I did not blog about
Krav Maga for a bit, I thought I'd do it tonight. It is a time to look back at it: it has been four months since
I first started training.It took me a while
to get decided to learn it. I had started doing it out of sheer curiosity, now I discover that I really enjoy it and look forward to the class every week. Partially for reasons peripheral to the martial art itself. People in my class came and went, I saw lots of new faces, sometimes
only once and a few faces became familiar ones. So I have a sort of social
life through it.I wish I had more time to work on it and wish I was as committed as some of my fellow warriors. But I am also very happy to know about self defense and acquiring this skill, however badly. I am still very much a beginner and physical activities have never been my forte. I have my first grading this Sunday and I am very nervous about it (so if I don't blog that day, you know why). But I will do my best and in any case, I now feel more secure learning Krav Maga.
Bonne chance pour le test!
Je me dis que dans le quartier où je vis, ça ne serait pas un luxe de faire un cours d'auto-défense ... je devrais suivre ton exemple !
Our only child who lives in NYC took the Krav Maga and loved it..She feels like no one will do anything to her anywhere she travels internationally and she said many tell her it impowers them to feel safe and confident..Good for you to take the class you will never regret it!
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