A few weeks ago, my wife bought some
Innocent almond milk, to reduce her (and I guess mine) consumption of dairy products. I had almond milk before, but only part of something else, generally (always?) a smoothie. Innocent boasts that its almond milk is made of only three ingredients: almonds (duh!), spring water and a bit of sea salt. I tried it by itself one evening, in lieu of the cup of milk I sometimes take to relax me. I could taste the almonds for sure. I could also taste the sea salt. And there was the water, I mean it was liquid. But I sure as hell could not taste any milk in there. I thought it was borderline vile. It disappointed me: I generally love Innocent products. Not this one. I tried as hard as I could to like their almond milk, it did not work. And after my experience, my wife would not have any. Rant over.
I love Innocent almond milk - the hazelnut one too! But then, I hate cow's milk (always have) so if it doesn't taste like it then that's a bonus!!
Je ne l'aimais pas non plus jusqu'à ce qu'ils sortent le "Silk" Almond milk... maintenant j'adore! Il goûte beaucoup plus comme du vrai lait. Mais bon, sûrement pas disponible chez-toi
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