I missed
Springwatch tonight, but I had the chance to witness my own bit of wildlife: I saw
our neighbours the bats tonight. It was just a moment, but I saw them fairly well. They were two of them, dancing together (courting?) as the sun was going down. I can see them when the sun goes down and shadows get bigger, in that moment in the evening when night takes its place but is not quite there yet, "
entre chien et loup" as we say in Québec. It was a fantastic spectacle. I never get tired
of the bats. Living
in the attic creates a certain proximity with winged creatures. They really are neighbours. Elusive ones, but still.
Dusk is my favourite time of the day, when the day is winding down, and exhaling. Bats are extraordinary creatures, and fascinating to watch as they feed on the air. When you think of how tiny the insects are on which they feed their talents are mind boggling indeed!
I love bats, we used to get them all the time in my dad's backyard :)
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