Tuesday 30 June 2020

Some movement on the work front

I have some news about the job search: I will soon have a video interview. Not for something very big as it is a contract of a few months. It is nevertheless quite interesting: money is pretty good without being great, I would be working from home for the first three months (due to the pandemic of course), then I would need to show up at the office from time to time and it is more or less the old train commute I had and I missed. So I would be saving a good deal of money on commute cost, I'd be working safely from home and would have time to look for something else. I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch, but I do have a good feeling about this opportunity and I am cautiously optimistic. The skills and experiences needed match my background to a t. So I am keeping my fingers crossed and will let you know of developments.


jaz@octoberfarm said...

good luck1

Shandara said...

Je te la souhaite!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good luck, Guillaume! Sounds great!

Lady M said...

Wow - I hope it works out.