It is the last day of May today and my wife remembered a few days ago that we got together in May... Twenty years ago. We had forgotten to celebrate what is a rather important anniversary. I always celebrate our meeting anniversary, but never the date when we got together. Maybe because we are never quite sure of the exact date, I don't know. But it is an important one, almost half our lives, it lead to us getting married and having Wolfie, so I am kind of sad that we missed to celebrate the big 2.0. We could this weekend I guess, maybe, even though May is over.
Wednesday, 31 May 2023
20 Years
"Je meurs de soif auprès de la fontaine"
Au mariage de nos amis, en fin de semaine, il y avait une fontaine sur le site qui a beaucoup impressionné Wolfie. Je ne sais pas trop pourquoi, mais il a insisté pour que je la prenne en photo. Pas lui avec la fontaine, mais la fontaine elle-même. Et à chaque fois que je vois une fontaine, je pense au vers ouvrant la ballade du concours de Blois. Étant médiéviste de formation, ça me reste en tête, même si ce n'était pas ma spécialité. J'ai essayé de l'expliquer à petit loup, sans succès.
Tuesday, 30 May 2023
Woodland Breakfast
RIP Michel Côté
Vraiment triste nouvelle apprise hier: l'acteur Michel Côté s'éteint. À 72 ans, c'est vraiment trop jeune. Je savais qu'il était très malade, mais je ne m'attendais pas à ça, pas si vite. C'est tragique. Michel Côté était l'un de nos plus grands acteurs, excellant tant dans la comédie que dans le drame. À l'international, il a surtout été connu pour C.R.A.Z.Y. Cela dit, pour moi, il aura été d'abord et avant tout le Pierre Gauthier de la télésérie Omertà, la loi du silence. Ma série québécoise préférée. Tout ça pour dire que c'est un grand deuil que je vis en voyant l'un de nos plus grands s'éteindre.
Monday, 29 May 2023
A mischief of magpies
We went to a wedding two days ago, spent the night on the venue, a hotel which impressed Wolfie a lot, because we told him it was a mansion. But I digress. Leaving the place yesterday morning after breakfast, we saw lots and lots of magpies on the way to the main road. One for sorrow, two four joy, three for a girl, four for a boy... Then some more. A group of magpies is called among other things, a mischief of magpies. It can have other names, but I think I prefer to call it a mischief of magpies, because I do find magpies somewhat mischievous. Or at least they always look like they are up to something. We see plenty of magpies round here, but I don't think I ever saw so many together before. I thinkif I was superstitious, I would say it was a good omen for the newlywed couple. In any case, we saw a mischief of magpies.
Mercedes en bois
J'ai déjà partagé une photo du même objet d'art en mars, mais je le refais rien que pour le plaisir. Mon père a pris la photo au Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec. Une Mercedes en bois de grange.
Sunday, 28 May 2023
James Bond and his martini
Saturday, 27 May 2023
Marlow Donkey
Une girouette
Friday, 26 May 2023
Going to a wedding
This weekend, we are going to a wedding. One of my wife's friends is getting married. We have not been to a wedding in at least ten years and even then, it was only to the wedding reception. And it will be a first for Wolfie. I hope he enjoys it. From what I remember, weddings and even wedding receptions tend to be a drag when you are a child. Although I think some of the children we had at our own wedding seemed mildly entertained. I will make a confession here: I find them a drag too, to be honest.
La longue attente...
Vous allez dire que je n'aime pas l'été, cela dit je me rappelle l'avoir déjà aimé, ne serait-ce que pour les vacances. Et ces temps-ci, on sent l'été s'en venir. Pour les enfants, dont petit loup, ils sentent que les vacances scolaires arrivent. Et ils trouvent le temps long, surtout quand il fait soleil. C'est un peu ce que je déteste ces temps-ci: on a tous besoin de vacances, mais elles n'arrivent pas encore. Au moins il aura une semaine de relâche bientôt. Je me rappelle la longue période de temps avant les vacances d'été quand j'étais enfant, cela me semblait interminable.Et ces temps-ci,je revis un peu ça par procuration à travers petit loup.
Thursday, 25 May 2023
Vintage Wallingford
La crème glacée des Pères trappistes
Wednesday, 24 May 2023
The Secret Hideout
On their way back to school, Wolfie and a a friend of his, a girl who lives nearby, always stop by a tree in the middle of a small field and they get to play for a few minutes in their "secret hideout". The tree is surrounded by a bit of shrubbery, so I guess it looks like they have a secluded meeting place. They bring branches, sticks, flowers and other things to "make it more secret". Sometimes they spend so much time there I get back to work late. Often, other friends gather wiht them. So it is a sort of secret hideout for children. They are even buolding a booby trap in it, to protect it from intruders. I.e. adults. We were discussing this with a mother yesterday and she was saying how her daughter wants her to plain the villain all the time in their game and it was weird how they'd see things in black and white. I told her: "Well, you need badguys in children's games, otherwise it's not good sport." Which I think deserves to be a great unknown line. Anyway, it's a shame that it is not closer to home, otherwise the hideout would be the centre of their games and we would have an excuse to get Wolfie outside quicker.
L'Arlequin (Santon de Charlevoix)
Tuesday, 23 May 2023
The Great Model Train Robbery
You know I am fascinated by trains, crime and train related crimes, whether in fiction or in real life. Trains have been a great setting for crimes, true and fictitious.Whether it is the robbery of valuable items, the cargo of valuable items or the murder of someone, it just creates a special dynamic as a setting for crime drama. But recently, I learned of a special theft not done in a train but to a train, or rather, the theft of a high value model train. It happened in Kent in 2019 (so it is not fresh news) and you can read more about it in this Pocket article. There probably a story to be written about this. Fiction I mean. But until then, I will add that the theft of a train model is the most despicable act of burglary.
"Cher en Puccini"
C'est très rare que je suis d'accord avec Marc Cassivi, cela dit j'ai lu et apprécié sa chronique Billets pour l'opéra: C'est cher en Puccini. Et pas seulement le titre. J'en connais très peu sur la "tarification dynamique", mais il me semble que c'est une très mauvaise idée si l'on veut rendre la musique classique et l'opéra en particulier plus accessibles au grand public. Surtout quand on voit que c'est plus cheap d'aller au Met ou à la Scala qu'à Montréal... Franchement, ça m'a scié les jambes. Enfin bref, lisez l'article et commentez pour me dire ce que vous en pensez.
I was thinking about something recently: in spite of a certain history with the Greek community from my time at uni, I never took into ouzo. Even though there was always a bottle available at parties and gatherings, or simply at dinner time. I drank some, I even drank on that fateful night when I met my wife, but I never developed a taste for it. It is true that I don't drink spirits all that much, now even less than when I was younger. And when I do drink spirit, it is generally whisky, sometimes to accompany a beer. I just think whisky tastes something, even the cheapest brands. Ouzo and other similar drinks, I don't know, I never thought it tasted all that much except, well, alcohol. For those who drink ouzo among you, what makes it stand out as a spirit? How would you recommend drinking it?
Les dards
Monday, 22 May 2023
The Orange Rifle
Les homards
Sunday, 21 May 2023
The first days of summer
Yesterday, for the very first time this year, I wore a t-shirt and had to put suncream on. It was mostly a sunny day and it was warm. My wife noticed, rightly, that it was by any practical means our first summer day. Today was similar. I know people here are happy about it, about the sunny and warm weather and about summertime showing up after a very late start. I am not one of those people. I dread hot weather (although now it is bearable, being in the lower 20s Celsius) and I have discovered another seasonal plight: hay fever. I had it in the past, but this is worse than ever this year. I fear it might be a long summer. I will try to remain patient.
La femme d'Hector
Parce que c'est le mois de mai j'ai en tête une chanson de Georges Brassens qui le mentionne. Comme parfois j'ai envie d'écouter du Brassens et de le partager, voici La femme d'Hector.
The torch as a weapon
I am a big fanof having torches in the house. So much so that I asked for torches as a present not once but twice, once for my birthday and a second time for Christmas, when my birthday torch went the way of the dodo. I will buy more, just in case. But musing and pondering about torches, I thought of another use for them, inspired by a comment on this post (thank you Alison): they can also be used as a defensive weapon, if they have the right size and weight. When you walk at night, that could be an asset. I should have thought about it, given that I learned Krav Maga. You can also blind a potential attacker with the light. Anyway, my torches are too small to be proper blunt weapons, so I might buy bigger ones in the future. We are never too careful.
Ah, l'odeur des cigares!
Saturday, 20 May 2023
Snug-Rug Blanket
Le sable, le balai et les grosses machines
Friday, 19 May 2023
"The Vampire of Croglin Grange"
Sometimes I wish I could have seen something. A few days ago, a nearby associations of skeptics held a conference about the Vampire of Croglin Grange. An alleged real-life horror story that happened in Cumberland. I have heard of real life accounts of vampirism set in this country, so I may or may not have heard of that legend (can we say an urban legend?) before I have seen the announcement of the conference. I am gutted that I could not attend. I am of course skeptical of the whole story, but I love these bits of local legends about evil creatures, they make for great source material for scary stories. And if you cannot write one, you can imagine one reading the accounts and get a few pleasant chills. I hope to be able to blog about it in the next countdown to Halloween.
Le gazon et la jungle
Aujourd'hui, je vais tondre la pelouse dans la cour-arrière. Peut-être. Je déteste, mais je ne peux plus procrastiner: la dernière tonte date de septembre, peut-être même du mois d'août. Je suis terrible et le jardin a l'air d'une jungle. Nous voulions le faire il y a quelques semaines, mais ma femme n'a pas réussi à faire fonctionner la tondeuse (longue histoire) alors finalement il n'y a pas eu tonte. Une seule fois ne suffira pas: le jardin est plein de mauvaises herbes et je devrais vraiment me mettre au jardinage tout un après-midi. Juste quand la municipalité a éliminé le bac vert gratuit (autre longue histoire). Enfin bref, la morale de cette histoire, c'est que je suis un très, très mauvais jardinier.
Thursday, 18 May 2023
The Railway Network in Hamleys
Wednesday, 17 May 2023
Tractor Spotting
There are tractors that pass through our quaint little town. I don't think there should be, our streets aretoo narrow for this, but fact of the matter is, they do. We used to just find them an odd potential nuisance, but since we are parents, our perception has changed: we now get excited seeing one and we can even recognise some of them. There is a big green one, a smaller blue one and a few others. Why are tractors a source of fun for us? You see, since Wolfie is a toddler, he has been obsessed with tractors. He has toy tractors, like probably every little boy his age, but also books about tractors, he watches videos about tractors, the lot. So now, when we see a tractor, the whole family is excited. We are terrible, I know.
Les bureaux vides
Il y a un édifice avec des bureaux juste derrière chez nous. En fait, les fenêtres arrière donnent sur leur stationnement Il y a quelques années, le stationnement était plein de 9 à 5 au moins. Depuis la Covid et le confinement de 2020, c'est vide, ou presque. Il y a parfois quelques voitures stationnées ici. Quand les restrictions ont été levées, ça n'a pas changé. Ma femme a appris récemment que l'espace de bureau est à louer. Il semblerait donc que nous avons parmi nos voisins des bureaux vides. Ce qui ne me dérange pas: ça rend notre environnement beaucoup plus tranquille. En fait, nous espérons qu'ils ne seront pas loués de sitôt. À une certaine époque, j'avais espéré trouver du travail là-bas, comme ça j'aurais été proche de la maison. Et de l'extérieur, ce n'est pas un environnement laid. Mais c'est encore mieux quand ce sont des bureaux fantômes.
Tuesday, 16 May 2023
The £60,000 diamond ring
Sometimes, I check crime news just for kicks and one piece of news caught my attention recently. Two thieves got caught after stealing a ring worth £60,000 in a jewelery in Eastbourne, East Sussex. A single ring, worth so much. This is what shocks and fascinates me when I read such news. Not so much the crime as the motivation, the luxury object worth so much, yet often so small. Jewellery and diamonds (as well as other precious gems) fascinate me because they make for great MacGuffins. Every time I read a story of a burglary where diamonds are involved, I think there is a crime fiction story to be written. I know, sometimes I have a twisted mind.
Gâteau quatre-quarts aux fraises
Monday, 15 May 2023
Mozart: his face, his mind
Le monstre-citerne
Sunday, 14 May 2023
Cate's Birthday
Today is the birthday of Cate Blanchett. I had almost forgotten, shame on me. She is my favourite actress since I saw her in Elizabeth. I don't know if I told the whole story, but this will be for another time, another post. Until then, spare a thought today for the greatest living actress.
La Fête des Mères 2023, prise 2
Je voulais souligner la Fête des Mères ici, tout d'abord en souhaitant joyeuse Fête des Mères à toutes les mères qui lisent Vraie Fiction. Je veux dire, à part ma mère et ma femme. Et ma belle-mère. Je l'ai souhaitée d'ailleurs à ma mère, ma femme et ma belle-mère. Cela dit, c'est surtout à ma mère que je le souhaite aujourd'hui, parce qu'en Angleterre, on la fête en mars. Ce qui me donne souvent des maux de têtes (et parfois des oublis). Dans tous les cas, aujourd'hui c'est pour moi la Fête des Mères, prise 2.
Kong: King of the Apes
Sometimes I try to convince Wolfie to watch something different, just so I can enjoy watching it with him. And sometimes we thus make happy discoveries. I stumbled on an animated series on Netflix, Kong: King of the Apes, freely based on, well, King Kong. It was a short lived series, lasting only two seasons from 2016 to 2018 and I understand it was neither popular nor critically acclaimed, that said we did enjoy it. It is not without its flaws, it might even be bad: the animation is not great, the story is very derivative and cliché ridden, with an environmental message that is hammered in with no subtlety whatsoever. But hey, it's a children cartoon and it has a giant gorilla fighting mecha monsters and so on. And the giant gorilla is freaking King Kong, so it cannot be all that bad. It's just like perfect matinee fun. I know this is not the only Kong cartoon and I hope to watch them all with Wolfie. Eventually, I will show him the original movie.
Pauvre Manitoba!
Je n'ai pas blogué sur Maxime Bernier depuis littéralement plus d'une décennie. Au début de Vraie Fiction, il était ma tête de Turc préférée et pour cause: politicien démagogue et incompétent, incapable de reconnaître ses erreurs, je ne lui trouvais pas une seule vertu. Mais il a viré au pire après que j'aie cessé de bloguer à son sujet, créant un parti d'extrême droite dont il est devenu le leader, pour ne pas dire le gourou. Je n'ai pas blogué sur lui, mais j'aiquand même comme tout le monde vu comment il s'est enfoncé dans la fange. J'ai dû lui lancer une ou deux vacheries, parce qu'il m'a bloqué de son compte Twitter. Pas une grande perte. Enfin bref, j'ai appris récemment qu'il se présentait dans une élection partielle au Manitoba. Je plains les Manitobains, ils ne méritaient pas ça.
Saturday, 13 May 2023
Pandemic (the board game)
Our last trip to John Lewis was a few months ago. We rarely buy anything there, when we do it is generally small things. That said, I love to spend time in their board games section. Last time we went there, I stumbled upon Pandemic, a board game about a world pandemic. It could have looked sci-fi a decade ago, but not anymore. I heard about it in the middle of lockdown back in 2020 and I was wondering if, when things would turn back to normal, it would be worth buying. At the time, I thought it was too close for comfort and we could not play board games anyway. Now that I saw it in John Lewis, I am tempted to buy it. The only thing is, at the moment I have more board games than we take opportunities to play them. But I am very tempted...
La grenouille bleue
Friday, 12 May 2023
Trespass and a memory
I like to keep old clothes and I rarely depart myself from them, even after years of wearing them. Even when they get wornout and utterly out of fashion, I keep them until they are unwearable and even a charity shop would not want them. So yesterday, it struck me that I was wearing a Trespass jumper/fleece thingie. The kind of inelegant but practical outdoorsy piece of clothes that is both comfy and sturdy. As any clothe should be. I bought the Trespass jumper in the Lake District, during the summer of 2010. It had been a hot summer and I had only packed light clothes. When temperatures dropped unexpectedly, I had to quickly buy a fleece in one of the many outdoor clothes shops that the Lake District has. I had plenty of choice. I learned preparing this post that Trespass is a Scottish company, not one from Cumbria. And I thought at the time I was buying a local product. Oh well. Be that as it may, it made me want to revisit the Lake District and revisit Scotland too.
Jardin suspendu
Thursday, 11 May 2023
Sharks versus Killer Whales
Here is a bit of news from the natural world. It got me surprised. So I stumbled on an article from Pocket: The Predator that Makes Great White Sharks Flee in Fear. The predator in question is... the killer whale. I guess with a name like that, I should not have been surprised. I know orcas are not the cute cuddly creatures they are often depicted as in movies and aquariums. Still, it's the great white we are talking about. That seemingly unstoppable predator of the sea. I always had a bit of fascination for great white sharks and sharks in general. I guess I am not very original saying this, but from an evolutionary standpoint, they are simply amazing. So it kind of makes me sad that killer whales can get the better of them.
Bouquinistes: matinée pour les familles
Wednesday, 10 May 2023
Football Birthday Cake
Mauvais frisson
Bon, je ne sais pas si petit loup m'a donné quelque chose ou si ce sont les changements de température ou le mois de mai atypique que nous passons en ce moment (plutôt frais, souvent pluvieux, parfois soudainement trop chaud), mais j'ai le frisson depuis hier. J'avais un mal de gorge le matin, le mal de gorge est parti, mais a été remplacé par le frisson, celui que j'ai quand j'ai une grippe d'homme. Je vais vous le dire bien franchement: j'en ai un petit peu assez, mais au moins on n'est pas Noël, l'Halloween ou en vacances. Dans le fond, c'est peut-être le meilleur moment de l'année pour tomber malade. Ou à tout le moins le moins pire.
Tuesday, 9 May 2023
Cows on the run in Marlow
Here is a bit of somewhat local news that might bring a smile to your face: yesterday, there was a herd of cows on the run in the little town of Marlow. We know the town pretty well and in the past we have walked where the cows went through. They were from Lacey's Family Farm (I don't think I ever bought anything from them). From what I gathered, the cows were recaptured. Seeing them roaming around might have felt scary, but I must say the story did give me a few chuckles when I read about it on social media. It reminded me of a similar story in Québec, although back home the escaped cows were on the run for much longer.
Guimauve au chocolat
Monday, 8 May 2023
Cancelled May Fayre
On Saturday, we were supposed to go the local May Fayre, which is always held in one of the local parks at the first weekend of May. We have a few local fayres like this in the year, my favourite is the September one, but I love them all. I sid we were supposed to, because the day before, the fayre got cancelled. The reason invoked: the forecasted rain. I was dumbfounded. It is a sad day in England when an event gets cancelled because of a rainy day. But apparently, at the last public event done in the park, the park's lawn got severely damaged because of the rain andhigh attendance, so the organiser got cautious. Or got cold feet. Or wet feet. Be that as it may, it was not merely postponed, it was cancelled and I am disappointed.
Les Bouquinistes
Sunday, 7 May 2023
The Flying Scotsman on the wall
Encore le Sticky Toffee Pudding
Je reviens sur mon billet de vendredi sur le "sticky toffee puddings" à l'érable que mes parents ont fait. La variante québécoise. Si quelqu'un est curieux sur ce à quoi ça ressemble une portion, ben c'est à ça. Je le fais un peu et surtout pour mettre une image bien cochonne de dessert. Okay, c'est un peu rien que de la food porn, mais je veux quand même l'essayer quand je serai de retour au Québec. C'est pas comme si on n'a pas de régime sucré quand on y va de toute façon.
Saturday, 6 May 2023
About King Charles
Le foyer dans le pub
Boxing Academy ("Defence Not Defiance")
Bibliothèque autrichienne
Mon père m'a envoyé cet article de France Info sur la bilbiothèque de l'Abbaye d'Admont en Autriche. Elle est semble-t-il (re)devenue très populaire grâce aux réseaux sociaux. Or, il n'y a pas grand-chose que j'aime plus qu'une grande et vieille bibliothèque bien garnie (elle a 70 000 ouvrages). Je ne suis jamais allé à Admont, il faudra que je mette ça sur ma liste d'endroits à visiter. Je ne suis allé en Autriche qu'une fois d'ailleurs, mais je veux y retourner depuis. Il y a tellement d'endroits que je veux revoir et maintenant voici une bibliothèque que je veux découvrir.
Friday, 5 May 2023
Guerilla fishing?
We live accross some woodlands, where there are a few little lakes, most of them no bigger than a pond. So at the end of the afternoon on weekdays and at weekends, we see a lot of people going there, usually for some walk or other. We do that too sometimes. But see a lot of men dressed in army fatigue or cammo clothes, carrying bags, often long ones. At first I was wondering if they were crossing to go play paint-ball or even hunt and I thought it was really weird. But no, it turns out that they go fishing in the woods. I find the whole thing a bit little strange. Firstly because these lakes there surely have very few fish, if any. I wonder if they'd have any less chance of catching anything in a barrel full of rain water. I have never seen anyone coming back with a catch in any case. Secondly because of the whole attire. They really look like some soldiers going into ennemy territory, ready for a long guerilla in the jungle. They often have some really grim expression on their face too. Maybe there is a war going on in the woods and we don't know about it.
Le "sticky toffee pudding" à l'érable
Thursday, 4 May 2023
Mountain Warehouse's Flapjacks
Le bateau de croisière
Petit loup est obsédé par toute une série de moyens de transports. les camions, les trains, les avions et, depuis peu, les bateaux, petits et grands. Mais surtout les bateaux de croisière, en tout cas ceux qui peuvent aller en haute mer. Il en fait aussi des dessins, comme celui-ci. Ils sont par la suite utilisés dans nos jeux. On ne peut pas avoir de vrai bateau, alors voici le modèle de bateau que petit loup imagine. Je suis pas mal fier.
Wednesday, 3 May 2023
Play Cash
Lézard (iguane?)
Tuesday, 2 May 2023
Strange May (in a good way)
I have not mentioned something to far about this month: it has been cool, even cold for May. Springtime is in full bloom, or should be, but if it was not for the blossoming flowers and the green trees, we'd think we are in September, maybe even early October. Yes, it feels and sometimes smell like autumn, especially when there is a breeze or at night time. And I can't complain: I have been wearing long sleeve shirts and warm jumpers for weeks now. There is not one tshirt in sight. It is like a dress rehearsal for autumn. I just hope it stays like this for a while and it only becomes marginally warmer, until autumn comes early this year. Tall order and I know it will not last. So I am enjoying the moment.
Le participe passé
Billet peut-être controversé, sur une controverse potentielle. Enfin je crois. J'apprends dans un éditorial de la grosse Presse qu'il y a des gens au Québec, dont des profs de français, qui voudraient simplifier la règle du participe passé. Les règles, devrais-je dire, car il y en a plusieurs et ce n'est pas évident de s'y retrouver. Moi qui ai enseigné le français langue seconde dans une autre vie, je ne sais pas trop quoi en penser. C'est vrai qu'avec toutes les exceptions du participe passé, une chatte en perdrait ses petits et je crois que nous le maîtrisons tous mal. Enfin la plupart d'entre nous, à part peut-être quelques grammairiens. Et je comprends aussi qu'ultimement, c'est l'usage qui fait la règle. Mais en même temps, je suis sceptique sur notre capacité de ne pas nous enfarger avec les fleurs du tapis, comme employer une expression québécoise.
Things to do in May
As it seems to be its monthly tradition, English Heritage has published a post giving the top 5 things to do in May. I must confess, I am not the biggest fan of the month, to be honest, but I do give him one virtue, at least here in England: it has a lot of bank holidays. This year, we have one extra because of the coronation. I guess May 2023 will be dominated by the celebrations, which I am not too excited about. But I do like the suggestion number 4, about visiting an English Heritage's tea room. That sounds right up my alley. And you, what do you want to do in May?
Mont-Tremblant bannit les feux d'artifice
Petite nouvelle québécoise et écolo: la ville de Mont-Tremblant bannit les feux d'artifice. Pour des raisons environnementales. Les feux d'artifice sont polluants, ils sont en plus bruyants, ce qui est aussi une forme de pollution. Êtes-vous pour ou contre? J'aurais tendance à être pour. Bien que j'aime parfois les deux d'artifice, je ne les aime pas au point de m'en ennuyer s'ils disparaissent. Et oui, le bruit me dérange plus souvent qu'autrement. Je sais qu'ici, ce n'est pas demain la veille qu'ils seront interdits. Mais je ne me choquerais pas si on cessait d'en faire ici. Mes meilleurs souvenirs de spectacles de feux d'artifice datent de mon enfance et ce sont plutôt les circonstances festives dans lesquels ils étaient lancés qui créent mon sentiment de nostalgie, pas les deux eux-mêmes. Enfin bref, dites-moi ce que vous en pensez dans les commentaires.