Sunday 21 April 2024

47 (Argh!)

Today is my birthday. I'm 47. Argh! I am kind of freaking out, because my fourties aregoing through far too quickly for my taste: I remember turning 40 like it was yesterday. And Wolfie was not even one yet, it was a hot, almost summery day and, well, it still felt somewhat young. Now I am only three years away from 50. That feels kind of unfair. Tempus Fugit, and all that. Now, today will feel different for another reason: Wolfie's friend has his birthday party today. It's not his birthday, but they are celebrating it today. So it means I am sort of sharing it with one my son's friends. It does not really matter: when you are a father, it is all about your child(ren) anyway. And since it is not one of the birthdays ending in 0, I am happy to celebrate a bit less this year. And I know my wife and kid have a few surprises up their sleeves today. In any case, the best birthday celebrations I had were often the smallest ones.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Happy Birthday, Guillaume! Enjoy your Special Day! Remember -- you'll never be this young again.

Lady M said...

Happy Birthday

Caffeinated Joe said...

Happy Birthday!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

happy birthday! mine is tuesday!

Alison said...

I'm late, but Happy Birthday! 47 is nothing, onto the next adventure!