I took this photo at the
National Railway Museum in
York and I am sharing it here tonight because my post is about trains. And this family's report with trains. So last weekend, we went to buy a new calendar for 2019. There was a lot of choice and as good parents we thought we'd let Wolfie decide. I am not difficult when it comes to calendars: as long as it looks good. My wife has more specific ideas: she likes a proper family planner, with different sections for mum, dad, children and a pen that goes with the thing. This is what she wanted. But Wolfie went straight away to the train calendar available and said: "
This! This!". Then: "
Train!". We showed him many others, one about British wildlife, one about cats, but he was adamant that it was the train calendar he wanted. Unlike her husband, her male in-laws, her uncles on her mother's side, my wife is no found of trains one little bit and got really bored at the National Railway Museum. But since Wolfie had decided, we now have a train calendar hanging in the house. Moral of the story: my wife is outnumbered and being the mother of a boy is not always easy. On the plus side, the calendar looks really nice.
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