I recently read a column on The Verge (don't know this one) from Monique Judge (don't know her at all) titled "Bring back personal blogging." I really enjoyed the article and the arguments brought forward. Because a blog like Vraie Fiction is now pretty much a rarity, in fact personal blogging is a lost art, maybe a dying one even. And I think the online world would be poorer without it.After about 15 years (give or take), I still blog daily and I enjoy it a lot, even though I migt only be blogging for a handful of readers, if that. But I find the interaction more genuine on a blog than other social media platforms, even when we have trivial subject matters (which is often the case for me). So yeah, I hope Monique Judge's call is heard and we see more blogs and more blogging this year.
We The People
1 week ago
It was a sweet and well-meaning article but didn't really scratch the surface of why traditional personal blogging has fallen into the backwater of the internet. It takes time to both create content and read others' content, there's no real "instant gratification" like there is with Twitter and FB. Also, no possibility of instant viral success like on YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, etc. And with that comes money. No one ever got rich from personal blogging.
My first love is reading blogs!! I have been a ‘hit and miss’ blogger when it comes to my own blog, but I read others’ blogs daily, and miss all of those that I followed with so much joy that have given it up. I would love to see it make a huge resurgence.
i agree with this so much. my blogging has slacked off so much over the last two years because i have been so busy. however, i hope to get back to my old ways soon. i miss so many of the blogs that just disappeared.
You'd be surprised how many people have had their fill of the 60 second sound bite and pointless videos. Granted there isn't the proliferation of blogs that there was a decade ago, but for those of us who have stayed the course, even if erratically, a good blog is always in demand.
To quote Wednesday Addams, "I find social media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation."
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