I am very jet lagged and missing Montreal already. That said, I wanted to write a countdown to Halloween post today (at least one). So I decided to upload another picture I took on the Plateau Mont-Royal of something I have not seen here: Halloween bags. They are basically rubbish bags with the colours and features of Jack O'Lanterns, ghosts, witches' hats or monsters. You fill them with autumn leaves and this makes them both useful and decorative. And you can start decorating your garden for Halloween as soon as the leaves start falling.
C'est pas ce qu'il y a de plus génial, mais c'est mieux que ces horribles et énormes décorations gonflables et éclairées, dans le genre des Pères Noël et "bonhommes de neige" du temps des fêtes. Ça c'est de l'horreur pure, mais pas celle qu'on veut à l'Halloween.
Yes, we used these every year when I was but a wee laddie.
I got so nostalgic for them that I bought a vintage pack off ebay. Haven't used them yet though, heh.
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