes urbaines,
N'importe quoi,
Royaume Uni,
Stanley Kubrick,
urban legends,
Noir et Blanc (photo du mois)
C'est le moment de la photo du mois. Le thème de ce mois c'était: ''du blanc et du noir mais pas en noir et blanc''. J'ai cru comprendre qu'on demandait une photo en couleur. Alors la voici la voilà: celle d'un bibelot sur ma bibliothèque à Chicoutimi. Je dis bibelot, c'est un grand mot: le taureau en plastique était attaché avec un ruban à une bouteille de vin cheap que j'achetais parfois à la SAQ Express sur Mon-Royal, pour accompagner les pâtes, les steaks bottine, bref un petit vin de semaine bien philistin. Mais j'ai gardé le taureau en plastique qui venait avec comme décoration. Je gardais, en fait je garde souvent des trucs comme ça, voir la photo de février 2013. Enfin bref, le taureau est noir avec des cornes blanches. Sur fond blanc. Le vin était rouge, mais je ne sais même pas s'il était espagnol ou italien.
Vous pouvez voir les autres photos aux liens suivants:
A bowl of oranges, A&G, Agrippine, A'icha, Akaieric, Akromax, Alban, Alexinparis, Alice Wonderland, Angélique, Anita, Anne, Anne Laure T, Arwen, Ava, Berliniquais, Bestofava, Blogoth67, Calamonique, Cara, Carine, Carnet d'escapades, Carnets d'images, Caro from London , Caro JulesetMoa, Carole In Australia, Caroline, Caterine, Cath la Cigale, Cekoline, Céliano, Céline in Paris, Champagne, Chat bleu, Cherrybee, Chloé, Christeav, Christelle, Christophe, Cindy Chou, Claire's Blog, Coco, Cocosophie, Cook9addict, Cricriyom from Paris, Dame Skarlette, DelphineF, Djoul, Dr. CaSo, E, El Padawan, Eloclemence, Elodie, Emma, Eurydice, Fanfan Raccoon, Filamots, flechebleu, François le Niçois, Frédéric, Galinette, Gilsoub, Gizeh, Guillaume, Happy Us, Hibiscus, Homeos-tasie, Hypeandcie, Isa ToutSimplement, Isaquarel, J'adore j'adhère, Joséphine ose, Josiane, Julie, Juriste-in-the-city , Karrijini, Krn, La Fille de l'Air, La Flaneuse, La Messine, La Nantaise, La Papotte, La Parigina, La voyageuse comtoise, LaGodiche, Lau* des montagnes, Laulinea, Laure, Laurent Nicolas, Lauriane, Lavandine, L'Azimutée, Les bonheurs d'Anne & Alex, Les voyages de Lucy, Les voyages de Seth et Lise, Leviacarmina, LisaDeParis, Louiki, Louisianne, Lucile et Rod, Lyonelk, M, M.C.O, magda627, Mamysoren, Marmotte, Mclw, Meyilo, Mimireliton, N, Narayan, Nicky, Nie, Ori, Pilisi, Raphaël, Renepaulhenry, scarolles-and-co , Sephiraph, Sinuaisons, Skipi, Solveig, Sophie Rififi, Stephane08, Tambour Major, Testinaute, Thalie, The Mouse, The Parisienne, Thib, Tuxana, Un jour, une vie et mon blog , Valérie, Violette, Viviane, Wolverine, Xavier Mohr, Xoliv'.
Vous pouvez voir les autres photos aux liens suivants:
A bowl of oranges, A&G, Agrippine, A'icha, Akaieric, Akromax, Alban, Alexinparis, Alice Wonderland, Angélique, Anita, Anne, Anne Laure T, Arwen, Ava, Berliniquais, Bestofava, Blogoth67, Calamonique, Cara, Carine, Carnet d'escapades, Carnets d'images, Caro from London , Caro JulesetMoa, Carole In Australia, Caroline, Caterine, Cath la Cigale, Cekoline, Céliano, Céline in Paris, Champagne, Chat bleu, Cherrybee, Chloé, Christeav, Christelle, Christophe, Cindy Chou, Claire's Blog, Coco, Cocosophie, Cook9addict, Cricriyom from Paris, Dame Skarlette, DelphineF, Djoul, Dr. CaSo, E, El Padawan, Eloclemence, Elodie, Emma, Eurydice, Fanfan Raccoon, Filamots, flechebleu, François le Niçois, Frédéric, Galinette, Gilsoub, Gizeh, Guillaume, Happy Us, Hibiscus, Homeos-tasie, Hypeandcie, Isa ToutSimplement, Isaquarel, J'adore j'adhère, Joséphine ose, Josiane, Julie, Juriste-in-the-city , Karrijini, Krn, La Fille de l'Air, La Flaneuse, La Messine, La Nantaise, La Papotte, La Parigina, La voyageuse comtoise, LaGodiche, Lau* des montagnes, Laulinea, Laure, Laurent Nicolas, Lauriane, Lavandine, L'Azimutée, Les bonheurs d'Anne & Alex, Les voyages de Lucy, Les voyages de Seth et Lise, Leviacarmina, LisaDeParis, Louiki, Louisianne, Lucile et Rod, Lyonelk, M, M.C.O, magda627, Mamysoren, Marmotte, Mclw, Meyilo, Mimireliton, N, Narayan, Nicky, Nie, Ori, Pilisi, Raphaël, Renepaulhenry, scarolles-and-co , Sephiraph, Sinuaisons, Skipi, Solveig, Sophie Rififi, Stephane08, Tambour Major, Testinaute, Thalie, The Mouse, The Parisienne, Thib, Tuxana, Un jour, une vie et mon blog , Valérie, Violette, Viviane, Wolverine, Xavier Mohr, Xoliv'.
La photo du mois,
Sunday 14 April 2013
Attack of the Komodo dragon
Yesterday, I was blogging about James Bond. Today, I read a piece of news that reminded me of a scene in Skyfall: a 83 years old woman was attacked by a Komodo dragon. And she survived. In Skyfall, I thought the scene when the Komodo dragon attacks the badguy was a bit far-fetched: until recently, well until I read the story today, I thought they were basically bigger, scarier iguanas. One can get things wrong. In fact, Komodo dragons may not be as famous as crocodiles or alligators, but they are nasty hunters capable of aggressive behavior towards humans. They are pretty much carnivorous dinosaurs walking on earth. As a child, my brothers had some interest in them, we even thought that there were some Komodo dragons living in the wild not too far from home. This is a story I might tell in another blog post. Until then, what I read about them today renewed my interest in the reptile.
dragon de Komodo,
James Bond,
Komodo dragon,
Se découvrir d'un fil, enfin?
Depuis hier, il fait chaud, enfin à tout le moins il fait doux. Pour la première fois depuis le début d'avril, le printemps semble être finalement arrivé. Ca lui a pris du temps. Je sais qu'au Québec, le temps est hivernal, alors je vais essayer de ne pas être trop cruel, mais aujourd'hui pour la première fois depuis début septembre environ j'ai pu m'habiller légèrement. Enfin, par légèrement je veux dire avec autre chose que des gilets de laine. Je crois même que le manteau d'hiver serait superflu. Je sais, il faut se méfier d'avril: ''en avril, ne te découvre pas d'un fil''. Mais bon, un jour du mois, on ne boudera pas son plaisir.
Saturday 13 April 2013
Casino Royale (the birth of James Bond)
''The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning.''
There is a birthday to celebrate today: 60 years ago, Casino Royale was published. A small book, a simple story about a British secret agent trying to thwart a Communist agent by ruining him in a French casino, learning through the process about love and then betrayal. The secret agent, of course, was James Bond. I have quoted the incipit of the novel, which illustrates Fleming's talent. Casino Royale is not the first novel of Ian Fleming I read, I actually started with Thunderball, the source of my favourite Bond movie. I read Casino Royale a few months before the movie was released. It was my second Bond novel. Now I read them all. And the first one is among my favourite. I will commemorate by reading a bit of the novel and watching bits of the movie tonight.
There is a birthday to celebrate today: 60 years ago, Casino Royale was published. A small book, a simple story about a British secret agent trying to thwart a Communist agent by ruining him in a French casino, learning through the process about love and then betrayal. The secret agent, of course, was James Bond. I have quoted the incipit of the novel, which illustrates Fleming's talent. Casino Royale is not the first novel of Ian Fleming I read, I actually started with Thunderball, the source of my favourite Bond movie. I read Casino Royale a few months before the movie was released. It was my second Bond novel. Now I read them all. And the first one is among my favourite. I will commemorate by reading a bit of the novel and watching bits of the movie tonight.
Casino Royale,
Ian Fleming,
James Bond,
Un mot d'encouragement de la blogosphère
En réaction à ce billet, que j'ai écrit tout récemment en parlant de mon lectorat qui se faisait plus nombreux à se faire rare, ma lectrice et blogueuse m'a fait l'honneur non seulement d'un commentaire sur ledit billet, mais également d'un billet sur son propre blogue en réponse à mon billet. Les lecteurs assidus qui me restent, ils me gâtent. Alors voilà, je suis touché par ce mot d'encouragement. Ca m'inspire déjà un peu plus et me console de mes angoisses blogosphériques.Alors merci Loulou, ça m'a fait chaud au coeur.
La photo qui accompagne ce billet a été prise dans la bibliothèque locale, vendredi il y a une semaine. Pourquoi elle accompagne ce billet? Outre mon arbitraire désir de télécharger une photo pour agrémenter le blogue, c'est aussi parce qu'il y a quelque chose d'inspirant dans la vue de certaines fenêtre, dont celle-ci.
La photo qui accompagne ce billet a été prise dans la bibliothèque locale, vendredi il y a une semaine. Pourquoi elle accompagne ce billet? Outre mon arbitraire désir de télécharger une photo pour agrémenter le blogue, c'est aussi parce qu'il y a quelque chose d'inspirant dans la vue de certaines fenêtre, dont celle-ci.
Friday 12 April 2013
Trivia about Samuel Beckett and Patrick Magee
I once mentioned here that I wrote an essay when I was an undergraduate about Krapp's Last Tape by Samuel Beckett. I still think to this day that it was my best undergraduate paper. For the same course, on XXth century theater, I had made a brilliant oral presentation about the same play... Now where am I going with this? I will not praise myself overtly: I mentioned these pieces of work because a lot of what I did at that time was pretty rubbish. But also because, reading about the play, I (re)discovered that it was first performed by Patrick Magee in the role. The title role and the only role of the play. in fact, Beckett wrote the part especially for him. Patrick Magee also played in Barry Lydon and of course in A Clockwork Orange. I wonder if my sensibilities played some role into choosing to study this play in particular, since Magee played in one of my favorite movies, based on one of my favorite novels at the time. The teacher had said it was a difficult choice, I had read little Beckett before, yet I felt like a fish in the water reading it. I often regret not doing further studies on Beckett, or performing in one of his plays. I read Krapp's Last Tape eagerly, but never saw it on stage, although I did caught the second half of an adaptation on the BBC once. I know I can find the original performance on YouTube. Goodie.
Question existentielle (179)
Je me pose parfois des questions existentielles, voyez-vous, et ce n'est pas parce que je manque d'imagination, c'est parce que certaines questions m'obsèdent. celle-ci, récemment:
-Quel est le film le plus profondément rempli de clichés de l'histoire du cinéma?
-Quel est le film le plus profondément rempli de clichés de l'histoire du cinéma?
existential question,
question existentielle
Thursday 11 April 2013
Dungeons & Dragons in Spring
I have just been watching The Big Bang Theory, a ''new'' episode, I mean a new episode here in the UK, set during Christmastime, titled The Santa Simulation.The gang played Dungeons & Dragons, which is of course my favourite game, but also a game my brothers and I now play during the Christmas season, because it is the only time in the year when we can play now. Because of this, and for other reasons too, I associate D&Dr with winter. That said, we used to play all year round. We started our current campaign in August 1992. For a while, we played nearly every weekend. There were of course pauses, sometimes we stopped for weeks and even a few months, but we overall we played regularly.
Which brings me to playing the game in springtime. It was generally a quieter period than autumn and winter, the big playing time periods. It was also in a way quieter than summer, which yes was holiday time and with people away, but we had the few rainy days (sometimes not so few) and plenty of evenings. And in August, when people were back from holidays, everybody wanted to play to forget about the upcoming school year. But spring was different, we had ran a few adventures and PJ, who was and is still our Dungeon Master, needed time to prepare new ones. We were all running out of steam and imagination. I used to call this the ''between adventures times''. It was a time when our characters were mainly going from point A to B (in my case, as I was a ranger, from the city dwelling when often adventures ended to the nearest forest), buying new equipment and gems to light ourselves of the money we had, overall being fairly inactive. Sure, there were a few combats here and there: some players were impatient to get XP and more treasures, and the road from A to B was often a dangerous one. There were even a time when two characters cleared a whole dungeon from its monsters to turn it into their hideout. PJ used this time to flesh out the world and introduce elements of its history that would be the roots of future campaigns. So it was not a waste of time.
One word about the picture I uploaded to accompany this post. it is again from Larry Elmore. It does not look much like springtime on it, but I could not find anything really seasonal that both fitted and that I loved. There are plenty of pictures that are autumnal and wintery though. I like this one and it could fit for nearly every season. You see two adventurers being lured in a trap by a thief, while a werewolf is waiting for them. It appears to be a werewolf anyway, I have seen in a D&Dr card that it was a werebear, but it does not look like a bear, and besides werebears are good and certainly not treacherous like this lycanthrope. So yes, I thought this picture could illustrate my experience of playing Dungeons & Dragons in springtime.
Which brings me to playing the game in springtime. It was generally a quieter period than autumn and winter, the big playing time periods. It was also in a way quieter than summer, which yes was holiday time and with people away, but we had the few rainy days (sometimes not so few) and plenty of evenings. And in August, when people were back from holidays, everybody wanted to play to forget about the upcoming school year. But spring was different, we had ran a few adventures and PJ, who was and is still our Dungeon Master, needed time to prepare new ones. We were all running out of steam and imagination. I used to call this the ''between adventures times''. It was a time when our characters were mainly going from point A to B (in my case, as I was a ranger, from the city dwelling when often adventures ended to the nearest forest), buying new equipment and gems to light ourselves of the money we had, overall being fairly inactive. Sure, there were a few combats here and there: some players were impatient to get XP and more treasures, and the road from A to B was often a dangerous one. There were even a time when two characters cleared a whole dungeon from its monsters to turn it into their hideout. PJ used this time to flesh out the world and introduce elements of its history that would be the roots of future campaigns. So it was not a waste of time.
One word about the picture I uploaded to accompany this post. it is again from Larry Elmore. It does not look much like springtime on it, but I could not find anything really seasonal that both fitted and that I loved. There are plenty of pictures that are autumnal and wintery though. I like this one and it could fit for nearly every season. You see two adventurers being lured in a trap by a thief, while a werewolf is waiting for them. It appears to be a werewolf anyway, I have seen in a D&Dr card that it was a werebear, but it does not look like a bear, and besides werebears are good and certainly not treacherous like this lycanthrope. So yes, I thought this picture could illustrate my experience of playing Dungeons & Dragons in springtime.
Anémie blogosphérique
J'ai vu ajourd'hui les statistiques de Vraie Fiction, sur ses visiteurs, que je reçois chaque semaine. C'était plutôt pa poisse cette semaine: à peu près 70 en moyenne par jour, alors que d'habitude c'est plus d'une centaine, dans les temps les plus bas environ 90. Il y a eu une baisse d'achalandage depuis le début d'avril, ainsi qu'une baisse dans les commentaires. Je blogue moins aussi, je ne sais pas si c'est à cause de cette baisse dans mon nombre de visiteurs/lecteurs ou si c'est une des causes. Mais ça m'ennuie un peu. Peut-être que je manque d'inspiration, je ne sais pas.
Wednesday 10 April 2013
Realism in crime fiction
I recently read an online article on the Thrilling Detective Web Site, written by British author Joe Stein. I never read one book by him yet, however I am now putting him on my reading list. And yes, this is because of the article. The topic is realism in crime fiction (in literature, but also in movies and TV series), or maybe the topic is more plausibility. I say this as the literary doctor in me wonders if realism in fiction is maybe not nonexistent. Other than this academic and rather theoric disagreement, I pretty much agree on everything Stein says, that the overabundance of coincidences and of factual errors makes many crime stories contrived and spoil my enjoyment of them. When I read: ''I need my heroes and villains to be
real, to act real, to be able to exist in real life, even if I'd avoid
them like the plague if I bumped into them in the pub,'' I felt such a breath of fresh air. I read plenty of ''realistic'' writers, but I am happy I found another one. We never have enough of them.
crime fiction,
détective privé,
Joe Stein,
littérature policière,
private eye
Tu sais que t'es prof quand...
À tout seigneur tout honneur, ceci est une liste que je tiens du blogue de Françoise Baril, mon amie de mes années de cégep, quand peut-être la moitié d'entre nous voulaient être profs ou écrivains, ou les deux. Elle le tient de quelqu'un d'autre. J'ai copié la listesur Vraie Fiction. Ca va faire bientôt trois ans que je n'enseigne plus, mais je m'y reconnais quand même beaucoup.
- T'es 'freak control' sur les bords pis que t'aimes la classe!
- Ta principale occupation est la correction...
- T'es capable de rire de tes propres jokes devant les yeux exaspérés de tes élèves, pis que tu t'trouves tellement drôle...
- Tu as l'impression que tu donnes un 'show' tous les jours…
- Tu te fais imposer tes conditions de travail et des réformes bidons par ton employeur…
- Tu te rends compte qu'avec tes 2 années de cégep et tes 4 ans d'université et un endettement de 15 000$, tu gagnes deux fois moins que tes amis qui ont fait un D.E.P. De 6 mois payé par le chômage!!!
- Tu veux étriper le jeune mal élevé à l'épicerie! Ou bien enlever la calotte d'un jeune au resto!
- Tu ne te rends plus compte que tu répètes tout ce que tu dis.
- Quand pour toi, temps plein, c'est 32 heures avec 8 heures reconnues mais non-payées !
- Tu n'es pas certaine d'une réponse et que tu réponds: 'Je vais y revenir...' Et que tu n'y reviens jamais!
- Tu n'appelleras JAMAIS JAMAIS ton fils Kevin...hum...ya vraiment une étrange corrélation entre ce nom et une certaine cote 12...
- Tes envies de pipi sont dictées par le son de la cloche...
- Tu ne te rends plus compte que tu répètes tout ce que tu dis...
- Les employés du Bureau en Gros le plus proche t’appellent tous par ton prénom
- Tu sais ce que signifie EHDAA, GPI, TDAH, TED, MELS, etc.
- Ton linge est toujours plein de craie...
- Tu utilises régulièrement la phrase: «c'était pour voir si vous suiviez!», lorsque tu te trompes.
- Tu dois bannir de ton vocabulaire tous les mots qui pourraient, de près ou de loin, avoir vaguement, une connotation sexuelle, parce que si tu le dis, c'est l'hilarité générale pendant 10 minutes…
- Tu ne te rends plus compte que tu répètes tout ce que tu dis...
- Te faire appeler Maman/papa ne te surprend même plus et que te faire dire Madame, Monsieur, ... Est monnaie courante...
- Tes élèves remarquent le moindre détail qui a changé sur ta personne
- Une partie de ton salaire te sert à payer ce dont tu as besoin pour travailler (matériel didactique, encre pour imprimer chez toi parce que les imprimantes de l'école cessent de fonctionner, etc...)
- Tu es capable de mémoriser plus de cent prénoms, et ce, en moins de 2 semaines...
- Tu fais des fautes et que tu dis: c'est pas une faute, c'est une coquille!
- Tout ce que tu as appris à l'université ne te sert strictement à rien!!
- Tu pries chaque soir pour que la rumeur qui dit que 'la poussière de craie est cancérigène' soit fausse...:)
- Tu ne te rends plus compte que tu répètes tout ce que tu dis...
- Presque toutes tes journées pédagogiques (où tu pourrais faire ta planification, corriger et faire tes trucs dans la classe) sont déjà planifiées avec des formations et des réunions!!
- Tu attrapes quatre rhumes, deux gastros et une bronchite en une seule année, mais que tu te consoles en te disant que c'est moins pire que l'année passée...
- Tu souris en parcourant cette liste en te disant : « C’est tellement vrai! »
Monday 8 April 2013
Midway upon the journey of our life...
''Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita,
mi ritrovai per una selva oscura,
ché la diritta via era smarrita.''
Dante, The Divine Comedy
Well, of course it is The Divine Comedy. The first three lines. Translated it means: “Midway upon the journey of our life, I found myself within a forest dark, for the straightforward pathway had been lost.” I read it all during my university years, in English, from Inferno to Paradisio. One of my Italian friends teased me saying that one cannot appreciate Dante if one does not read him in Italian, and thus that I should read it in the original language, my poor knowledge of Italian at the time be darned. My Italian now is still not up to scratch for Dante. A darn shame. I quoted Dante because I am still 35, midway in a man's life's journey, and because it is my birthday soon. And I thought this blog needed a bit of literary depth and meaning.
mi ritrovai per una selva oscura,
ché la diritta via era smarrita.''
Dante, The Divine Comedy
Well, of course it is The Divine Comedy. The first three lines. Translated it means: “Midway upon the journey of our life, I found myself within a forest dark, for the straightforward pathway had been lost.” I read it all during my university years, in English, from Inferno to Paradisio. One of my Italian friends teased me saying that one cannot appreciate Dante if one does not read him in Italian, and thus that I should read it in the original language, my poor knowledge of Italian at the time be darned. My Italian now is still not up to scratch for Dante. A darn shame. I quoted Dante because I am still 35, midway in a man's life's journey, and because it is my birthday soon. And I thought this blog needed a bit of literary depth and meaning.
Divina Comedia,
Divine Comédie,
Divine Comedy,
Miss Maggie (parce que)
Je sais, je sais, je ne devrais pas dire du mal des morts. Mais je n'ai pas pu résister à la tentation de télécharger Miss Maggie ce soir, parce que Thatcher était une figure controversée (et détestée dans ma bien-aimée Liverpool) et parce que la chanson de Renaud demeure profondément décapante. Alors voilà...
Margaret Thatcher,
Miss Maggie,
Royaume Uni,
Saturday 6 April 2013
First outside read
Today, for a change, after weeks and in fact months of Siberian temperatures, it was finally borderline warm. It not only looked like, but actually felt like Spring. I know April is treacherous, so it will not last long, but at least it was warm enough and people could actually enjoy being outside. I did: for the first time of the year I could read outside. I did not do this for very long, but I read a few pages of The Sweet Forever. It is always good to rediscover George Pelecanos, and this book will almost make me nostalgic of the 80s. Almost. In any case, it reminded me of the many afternoons I spent reading in the back garden as a child, when the snow was still melting and the trees had not completely blossomed. There is just something about the first outside read of the year.
crime fiction,
George Pelecanos,
littérature policière,
The Sweet Forever,
Galettes aux bananes
Ceci est un court billet de fin de soirée. Catégorie: les trésors que l'on trouve sur Dropbox. En fouillant donc dans ladite Dropbox, j'ai trouvé la recette des galettes aux bananes sur lesquelles j'avais blogué en anglais ici. Ce qui est une découverte heureuse. Je ne sais pas si je vais vaincre ma paresse habituelle pour m'essayer à en faire, mais je c'est rassurant d'avoir la recette. Je vais peut-être me commettre à la faire un de ces quatre.
banana bread,
comfort food,
pain aux bananes
Friday 5 April 2013
The Django song
What about a song to start the weekend? For some reason, I had this one in the head, the theme song of Django, which was reused in Django Unchained. I have a confession to make: I have seen neither movie. I will see the original soon, it is on YouTube. I love spaghetti westerns, even the lesser ones (although I know Django is not among the lesser ones!), I love their excesses and their violence, the whole operatic feel and atmosphere. Spaghetti westerns represent such a nasty, twisted side of Italian culture. But for better or worse, I love this side of Italian culture, unapologitically violent. So anyway, here is the song.
Quand la journée se termine plus tôt
On a eu des problèmes de connectivité toute la journée au travail. Ca a commencé le matin, c'était supposé être temporaire, la situation s'est améliorée à deux ou trois reprises. Puis tout s'est arrêté. Une heure ou environ avant la fin de la journée, nous avons eu le droit de rentrer à la maison. J'aime bien cette façon de terminer un vendredi et de commencer ma fin de semaine. Ca veut dire que je peux rentrer alors que la soirée est encore jeune, en fait même pas commencée. Et, comme la température était un peu plus clémente que les jours d'avant, j'ai fait un petit détour vers la bibliothèque locale (photo de la fenêtre à droite). Un bon début de fin de semaine, en somme.
fin de semaine,
Thursday 4 April 2013
Remember, O foolish mortal man
I recently (re)discovered a new Memento Mori. I was looking at myself in the mirror. And I saw the grey temples. My temples are greying. I knew it already, but they look more visible. Yes, I knew about the greying beard, and a while ago there was that stupid anti-wrinkle cream I received for free, which I never used. But my temples, well, I don't know why, but they are more visible. I mean, I still have a youthful enough face and as long as I shave (occasionally), the grey beard will not bother me. Moral of the story: a man should never watch himself in the mirror for too long.
De la neige en avril
Je sais, je sais, je ne devrais même pas m'en étonner. Mais il a neigé aujourd'hui et je commence à en avoir un peu ma claque. Genre, pas mal. Je commence à avoir envie d'un printemps qui ressemble au printemps. D'habitude, le froid vient après des températures plus clémentes. Cette année, il n'est même pas une mauvaise surprise, seulement un visiteur désagréable qui ne veut pas partir. Je me demandais hier comment survivre à avril. La question se pose encore plus aujourd'hui.
Wednesday 3 April 2013
An image of Manchester
This is a picture of Manchester I took from my hotel room with the camera of my cellphone, during my last trip to the city. You can see on it The Palace Hotel in the background. Which is way more prestigious than the Holiday Inn I was in, but hey, I was not there to lodge in luxury hotels, but to do a long overdue pilgrimage. I have only been to Manchester three time: once to visit the first Anthony Burgess Foundation, the second time I literally walked through its train station to catch a train connection to and then from Liverpool (that really counts as one trip), and the last time. Many people told me that there was nothing to see there, that it was a gloomy industrial city. I have seen little of it each time, but the little I saw, I loved it. I am biased of course, since it is the birthplace of Anthony Burgess. Nevertheless, likes and dislikes are a question of subjective perspectives, and I loved its heart. As another kind of Northerner coming from a city that has the reputation to be ugly, I guess I do feel affinities with Manchester, even though it is a bigger city than the one I grew up in (and full of English people). Whatever the reasons were, I felt an affinity with it.
Question existentielle (178)
Mon lectorat sait ce que je pense d'avril, de son côté imprévisible et capricieux. Ces temps-ci, il montre son jour le plus rébarbatif: il gèle à pierre fendre, encore plus qu'en janvier. Ce qui m'a inspiré cette question existentielle, d'une importance primordiale:
-Comment survivre au mois d'avril?
Répondez-moi, si vous n'êtes pas tous déjà morts...
-Comment survivre au mois d'avril?
Répondez-moi, si vous n'êtes pas tous déjà morts...
existential question,
question existentielle,
Tuesday 2 April 2013
Smoke and fire
Today at work, near the end of the day, we smelled smoke. Then we saw it from the window, a fairly thick smoke going around in the It was so overpowering we could smell it from the inside, and wondered for a second if the building was not burning somewhere. But we finally saw that it was a bonfire in a nearby back garden. I could smell it on the way to the train station. Later on, back on my way home, I could smell bonfires again. Maybe it was self-suggestion. I love smelling the smoke of a fire, especially on a cold day like it was today. We are having a very chilling spring, April so far seems to be almost like autumn, dry, crisp and oh so very cold. Of course this bonfire was lit for some use, some boring, trivial use, but it really fit the day, gave it some texture, if that makes any sense.
Maxime latine chicoutimienne
J'ai téléchargé cette photo parmi celles que l'on retrouve sur la page Facebook du Cégep de Chicoutimi. C'est une photo la porte d'entrée du Centre socio-culturel, qui était aussi l'entrée de l'ancien Séminaire de Chicoutimi. Le Cégep de Chicoutimi et laid à bien des endroits, mais l'édifice original est plutôt joli, même si son entrée pue le catholicisme grandiloquent. Les colonnes néo-néo-classiques, elles ont un charme un peu ridicule, ou un ridicule charmant. Au dessus de la porte, il est écrit: ''Spes Messis in Semine.'' C'était (c'est?) est la devise du Séminaire de Chicoutimi. Mon père me disait que la traduction était: ''L'Espoir du Messie dans la Semence.'' Il semblerait que ce soit plutôt: ''L'espoir de la moisson dans la semence.'' Même sans Messie, c'est d'un catholicisme puant. Mon père m'a dit que les étudiants avaient retraduit: ''L'espace d'un mois en une semaine.'' Ce qui sonne exactement comme on se sent lorsqu'on étudie parfois. Je sais, j'ai déjà blogué sur le sujet, mais je tenais à y ajouter le support visuel. Surtout que l'entrée de l'ancien Séminaire, c'est peut-être mon coin préféré de tout Chicoutimi.
Et, pour la petite histoire, j'ai étudié toute ma vie à l'école publique.
Et, pour la petite histoire, j'ai étudié toute ma vie à l'école publique.
Monday 1 April 2013
Irish stew and Italian Chianti
Yesterday, I went to the local Irish pub in the day. It was a cold day. To celebrate Easter I ordered an Irish stew with a glass of Chianti wine. They were serving Irish stew especially for Easter. It came with a mash on the side. I thought I would take a picture of the Irish stew, which you can see at your left. It was a lovely presentation, simple, even rustic one. Now this is what I call the perfect food and drink for the perfect day. It was hearty and filling and the red wine worked so well with the lamb in the stew. Even though I am not sure the Chianti was really meant to go with this particular meat, but hey I am a Philistine when it comes to wine culture, beyond red wine with red meat, I don't really know what goes with what. It was fitting for another reason: lamb is the traditional food for Easter and to drink what more appropriate than red wine? It has some Eucharistic overtones (I know, ironic that a Godless man says this). And both Ireland and Italy are Catholic countries. I once said that I was a cultural Catholic. Maybe I am more of a gastronomical one. In any case, the mix of Irish stew and Italian Chianti was a great one. I asked the landlady the recipe, but as it was a family secret I didn't get it. Oh well. At least I tasted it. I am not an expert, but it is still the best Irish stew I ever tasted.
comfort food,
Irish stew,
Premier avril
Nous sommes le 1er avril, donc le jour du... Poisson d'avril. Incidemment, nous sommes aussi le lundi de Pâques. Les deux jours pourraient se bousculer encore plus: en 2018, Pâques sera le 1er avril. Le premier jour d'avril et ses traditions, je n'en fais plus grand cas. Quelqu'un ici fait-il encore un Poisson d'avril? Enfin ici, je veux dire dans la blogosphère, parmi mon lectorat. Les farces d'avril, je crois que ce sont les températures d'avril qui les font. On espère des températures printanières, on se retrouve avec un froid atroce et du temps gris, comme aujourd'hui. Ou alors on tombe sur des températures estivales. Ce qui ne semble pas parti pour arriver cette année. Avril est un mois farceur qui nous rappelle qu'il n'y a souvent rien de moins printanier que le printemps.
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