Tonight is Walpurgis Night. When devils and witches gather and ghosts roam the earth, among other spooky sinister things. Do you think it sounds like Halloween? Because that's pretty much what it is: Halloween in April. A sort of early dress rehearsal, if you will. I never celebrate it as much as I should, maybe because it lacks one crucual thing that Halloween has: autumn. However, it is an important date in my spooky season. A part of my countdown to Halloween, the very early stage of it, I tend to read a few spooky horror story or two before bedtime. And I listen to the noises outside. In case I can hear a ghost or a witch.
Just Do It
2 days ago
omg, yay!!! i've been so busy i forgot! since we are in deep summer heat here already, this gives me something to look forward to!
Time to dust off my broom!
I remembered we were halfway to Halloween but completely forgot Walpurgisnacht.
Thank you for reminding us about Walpurgisnacht. Like an earlier commenter said, we were focused on Half-o-ween being May 1st. Need to mentally work the two together from here on out.
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