I thought I would upload some music on this blog tonight and decided that it would be Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin, because for some reason I had it in the head all day. Maybe I am feeling melancholic, for a change. I was never a big fan of the group, or the song for that matter, but I do enjoy it for time to time. It is one of these songs that remind me of my teenage, where I listed to everything 70s. I also remember the controversy about it, some religious zealots and nutters saying it had lyrics and backmasking about Devil worshiping, witchcraft and what have you. I have to say the lyrics are esoteric and the music is eerie, but in the end and at its core, it is a melancholic song. And I was in the mood to listen to it so I thought I'd share it in the meantime.
We The People
4 weeks ago
C'est pas particulièrement génial en effet.
haven't heard this in so long a time. Certainly evocative of an era and remember when a new boy arrived in school who was a huge Led Zeppelin fan, caused quite a stir in our sleepy little backwater village.
It was the last song played at all my high school dances :)
An absolute favorite.
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