Tuesday 17 September 2013

Sleepy Hollow as a TV drama?

I have found this out of total chance yesterday night, on imdb: they made a TV series freely based (very freely based) on The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving. It is called Sleepy Hollow. It premiered yesterday in America and it is already a huge success. I watched the trailers, and there are so many things that could go wrong with it, that I would normally consider wrong... and yet I was watching them wishing I could see the first episode then and there. It will air a few weeks later in the UK. I had enjoyed the Sleepy Hollow of Tim Burton as an homage to the old Hammer movies I love so much, but the TV series is going somewhere else entirely. It seems to borrow heavily, from what I could see in the trailer, from Terminator. One reason why I think Still, in the weeks leading to Halloween, this seems to be the ideal guilty pleasure. A question to my readers on the other side of the pond: anybody watched it? How is it? Worth an hour of one's evening?


jaz@octoberfarm said...

i am dying to see it!

Guillaume said...

I really want to see it too.

Cynthia said...

Si tu veux je t'envoi un lien où on trouve toutes les émissions de l'autre côté de la flaque!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I watched the first episode and liked it but it's a series that could easily go either way -- good or bad. We'll see over the next 2 or 3 episodes . . . .