For today’s
countdown to Halloween reading suggestion:
Doorbells at Dusk. It is an anthology
of contemporary horror stories set on Halloween night. Or day,
sometimes. Quite a lot to love here: a paranoid psycho turns out to be
right about an alien invasion of doppelgängers, a young boy
from a religious family who may or may not have a mental illness
discovers (or hallucinates) his true supernatural parentage, a gang of
home invaders get into trouble with undead creatures, a divorced father
high on booze and drugs becomes afraid of the monster hiding under his
son’s bed, a teenage boy unleashes a devilish entity by carving pumpkins, a
midwife turns out to be a baby snatching witch. And that’s just a few of the stories there.
Not great literature perhaps, but very entertaining and it does give good chills. It was this year's discovery for me in my Halloween reads.
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