So this is tonight's countdown to Halloween post. This weekend, we went to a tractor show (because Wolfie loves tractors). There were a few stands, selling various things (
such as food) but also... good old-fashioned
besom brooms. The advertising signpost was saying: "
BESOM BROOMS: ideal gifts for tidy gardener, witches & mothers-in-law." I thought this was hilarious and it deserves to be mentioned here as a new great unknown line. I was tempted to buy one, however, I am not by any stretch of the imagination a tidy gardener and I don't know a witch, especially not my mother-in-law, who is a charming English lady who loves children. So she can't be a witch, beside she is too rational. That said, I was on the lookout for witches, who might be interested about a good deal. Can't see I found one.
Wow cool - I will take one.
I love besom brooms too! I'm always on the lookout for some wherever I go. Saw some great ones in use in Italy and Japan.
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