I took this picture at Sundown Adventureland and I am sharing it today just for fun. I was checking my old pictures and this one struck me. This critter is right by the Jolly Pirate Boat Ride which was not open when we visited it. A shame, but there were so many cool attractions there that I didn't mind. That shark was very impressive and looked absolutely huge, so I had to take a picture of it. If you have sharp eyes, you might see that there is a bait and aabove its head, hanging from a big fishing stick. It does bring a bit of fun to the sight, but the shark is no less terrifying. I think it's a great white, or at least it looks like one. Anyway, I thought I'd share this picture today.
Sunday, 31 January 2021
Giant Shark
Un pingouin dans une valise
Mon fils a bien des toutous et, pendant un certain temps, il ne les aimait pas autant que ses jouets "ordinaires". Mais depuis quelques mois, il les aime vraiment beaucoup plus et joue plus souvent avec eux. Il en a pleins, dont ce pingouin (je sais qu'en français c'est un manchot, mais je préfère dire pingouin), qui vient avec et dans sa valise, ce qui le rend plus facile à ranger. Ce n,est pas son préféré, mais il l'aime assez pour lui avoir donné le nom de son meilleur ami, Uber. Moi, à chaque fois que je le regarde dans sa valise, je pense à voyager.
Saturday, 30 January 2021
Pulp Fiction for January
Once upon a time on this blog, I used to upload every month an inspiring cover of pulp magazine Detective Tales and comment on it. It is a tradition which I have not followed, but I have decided to do it again today, as January is about to end. So here is the Detective Tales cover for January 1948. And what a great cover it is. A bloody one too, with a murdered man stabbed by a pair of scissors (!) about to have his clothes and gun stolen by his murdered, a thuggish looking escaped convict. This is what we can safely assume from the stripy clothes the villain is wearing. I don't know what the story of this image is, but it looks like a great one. And on a side note, how strong, desperate, committed and downright ruthless you must be to be capable of stabbing someone to death with a pair of scissors?
Ours mal léché

Friday, 29 January 2021
The NRM Kids' Handbook
Since I visited it, back in 2015, I have been wanting to go back to the National Railway Museum of York. I also wanted to share it with Wolfie, who loves everything train related. Since we are unable to visit the place for the time being, I bought him the National Railway Museum Kids' Handbook as a Christmas present. It is for children age 7 and older, but I thought he would ejoy it anyway, and I was right: there's stickers, special activities, questionaires, games and of course plenty of pictures, so Wolfie loved it. I must confess, I love it too. Ideally, we would have used it as guide while visiting the museum itself, I guess we'll have to be patient. From what I understand, the online shop of the NRM is still open, so I might buy things from them to help them through the pandemic.
Lulu et la Saint-Valentin
Photo prise sur la page Facebook de la Chocolaterie Lulu. J'avoue que ça m'a étonné de voir ça. Je sais que je ne devrais pas l'être, mais pour moi, le chocolat Lulu, c'est associé à Pâques. Si je vivais encore au Saguenay, c'est là que j'achèterais mon chocolat pour la Saint-Valentin. Enfin, pas "mon" chocolat, je veux dire celui que j'offrirais à ma femme, mais bref. Ici, on ne fait guère dans l'extravagance, même pour le chocolat, et rien ne bat les extravagances saguenéennes, parce que rien n'est petit dans ma région.
Thursday, 28 January 2021
A book for every season
I found this picture on the Facebook page of the Wallingford Bookshop, which is one of my most favourite independent bookshops in this country (and one of my favourite towns too, come to think of it). I can't remember when I last went there, but it must now have been more than a year. But I digress... They are selling these lovely natural history books, one for each season, from Ladybird. We never have enough books, even and especially children books, these look as educational as they are beautiful, so I hope to buy them all next time I go there, whenever that will be.
"Petit guide pratique du Saglac"
Ce billet est dans la catégorie: "les niaiseries que l'on peut trouver sur internet". Enfin bref, j'ai trouvé cette illustration sur cette page Facebook, que je ne connaissais pas. Le Petit guide pratique du Saglac. Je dois avouer que c'est assez exact.
Wednesday, 27 January 2021
265 years of Mozart
Today is the birthday of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, my favourite composer. He would have been 265 years old if he was sitll alive, so this means that human civilisation has more or less lived for 265 years with Mozart's music (since he started composing at a very early age). With such considerable body of work, I never know what to share on this blog to celebrate. I thought a lot about it and decided to go for an aria from Cosi fan tutte. I came to love Mozart through his operas and this is because of his operas that he is my favourite composer. Also because it will allow me to share an observation on this aria, Per pieta, here so beautifully interpreted by Swedish soprano Miah Persson. It is a love song, but one that is about contradictory feelings: Fiordiligi has started to fall in love, or at least be infatuated, with another man than her fiancé Guglielmo. In the orchestra, you can hear the horns part quite distinctly. Now in a love song, you would generally not expect to the brass to be so preponderant and to be paired with a soprano. In one of the YouTube comments about this aria, you can read a possible explanation of why Mozart paired French horns and a soprano voice: Fiordiligi is contemplating adultery. She might cuckhold Guglielmo (and spoiler alert: she will later on). In effect, she might give him horns. Later on, when the deed is done, Guglielmo will in fact lament that she has given him horns. So the horns, with their upbeat and pleasant tune striking against the rather sorrowful rest of the partition are basically expressing temptation. A temptation that will eventually overcome her guilt. I read this, listened to the aria again and again, and I was flabbergasted. Now that is just pure Mozart's musical genius.
Domino sur la clôture
Il fait un temps assez rébarbatif, tout est glacé, il fait froid, en tout cas assez froid et humide pour que personne ici n'ait envie de sortir, mais ça n'arrête pas Domino. En effet, il part dans ses excursions quotidiennes de manière régulière et à ma grande surprise il ne prend pas beaucoup de siestes à la maison avant que le soir ne tombe. Il peut passer des journées entières à se promener entre le jardin en longeant les clôtures, comme vous le voyez sur cette photo.
Tuesday, 26 January 2021
A bruschetta with a twist
As those who can read French might have known from a previous post, I recently made bruschette (yes, the plural is with an e, not with an s) for the family lunch. One of the things I learned spending time with Italians at uni, apart from a bit of Italian, is how to make bruschette: you toast a piece of bread, you grate a garlic clove on it, you then pour a bit of olive oil on it, then add a cut tomato, or some passata, then add grated cheese, preferably parmesan, then that's it, you have a healthy meal for you and your loved ones. You can of course do a few variations with bruschette and add different things. Which is what I always do with Wolfie: he loves them, but with olives. I put some one day on his, he won't have any without since then. Maybe I should do the same for my own bruschette, come to think of it.
Passer la gratte
J'ai acheté cette gratte jouet pour petit loup lors de notre dernier passage à Dorval, quelques heures avant de prendre l'avion. C'était hors de prix pour que c'est, mais il la voulait et ça fait un assez beau souvenir de Montréal en plus d'être un jouet qui lui permet de découvrir sa part de québécitude. Toujours est-il que lorsque la neige est tombée, il a enfin pu utiliser la gratte sur le patio du jardin, comme une vraie de vraie gratte. Wolfie avait prévu son coup: comme il savait qu'on prévoyait de la neige, il avait préparé tous ses jouets du genre la veille, afin de pouvoir les utiliser. Je vais le redire ici: avoir un fils quand tu es un père, c'est vivre son enfance une deuxième fois.
Monday, 25 January 2021
Snow at last!
Well, it was expected, but I had stopped hoping for it: it snowed yesterday, in the little hours of the morning. More to the point: the snow did not melt right away. So I took this picture when I got up and Wolfie and I spent a lot of time outside in the garden. Not as much as I was hoping, but some time anyway. It is not meant to last and will soon turn slushy and grey, the moment people trample on it loses its whiteness. But for at least one day, we had some snow this year.
Bruschetta "classique"
Hier pour le lunch, j'ai comme eu l'inspiration de faire des bruschette, puisqu'on a beaucoup, beaucoup d'aïl (longue histoire). Ça me prend parfois, c'est un met que ma femme aime vraiment et une des choses apprises de mes amis italiens qui m'a souvent sauvé quand j'avais une fringale. C'est niaiseux à faire: on fait une toast, on gratte de l'aïl sur la tranche, on met de l'huile d'olive, on rajoute une tomate coupée (ou de la passata), ensuite on met du fromage râpé, pde préférence du parmesan (ici c'est du cheddar). Bien entendu, on peut amener des variations, par exemple petit loup aime ça avec des olives. Mais j'ai décidé d'en faire une classique pour la photo. Et en passant, on dit bruschette au pluriel et non bruschettas et le ch se prononce "k".
Sunday, 24 January 2021
Looking for a Masterpiece
I don't know why, maybe because I am terribly nostalgic, but sometimes I think of things I did not quite experience when I was a child and wished I did. This is the case of Masterpiece, a board game by Parker Brothers which my maternal grandmother had among the many board games stacked in her basement. It was that old box which you see there. We never played it, but I have always wanted to. I'm not sure why, maybe because an auction room seemed to be an exciting setting. We once actually sat down and our uncle read us the rules, but for some reason we were interrupted and we didn't even start playing. I have always been into board games and I hope once the pandemic is over we can play some again with our friends, although it will be hard with Wolfie being just old enough to stay active, but too young for that kind of board game. All the same, I think I will try to find a copy of Masterpiece, or give it as a gift suggestion for my birthday.
Le temps des p'tits gâteaux?
Mon frère PJ m'a envoyé cette photo parce qu'il en a fait il y a quelques temps pour les Fêtes. C'est une tradition familiale qui date de l'enfance du côté de ma mère. Ma tante appelle ça des "mochas", allez savoir pourquoi. On ne les fait pas exclusivement durant les Fêtes, en fait on peut les apprécier à l'année longue. Bon, ce sont des cupcakes ordinaires, en fait, mais j'ai toujours aimé comment on créait de la variété quand on les décorait: p'tit gâteau à la vanille avec de la crème à la vanille, p'tit gâteau au chocolat avec de la crème au chocolat, ou vice-versa, avec des pépites de chocolat comme garniture, ou d'autres garnitures, etc. J'en avais fait un vanille et plein de noix de coco dessus, un autre avec quatre cerises au marasquin. C'est parfait quand on est enfant. Comme depuis le confinement je fait souvent des gâteaux avec Wolfie, je songe à en faire aujourd'hui.
Saturday, 23 January 2021
Collecting mugs unconsciously
I was chatting with my cousin Amy recently and she told me that she was collecting mugs, things she buys in thrift shops and other places. She sent me a picture of some of the mugs she bought, including this one. I sent her pics of some of the mugs we've had here, because since I have been living in a nation of tea drinkers for the last twenty years or so (on and off), I have found a few interesting ones of my own. My wife, who thinks our cupboards are way too full with mugs of various sorts made that remark: "We have been collecting mugs since we've been together, but only accidentally, we don't need to turn it into a hobby." Which is very true and it deserves to be a new great unknown line. And a note to end this post: this nice blue rustic ceramic mug was a birthday present from my parents-in-law, bought from a local artisan when they lived in Brittany. They gave us two of them. My wife wished they hadn't.
De la neige?
Photo prise hier matin. Pas de la neige (enfin je ne crois pas que ça en soit), mais pas loin. En tout cas, il a gelé au sol. Tout ça pour dire qu'on prévoit de la neige aujourd'hui et en bonne quantité, j'espère qu'il y en aura. J'ai l'impression que l'on n'a pas eu d'hiver "complet" jusqu'ici et la neige me manque vraiment, surtout qu'étant en confinement, nous n'avons pas à subir les inconvénients qui viennent toujours avec la neige ici.
Friday, 22 January 2021
Sometimes there are songs that get stuck in my head and I don't even now where I discovered it. This is the case of Shosholoza, a traditional South African song which was featured in the movie Invictus, based on real events about the Rugby World Cup of 1995. I haven't seen the film yet, but my in-laws bought me the DVD as a Christmas present. My father-in-law is South African and like many South Africans he loves rugby you see. In this household, we do not follow rugby, but we did a bit for the last World Cup. I know the song has a far deeper significance for South Africa country, but for me it is a catchy rugby song. I decided to share it here, with lyrics and translation.
La tasse aux pattes de canard
Thursday, 21 January 2021
Books and Happiness
I was checking through my old pictures and found this meme, dating back from I don't know when. I don't think I shared it before on this blog, but I thought I might as well now that I think about it. Often memes are neither funny nor wise, but this one is both. And on a side note, I really miss going to the bookshop.
Fournée de pâtés à la viande
Mes parents ont fait des pâtés à la viande et mon père m'a envoyé cette photo. Je sais que c'est un autre billet de food porn, mais je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher. Ça me manque.
Wednesday, 20 January 2021
January, 20th, 2021
I don't date things the American way usually, I put the day, then month, then year, but I made an exception for the title of this post, because of the circumstances. One of the advantages of having a working day that ends early, is that you can watch historical live on TV. So I watched the inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States of America. This is the second live inaguration I've made, the first one was the one of Barack Obama and you can read my impression here. Rereading it now, I'm surprised that I feel that I have been harsh on George W. Bush. He was not exactly my kind of president, but by hindsight, he was a decent man. I did not watch the inauguration four years ago, but I shared a filthy joke I made about it, which got me the attention of a troll. Biden may not have the eloquence or the charisma of his former boss, but given that he won against the Swine and pretty much saved American democracy (or at least contributed to its salvation), I am even happier than I was back in 2008.
Arbres en contre-plongée
Ma cousine Amy l'artiste-photographe m'a donné cette photo prise lors d'une de ses promenades. J'ai décidé de la partager ici (avec sa permission il va sans dire) parce qu'elle est saisissante et parce qu'elle est un exemple parfait de contre-plongée, comme on dit en language filmique. Ça me rappelle mes belles années du cégep, où j'ai appris que la contre-plongée est utilisée pour donner de l'impression de majesté, de grandeur, mais aussi de menace. Dans tous les cas, c'est notre mot du jour.
Until the next train journey...
I took this picture at the National Railway Museum of York. It has changed its name to the Railway Museum for some reason, but for me, it will always be the NRW. The museum is currently closed due to the pandemic and I have no idea when we will be able to travel by train or visit it again. Of all the things that I have ben missing since the first lockdown, train travel is maybe the one I miss the most. Train travel for please, with my family of course. And I can't believe how long we've been without a proper train journey. But as I am typing this post, Wolfie is playing with one of the train apps on his Kindle and he spent most of his afternoon playing with one of the many, many train sets he has. So until the next train journey, I can take comfort in the fact that my son loves trains too and that I can join him in his games.
Petit loup et son cousin
Comme vous le savez sans doute, mon frère Andrew a eu un bébé l'automne dernir avec sa blonde. Wolfie a donc un petit cousin qu'il n'a pas encore vu en personne. Mais il a quand même très hâte de le voir et il a des sentiments familiaux pour lui qui se développent, même si un océan les sépare. Récemment, alors que l'on faisait le tri des vieux vêtements de Wolfie et que l'on mettait tous ceux qu'il ne porte plus dans une boîte, il a dit qu'ils sont tous pour son petit cousin. Je ne sais pas si on va en transporter avec nous lors de notre prochain voyage, mais quand Wolfie a une idée en tête, il ne l'a pas (mais alors là vraiment pas) dans les pieds.
Tuesday, 19 January 2021
Did you notice Blue Monday yesterday?
So it was Blue Monday yesterday. Did you notice it? I certainly did not. Firstly, because I don't think the most depressing day of the year can truly be calculated, secondly because every working Monday is dreary and depressing. And this year, with the pandemic and the lockdown, it feels just like any other working day, no more nor less depressing. There is another reason why my Blue Monday went like a charm, or as well as a Monday can go: I hated my previous job, so now I feel that grateful I have a better job, better employers and better colleagues. Things are always more bearable when you know they could be far worse. This year's Mondays feel better than last year's Fridays.
Les monstres marins
Photo prise dans Les dires de Piloé, le livre de français de quatrième année que j'ai tant aimé et que mon frère PJ m'a gentiment acheté. J'ai hâte de revoir le Module 8, sur les monstres marins. Enfant, j'étais grand amateur de cryptozoologie, même si maintenant je ne crois plus aux monstres marins. Je ne me rappelle pasdu chapitre, seulement son illustration. Je me demande s'il a encouragé ma crédulité. Cela dit, jolie image.
Monday, 18 January 2021
January Crimes
I've been reading very slowly since te beginning of the year, something I want to change. Maybe it is because I don't commute anymore and has thus less occasions to read. But anyway, I have also decided to start the year on a good note by reading crime fiction, starting with Nocturne by Ed McBain. It of couse features the detectives of the 87th Precinct. I decided to start the year with it because it is set in January, a good reason as any, but also because you cannot go wrong with Ed McBain. In any case, January being in many ways a dreary month, crime fiction is the perfect genre for it.
Une vraie tempête de neige
Sunday, 17 January 2021
Belsay Castle in the snow
This is a picture of Belsay Castle near Belsay Hall which I found on the Facebook page of English Heritage. And I took it for the blog. It has been snowing everywhere in England, even here, but only in the little hours in the morning. The snow did not last. So bottom line is: I have been missing all the snow this year and worse, it struck me that I have never been enjoying an authentic medieval castle in the snow. A shame, realy. I hope I can do it one day, although when it snows in this country it is often safer to stay at home and not travel anywhere. All the same, it must be quite a sight.
Le Chat et la technologie
Certains de mes lecteurs doivent connaître, ou en tout cas avoir déjà vu Le Chat, la série de bédé d'humour absurde de Geluck. Un ancien prof de bande dessinée au cégep a partagé sur facebook ce gag il y a quelques temps. Je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de le partager aussi, rien que parce que c'est vraiment drôle.
Saturday, 16 January 2021
New White Cake
Okay, so I am blogging a lot about food these days, but in lockdown, baking has become an important part of this family's life, especially since there is a littl' chef who is eager for his daddy to bake. Anyway, since my last white cake, I had promised Wolfie that I would bake another one this week. Apparently, I am now the official family baker since, as Wolfie explained to his grand-maman: "Mummy is not good at making cakes." As cruel and unfounded as this sounds, it is a new Wolfism he's been repeating a lot these days. Anyway, back to this cake: although he is only four, my son has a very good memory and he kept reminding me about my promise, so yesterday afternoon I baked this one. A different recipe, a bigger cake too, with not much icing because I was short on icing sugar (oops!) and I added the chocolate chunks because I had some and why the heck not. I have to say, I really tried his patience near the end, when I was adding the last touch, and just for this I think he reallt earned his piece of cake.
Trouvez le lièvre
Ma cousine Amy m'a pris au mot depuis mon billet de mercredi sur ce que j'ai appelé le sentier des lièvres et m'a envoyé cette photo hier. Voyez-vous le lièvre en question? Il est blanc sur fond blanc, par conséquent ce n'est pas si évident de le détecter, mais il est visible. Sinon, je n'ai pas vraiment d'autre chose à dire sur cette photo, sinon que, tout citadin que je suis, j'aime vraiment la faune de la forêt québécoise, surtout durant les longs mois d'hiver.
Friday, 15 January 2021
Bagel and smoked meat
I took this picture at the St-Viateur Bagel on Mont-Royal Avenue about six years ago already. I think I made half a dozen trips there during that stay and for one meal, I had decided for some reason not to have the classic bagel with smoked salmon, but the one with smoked meat. Smoked meat sandwich is another great gastronomical institution of Montreal, so I thought this could be the perfect mix. I must say, I was disappointed. The meat was too fatty and it kind of spoiled the experience. The bagel itself was excellent as ever though. So from then on, and I know I am not being original or very adventurous, and I know there are other good bagel combinations, but I stick to the classic one.
Des "Vikings"(?)
J'ai trouvé parmi mes vieilles photos celle-ci. Si je ne me trompe pas, nous l'avons acheté au Danemark. C'est supposé représenter des Vikings, enfin c'est comme ça que l'on croyait, le guerrier à cheval ne pouvant pas être un Viking, parce qu'un Viking, c'est un marin, pas un groupe ethnique ou culturel, donc ce n'est pas un synonyme de Scandinave. Dans tous les cas, j'ai toujours aimé ces images, parce qu'elles ont un certain air d'authenticité, peu importe le nom que l'on donne aux deux guerrier.
Thursday, 14 January 2021
Reading at home, in a nutshell
I found this image on Books Are My Bag on Twitter and I want to share it. They want to encourage people to purchase their books at their local bookshop during lockdown, but it also illustrates perfectly what reading at home means: comfort. You may not have all of this when you read, I know I'm one fireplace short, but otherwise, it is ideally how you spend a pleasant time reading, with your favourite drink, some warm blanket, a feline friend purring nearby, etc.Since the beginning of the year, I must confess I don't read enough, not for someone who is in lockdown anyway. But I intend to be a more dsciplined reader.
Le thé de Passion Café
J'ai pris cette photo à Passion Café à Chicoutimi et j'ai été trop nono pour penser à verser le thé avant de la prendre. Alors au lieu d'avoir une tasse de thé, j'ai une tasse de thé vide et une belle théière. Avec le tit carré de choolat noir qui va toujours avec. Je blogue sur le sujet aujourd'hui car je m'ennuie pas mal de l'endroit. Et ce que j'aime dans Passion Café, c'est surtout et ironiquement la sélection de thés. Sérieusement, je pense que c'est l'une des meilleures que j'ai connues. Ils n'ont pas seulement de la variété, ils ont de la saveur. Ce ne sera pas pour demain, mais j'ai hâte à ma prochaine visite.
Wednesday, 13 January 2021
Books In Movies
I was recently checking the Facebook page of Penguin Books (page which I discovered a couple of weeks ago) and found this article about the books hidden in the background (or foreground) of movies and TV series. I thought this was a fascinating bit of trivia, and a fun exercise to do when one watches a movie, particularly a movie one loves and watched a hundred times before: to identify books on the shelves or the hands of characters. It's just a bit of fun that makes you appreciate the film in a new perspective. Of course, one must wonder if the rpesence of a specific title is purely coincidental, or if it has a deeper meaning. Something in the examples given in the article struck me: sometimes I much prefer the book featured than the actual movie it is featured in. I can name a few, if I think hard enough, but there is always one particular film which comes to my mind automatically. See this post for more details. And you, do you remember any book feature in movies or TV shows you like?
Le sentier des lièvres
Tuesday, 12 January 2021
Cate Blanchett and the bats
Here is a quick update to a post I did two days ago. So my favourite actress, who has one residence in Sussex, will be able to build her house extension, even though there are bats in the abandoned cottage, but she will have to move the bats first, according to an article in Vanity Fair. I think this is a good compromise. Speaking from personal experience, bats make for great neighbours and I love them, so I am sure Cate Blanchett can learn to appreciate them.
Un autre avantage du travail à la maison
Aujourd'hui, petit loup a été malade. Ne vous inquiétez pas, il vabeaucoup mieux maintenant. Mais ce matin, il s'est réveillé irritable parce que nauséeux. Alors il a passé sa journée à dormir. Moi, j'ai bien entendu dû travailler, mais j'ai découvert un nouvel avantage du travail à la maison: je pouvais voir comment il allait quand je voulais et j'ai pu prendre soin de lui et en plus alléger la tâche de travail de sa mère. Je trouve aussi cela plus rassurant d'être proche de mon fils qu'au bureau s'il ne se sent pas bien.
James Bond for January
I know the next James Bond movie will not be available until, well, until a long while, to my great sadness. But for those who are Bond fans like me, we can still enjoy the other films, but also the novels. On the official Facebook page of Ian Fleming, they shared this image recently, with this quote from Live and Let Die. Two things came to my mind I saw it: 1)I often read at least one spy thriller this time of year (albeit not necessarily James Bond) and 2)Ian Fleming sure kne how to set up atmosphere, and not always glamorous one. I might not reread Live and Let Die yet, got too many new books to get through, but I might just enjoy a few pages here and there this month.
"La Fleuride"
Je ne suis pas un puriste de la langue depuis que j'ai étudié la linguistique dans une autre vie. Cela dit, il y a parfois des prononciations qui m'agacent. Comme dire Califournie au lieu de Californie. Ou dire hot doye et hambégueurre. Il y en a un autre qui m'est revenu à l'esprit récemment.J'étais je crois en deuxième année et la famille d'une fille dans la classe passait beaucoup de leurs vacances à Miami en Floride. Et elle prononçait ça "Fleuride". Pendant un temps, j'ai cru qu'elle allait dans un jardin botanique. Quand j'ai appris la bonne épellation et la prononciation, bien "Fleuride" a commencé à me gricher les oreilles. Je raconte ça parce que je l'ai entendu à la radio hier et mon agacement est toujours le même. Est-ce si difficile à dire?
Monday, 11 January 2021
Pasta Bake
I am by overall a rather limited cook, but I can have my moments. So this weekend, I got inspired and made a pasta bake, with a veggie Bolognese sauce with whatever I had left of onions and carrots to add vegetables and veggie mince and this was the result. I am quite proud of it.
Une photo qui illustre janvier
J'ai demandé hier à ma cousine Amy qui est artiste photographe (c'est son violon d'Ingres) de me donner une photo qui illustrerait à quoi ressemble janvier. J'ai choisi celle-ci qu'elle a prise pas loin de chez elle. Dans un bois? Je ne le sais pas. Mais enfin bref, c'est vraiment janvier en une photo: nous sommes au coeur de l'hiver, avec de la neige, mais les Fêtes sont une chose du passé et rien ici n'y fait référence. Janvier, c'est l'hiver pur, pour ainsi dire, du moins dans cette partie du monde.
Sunday, 10 January 2021
Cate Blanchett versus the bats
This is a bit of trivial news I am reporting now, but it caught my attention and it has some interesting elements to ponder on. So Cate Blanchett, my favourite actress, has been unable to do some home extension because of bats. Basically, she has an abandoned cottage on the grounds where her Sussex home is and she had wanted to bulldoze it and have a small office garden built there, but a protected species of bats have decided to squat in the abandoned building. I don't know how the problem can be solved, but I have two observations to make about this: 1)It is funny how bats seem to be the cause of many troubles these days, big and small. And I do love bats. 2)I think I should visist Sussex, you never know who I might bump into.
Les singes du Derbyshire
J'avoue que ce billet ne sert à rien d'autre que partager une photo qui date un peu. Rien que parce que je suis assez peu inspiré, mais j'ai envie de partager des photos qui sont sur cet ordi depuis quelques années. Toujours est-il que j'ai pris cette photo à Chastworth House dans le Derbyshire. Cette famille de singes font partie d'une oeuvre plus grande, faite de pierres et de miniatures. Je ne me rappelle plus qui est l'artiste (l'un des désavantages de publier des photos des années après les avoir prises), alors veuillez m'éclairer si vous le savez. Je crois qu'il était asiatique, je me trompe peut-être, et l'Asie est vaste. Sinon, je ne sais pas trop pourquoi j'ai pris cette photo, à part que je trouvais la famille de singes mignonne.
Saturday, 9 January 2021
The short lived gloves
About two months ago, I bought new gloves from Amazon for winter. I have other gloves, but thought I needed new ones and it's nice to have spare ones in any case, especially during winter. Nice, fairly thick warm gloves, kind of plain, but they do the job. I was taking a walk a few days ago, when I noticed that a long thread that was hanging from one of the gloves. At home I checked and it turns out that both gloves are falling apart. I should have known. The moral of this trivial anecdote and I can't believe I am saying this: I cannot wait to be able to go clothes shopping again, even though I hate it.
Ai-je vu de la neige hier?
C'est la question que je me demande. J'étais sorti quelques minutes dans le jardin hier matin pour prendre un peu d'air frais et j'ai vu ce qui ressemblait à une petite couche de neige sur le patio. Pas grand-chose, presque rien, et je n'avais pas beaucoup de temps, alors je ne l'ai pas pris en photo. C'était peut-être de la glace. Mais il a peut-être ausi neigé durant la nuit, enfin une petite précipitation de neige. Je ne sais pas trop si je peux oser espérer qu'il y en aura plus dans les jours qui viennent...
Friday, 8 January 2021
Here's a little anecdote that will make you go: "aaawwww". Wolfie came up to me yesterday, hugged me, kissed my shoulder (I was sitting down) and then said: "Look daddy, I kissed and cuddled you at the same time. It's called a kisscuddle." That was so very sweet and this is a new Wolfism.
Mon janvier (et le vôtre)
Je me demandais ça: comment est le janvier 2021 jusqu'ici? Avec la pandémie qui est sévère, tant au Québec qu'en Angleterre, est-ce que vous trouvez ça difficile? Moi, de façon surprenante, tout va bien jusqu'ici, enfin je veux dire le moral est bon. Touchons du bois. Janvier est un mois que je déteste d'habitude, autant sinon plus que novembre. Et, comme je me suis réconcilié avec novembre, janvier est comme peut-être devenu le pire mois de l'année pour moi. Mais cette année j'ai moins le blues. Je crois que c'est au moins en partie lié à la pandémie: je n'ai pas à sortir de chez moi pour aller travailler et endurer le voyagement vers le bureau et le trajet du retour à la maison. Janvier dernier, en plus, je retournais travailler pour une compagnie et avec des gens que j'avais appris à détester. Alors forcément, comme j'ai un meilleur employeur, janvier est au moins plus supportable. Et vous, comment est le vôtre?
Thursday, 7 January 2021
What is Fascism
I have never read his novels, but I did read a few of his essays and since he died in 2016 I have been missing the academic and intellectual that was Umberto Eco. Today he is more relevant than ever, because he wrote once a list of 14 characteristics that define fascism. You can read about them in this article. 14 characteristics, each and everyone of them fitting perfectly the sitting Swine in chief. All I am going to say about the revolting events of yesterday, when that fat oaf and wannabe Mussolini tried to achieve his coup d'état with the help of his pathetic cultist bullies, is that should not have come as a surprise. And that he should be deposed, like the fascist wannabe tyrant that he is.
Le roi des cons
Je partage encore une fois Le roi des cons de Georges Brassens. Ai-je besoin de dire pourquoi? Et je sais qu'il reste moins de deux semaines, mais ce roi-là, faudrait vraiment le déposer avant qu'il ne détruise complètement son pays.
Bookshops are "open"
For my UK readers, but also for others around the world, probably (is this blog truly read worldwide?), I just wanted to post a reminder: bookshops are still "open" even in lockdown, sort of, in a way, from a certain point of view. You cans till buy from them by ordering online from their website, by phone, email, etc. So if you are in lockdown and need a few books, or feel like buying more books, please support your local bookshop. Or bookshops.
La remise sous la neige
Wednesday, 6 January 2021
The Wire as a videogame
No, no it does not truly exist, but I found this on YouTube a while ago and it really made me laugh. I thought I'd share it today, just to put you in a good mood for a few minutes in the middle of a week where a lot of you must be back at work. Anyway, so The Wire does not have a RPG videogame based on it just yet and it is unlikely that it will have this retro look. That said, if it did exist, I would most definitely want to play it:
Qui fête encore "Les Rois?"
Bon, bon, j'avais promis le 2 janvier de ne plus parler des Fêtes jusqu'en novembre 2021, au plus tôt. Mais aujourd'hui, c'est l'Épiphanie, ou "les Rois" comme on les appelait quand j'étais enfant, alors je me dois de le mentionner. Il fut un temps où c'était le dernier jour du congé des Fêtes avant le reotur à l'école et, si ça me rendait un peu mélancolique, j'aimais ça quand même. plus que le Jour de l'An. Peut-être à cause de la couronne associée avec. J'ai déjà écrit sur le sujet. Je sais qu'aujourd'hui, le 6 janvier est une date comme une autre, mais je me demande, à part les catholiques exaltés, qui fête encore "Les Rois?"
Tuesday, 5 January 2021
White Cake
Shortly before new year, I saw that I had to find a way to use some eggs and milk and, since I had plenty of sugar and juust enough flour, I decided to bake a cake with Wolfie. I asked him to choose the cake and he said a white one, not a chocolate one. I was actually surprised, but hey, maybe he thought it would be fitting for January, or winter, or both. So anyway, I used the original recipe of my maternal grandmother for chocolate cake, without the cocoa and with added vanilla for the icing and the cake itself and this is the result. It does not look good, in fact it was another catastrophy cake. But it tasted really nice. Maybe because Wolfie is generous with the sugar, maybe because I added a lot of butter to the icing. In any case, it tasted much better than Wolfie's birthday cake, which looked great, but made me feel sick.
Contes de la région de Québec
J'ai appris il y a peu de temps l'existence d'un livre: Contes, légendes et récits de la région de Québec, d'Aurélien Boivin. Avec en page couverte une illustration montrant sans aucun doute la Corriveau. Et si j'aime tous les contes québécois, j'adore la légende de la Corriveau. Je sais que j'ai les recoins de cette maison pleins de livres, mais je vais mettre celui-là sur ma liste de bouquins à me procurer. Je vais le demander en cadeau pour ma fête ou de Noël, ou alors je vais l'acheter moi même lors de mon prochain séjour au Québec, même si je ne sais pas quand ça arrivera.
Monday, 4 January 2021
New year, same office
Today the holidays are over, new year is already not so new and I am back at work, which means that every morning I wake up, get dressed and go to my office... in the other room. I am working from home and should be until the end of my contract with the company I work for. Shortly before the holidays, I learned that it had been extended for a month, so I will work until the end of February, then we will see. It may be extended again, or become permanent, it may not. In these uncertain times, that I have even some job security is positive enough. And I hated my previous job, so much so that I was relieved when I was made redundant. So two months working from home, with plenty of time to look for something if worst comes to worst (and it may not) is exactly what I need.
820 en 2020
820. C'est le nombre total de billets publiés en 2020 sur Vraie Fiction et c'est énorme. En fait, c'est le plus grand nombre de billets publiés en une année sur ce blogue. Je crois que la pandémie et la sédentarité forcée de même que ma brève période d'arrêt de travail qui en ont découlé, y sont pour quelque chose. J'espère un peu ralentir le rythme pour cette année et prendre le temps de lire plus.
Sunday, 3 January 2021
Polar Bear's Wisdom
I generally don't share on this blog silly meme found on social media, but this one was too funny to ignore. Today being the last day of my holidays, this is exactly what I am planning to do, because I haven't finished doing nothing.
Le Bonhomme Sept-Heures en santon
Je n'ai pas visité la région de Charlevoix depuis des années, voire des décennies, mais je veux y revenir éventuellement. Je voudrais surtout me procurer quelquepart, s'ils existent encore (leur présence en ligne étant fort discrète et datant un peu), des Santons de Charlevoix. Cette figure en particulier, que j'ai vu il y a dix ans à l'aéroport Trudeau, si je ne me trompe pas. Vous reconnaissez bien entendu le Bonhomme Sept-Heures. Je le trouve délicieusement effrayant et jusqu'ici l'une des meilleures représentations du personnage folklorique.
Saturday, 2 January 2021
The Perfect Keyring
Okay, this is the last post about Christmas until at some point in November 2021, promise. But I really had to blog about this. You may have noticed, if you have been following this blog for a while, that I am quite fond of the products of Rebellion Beer. Well, apart from the beers, they also have other byproducts that I have come to enjoy. On Christmas Day, the first present I unwrapped was very small, as I always start with the smallest presents. And lo and behold it was a keyring from Rebellion Beer. A keyring that is also a bottle opener. My wife bought it for me. It was very difficult to top this. This is by far the perfect keyring and I am surprised I'd never thought of that before. I have been using it almost every day.
Mafalda et la nouvelle année
Je sais que j'ai blogué sur le sujet en anglais il y a peu, mais j'ai retrouvé le gag complet de Mafalda portant sur la nouvelle année. On veut que l'année soit meilleure, mais pour qu'elle le soit, il faut que les gens soient meilleurs. C'est vrai depuis toujours et c'est aussi vrai en temps de pandémie. Il ne sert à rien d'espérer de ce qu'on ne peut pas contrôler, mais il faut s'efforcer de rendre les choses meilleures quand on a le pouvoir de le faire.
Friday, 1 January 2021
Should auld acquaintance be forgot?
Happy new year everyone! It has been a long and difficult one for most of us, even if mine ended up better than it started (but this is for another post). As it is a new tradition on Vraie Fiction (dating back from 2017), I am starting the new year with the Scottish classic with Auld Lang Syne. Ironically maybe for a British song, it is here sung by The Choral Scholars of University College Dublin. Because their rendition is absolutely gorgeous an probablyencapsulates a lot of people's state of mind this new year.
Question existentielle (366)
Tout d'abord, bonne année à tous mes lecteurs, s'il y en a encore qui suivent les blogues. Je commence l'année 2021 avec une question existentielle:
-Suis-je le seul à ne pas aimer le nouvel an et à me sentir mélancolique?