Sometimes you get back to your old literary (and, in this case, legendary) loves. Last month, I was saying that being at my parents' home, I had the pleasure
to roam the bookshelves to read and reread old books. One of them was
this one. The title in English would be "
The Great Book of King Arthur", about the Arthurian legend of course. I received it as a Christmas present a few years ago, I can't remember when, and I had never read it. It tells in layman's terms the details of the Arthurian legend. I had not read it before because, with all humility, I am not a layman when it comes to Arthurian literature: I did my PhD on it, so there is very little if anything I can learn from that book. That said, it is a
beautiful book, with gorgeous pictures and illustrations and just for this I decided to read it. And since I have left academia a long time ago, I could enjoy it innocently so to speak, as I would have had as a child or a teenager. Without feeling guilty about reading something beneath the academic that I still am, at least in title. I did not go very far in my reading, but it was nice to meet King Arthur, Merlin and the others again, so to speak. I thought about bringing the book home, but my wife strictly forbid it (too much to read here already). So it will be for our next time home.