Yesterday, 6:30AM or thereabout, my wife and got woken up by a darn leaf blower! It was not the first time. Some guy in the parking of the office behind our home does it every Tuesday or so. I wonder why: the offices have been mostly empty for the last year and a half, and so was the parking, and we in the middle of summer! I already hated them in autumn, when at least you could make a rationale for using them. Even though let's face it, why can't they use a good old rake? Leaf blowers must be the most useless thing ever invented by man: it's noisy, it's polluting, it's clunky and probably as heavy as it looks and you just move leaves from one spot to the next. Like I said, use a rake, or let the wind blow them, if you really must get ri of the leaves. It's just properly ridiculous. And I, for one, love leaves on the ground. It looks pretty and it's a natural fertiliser. Anyway, my wife emailed the town council and apparently the guy who did the job (at 6:30 in the morning!) was very nice and promised the councillor that he would be more considerate next time. If he was truly considerate, he'd switch career.
We The People
1 week ago
we have a neighbor that blows leaves several times a week. at least the people you contacted are reasonable.
Leaf blowers are bad enough at the best of times, but at 6:30 a.m.? Abominable!
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