Sunday 21 August 2016

First time at the local bookshop

Well, as I had been wanting to do since I learned that it was finally open, I went to the local bookshop today. They had been open for less than a week, but it felt to me like I had waited far too much. It is still very new: there is no chair to sit on, no clear indication or label to identify the sections, the choice is still relatively limited, etc. All the same, I bought four books and could have bought more (and I will). I am already on their database to receive my loyalty card and I received a complimentary bag with the purchases. I was ready to pay for the bag, but apparently it was a special promotion for their opening time. So I had a great time there and I suspect they'll soon know me by my name.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yeah, you'll be a "regular" in no time!

Rustic Pumpkin said...

I am so happy for you! My local bookshop is a dingy, dimly lit pokey shop, run by a grumpy old git who doesn't have a clue about books and wouldn't know what a loyalty card is. What a joy you have such a magical place so near. Enjoy!