For today’s countdown to Halloween reading suggestion: The Casebook of Carnacki the Ghost Finder, by W.H. Hodgson. A series of stories featuring
a Sherlock Holmes wannabe like the literary world of early 20th century
often produced. Except that this one is a psychic investigator or ghost
hunter or whatever you call the profession. A lot of the cases he
investigates are not caused by supernatural agents but hoaxes of very
human nature. Sometimes he stumbled upon a real haunting or demonic
activity. Sometimes it’s a mix of both. So Carnacki is the spiritual
father of Lovecraftian protagonists as well as... Scooby Doo. Still it
has its moments. (And on a side note: if you haven't noticed, there's a typo on the title of this book).
We The People
3 weeks ago
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