Monday 28 October 2019

Has Wolfie seen a ghost?

For today's countdown to Halloween, an anecdote about Wolfie that happened yesterday. We were with some friends for a baby shower (uni friends of my wife) and their kids, aged two to eight and a half. They all get along very well, but Wolfie sometimes prefers to play by himself. Anyway, right after dinner, the other children went upstairs and Wolfie stayed with the adults. At some point, Wolfie came next to us and said, with his cheeky grin: "There's a ghost here, he went upstairs, I need to go and see it." I think he completely spooked the friend of my wife who is pregnant. We think Wolfie meant her son, who had put some kind of disguise and was often running around with it. I also think Wolfie has picked up on my state of mind and started enjoying the spooky season and wants to "play Halloween" so to speak. In any case, he created a bit of commotion. And I'm kind of proud about his spooky mind.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

Lady M said...

What a wonderful spontaneous scare for those people.