We went to the local toy shop this weekend and bought a few things for Wolfie. When I was at the till, the cashier asked me where I was from, probably because of my accent and all. I said Montreal (because it's always simpler than saying Chicoutimi), and she said from Calgary. So we chatted a bit. As I have never set foot on Calgary, I have no idea what to talk about. So of course I brought up hockey and the 1989 Stanley Cup playoffs, which is one of my most vivid hockey related memory. I'm still sad that the Habs didn't win this one. It was before her time and ut turned out she is not a fan of the Flames either. She mentioned another team, can't remember which one. Anyway, so that's it, I spoke to someone from Calgary. I honestly can't remember if I ever did that before.
We The People
4 weeks ago
... et ton blogue est lu à Edmonton...
Its always a bit surreal when you do run across another Canadian here who isn't London based.
WHAT? you have TWO Edmonton readers?
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