For those like me who sometimes feel that Halloween is not coming soon enough, here is a little post which I hope will be frightening. I mentioned
it a bit before. A bit more than a week ago, I had a nightmare about an old man wearing a dark coat. He was a tall old man, with a malevolent face, following me around. He looked a bit like
l'Ankou. He was keeping a distance when I was walking home and watching me from outside when I was looking out of the window. There was even mentions in my dream of
Jungian archetypes (I think I got this from
Batman Begins). I asked a psychoanalyst or a psychologist or some sort of therapist if anyone had ever met a
physical Jungian archetype, he grinned evilly and he turned into the old man, but this time he was more bat-like. It was very scary when it happened, but I can't help being fascinated by it, and now remembering it I shiver pleasantly. The nightmare is a mix of many stories I read or movies I watched, and stuff I read about horror stories, the
unheimlich and so on. I had an intellectual nightmare.
I can recognise in the character of my nightmare
the Shadow, but also a manifestation of the
bogeymen of my childhood.
My brother once had a nightmare about
Lustukru, one summer night when we were children, we were so impressed by it that we wanted him to nightmare about it again and give us a sequel. Strangely enough, it didn't turn into a game. I might just try to do the same now and turn this evil old man into the bogeyman of a horror story. I have been promising myself to write my own horror story
for quite a while. Nightmares inspired
great horror stories, but it is difficult to bring the stuff of nightmare convincingly in this world. It is scarier when you read it.