This is a picture I took at the
Natural History Museum and this post's topic is an excuse to upload it. Anyway, so yes, the bat is a flying mammal and there are plenty of them around here, especially
in the back garden. Or I think there are anyway, the bats here are, unlike this fruit bat, small and elusive. But tonight, about an hours ago, as darkness was falling down, I think I saw one flying. A small black speck, like a drop of ink flying around. I find it strange sometimes that they are associated with vampires in folklore, bats seem so shy. This one on the left looks actually friendly, more like a dog (I read
on Wikipedia that megabats can be called flying foxes) than a flying rodent. It was nice to see a bat, if it was indeed a bat and not a bird.
right at dusk i can see bats swooping down to drink from my pool. i don't use chemicals so it is safe for them.
Every once in a while, a bat gets into the building where I work and scares the girls to death. Today, we had a mouse in the office. It's a friggin zoo where I work, literally!
I love bats, but there are fewer around here than there used to be.. and I always look for them.
The bats come out on the 4th nof July around here!
I guess it's all the smoke and sulfur in the air, driving the insects up into the sky, then the bats swoop hither and thither over the houses, dimly lit by the showers of colored sparks.
I love BATS.
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