I was speaking to my mother yesterday, telling her how much I missed acting and being on the stage and she wondered where I got my talent for acting. Her (flattering) words, even though she very rarely saw me on stage and I think the last time she heard me acting was
for that radio play two years ago. She told me that she was terribly shy as a child and that for a school play she had ran away from the stage. I am terribly shy too and I remember my first performance at uni: my legs were shaking, I thought I would collapse on the stage. It did not happen though, and I carried through the role. It was only a few lines: I was playing Purgon in
Le malade imaginaire. But the lecturer and stage director had told me after the very first rehearsal that I was a natural. When I took acting classes later, I learned that being a natural means very little: you need to develop your talent if you want it to become a craft. Something I have never done enough. Nevertheless, I do think I have at least some talent, some
natural skill for acting. And I wonder where I got it from.
i have always had the opposite problem. there is never a big enough stage for me. it is a curse.
You should join an amateur theatrical society and scratch that acting itch! I'm sure England must be loaded with them.
I've never done any theatrical acting, but I played two or three roles in out short film "Zombie Awareness Now", and four or five roles in our upcoming feature length movie, "Blackbird Pie".
The director had a lot of fun with me in Zombie Awareness Now, because I could improvise off the cuff.
I have to say, I've never found anything as fun as being on a movie set. It's like being a kid on a playground.
@Jaz-You did/do acting?
@Debra-I am looking for something.
@Mantan-I need to see these movies.
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