Tuesday 22 October 2019

50p for 42 ghost stories

For today's countdown to Halloween post, an anecdote about a new book in my spooky read collection. I was out last Saturday downtown looking for Halloween related stuff. In one of the charity shops, I saw among an Halloween display this book: Haunted: An Anthology of the Supernatural. Worth $16.99 (American dollars?), but sold £0.50 here. I kept the price tag on when I took the picture, as proof. It was a bargain, so I bought it, even though it sort of messed up the display. It was even a better bargain than I thought: on Amazonc..uk it's £220.26... At 50p, for 42 ghost stories, that's a great investment. I don't think I will have time to read it this year, but it will be definitely be on my reading list for next Halloween.