This is my fourth post today. I only expected to write two, but decided to blog a bit more more when on Facebook
Ms Misantropia made me discover that today is
Black Cat Appreciation Day. I missed
World Cat Day on the 8th of August, I did not want to miss that one. I love all cats, but black cats in particular. And my long time readers know that there is a special black cat that that I love particularly:
Odin. Who
tragically died. I have never completely recovered from his death. This is one of the few unpublished (I think) pictures I have of him. You can see better pictures of him back in 2013, when I was blogging about him loads and loads. Now there is a cat who semi-adopted us, a tuxedo cat, so black and white, he is
a regular guest in the flat anyway, but while I love him he is no Odin. I never felt such bond with an animal. And his blackness was not the only reason why I loved him so much, but it contributed to it, as well as contributing to his attitude I think, cool and aloof, yet sure of power over silly primates like myself. See how easily he took his ease in our bed. So next time I adopt a cat, there is a big chance he is going to be black.
I wonder if the black cats on my street (four of them!) know of this day.
i want a black cat named salem.
Odin will always be with you, you carry him in your heart,
such a beautiful cat this is, such a sleek coat, a day to honor black cats is wonderful ,
It's good you want to adopt a black cat -- apparently, they often do not get adopted at Humane Societies because people are superstitious.
Our nearly completely black cat called Mr. Myagi is a sweetie pie, kind of wild but so dadblasted sweet..Everyone loves to pet him and ooh and aah over him, we got him cause the neighbor told us to take him away it was near Halloween a few years back, he was wild then, now he sleeps away and tries to keep cool in a 100 year drought, he has long hair and I brush him, our older kitteh cat hates him cause she knows (miss cody) he is favored by my hubs and I try to give her extra attention and loving..They co-exist cause they sleep in separate spaces and they play with tons of toys too..The human society says they will not adopt out black cats in October or November, the few remaining shelters that are really no-kill shelters are adoring of the black cats, they only go to inside homes and carefully screened. The one no-kill shelter I give to regularly has a resident black cat so sweet, the owner who does everything on her own and with donations dotes on her, I pet her and she snuggles right up to me, everyone gives more because of Princess her name..Enjoy your little visitor cats really are choosy and they choose those who love felines they just know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I meant to say Human Society they put down animals here in our tiny town, they really do so I stopped contributing to their organization, it pained me to learn this..We kept our Mr. Miyagi and he is sweet as sugar, when I sip my morning tea daily even in the heat from hell we are experiencing he is sweet and gentle I say adopt a cat from a shelter that extends animals lives and enjoy a good life, you have a good and peaceful soul, those who take care of cats cannot help but to be peaceful kind and loving, I am sending good thoughts to you in honor of your Odin who has crossed the rainbow bridge, he will never be forgotten and you honor him in how you treat that visitor who comes to see you and to human life too! Peace sent to you daily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for the mention, and for sharing a bit about Odin. He sounds like a wonderful cat and I'm sorry for your loss.
About 8 years ago I had a horrible year with many deaths and losses, and one of them was my beloved little tortoise-shell, Sookie. She was more like a dog than a cat, following me around everywhere. It broke my heart when I lost her, and for quite some time I felt that my two other cats weren't enough, they couldn't fill the void. But it's different now, the years since have been filled with so much kitty-love and have created much stronger bonds with them both. Hopefully there will be a time when you will love another cat again soon.
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