Maybe I am too puritan, but I could not title this post Bitch, although it IS the title of the song I am uploading here. It is also a song sometimes (often?) featured in the Godless Bitches podcast, who are among my female role models. Even though I am dubious about the name they chose. I think it might be the only song I know of Meredith Brooks, but it is so full of in-your-face attitude and I love it. So here it is.
Just Do It
2 days ago
One hit wonder.
I like it. fun and danceable.
@PJ-Mais c'est quand même une chanson que j'aime bien.
@Gwen-I wouldn't dance on it though, as I can't dance to save my life.
One-hit wonder ne veut pas dire que c'est mauvais nécessairement, juste que l'artiste n'a pas eu d'autre succès populaire notable, peu importe la qualité ou l'existence d'autres chansons.
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