Friday 4 October 2019

Halloween in the pub

This is today's countdown to Halloween post. Well, I don't know how scary or spooky that looks, but I saw this board a few weeks ago and this was one of the first signs of Halloween I saw. "Halloween Spook-tacular". With a full moon and a bat and that's it. But so far it is the only pub I saw advertising Halloween. Others are already in Christmas mode. I would not spend a whole Halloween night in a pub, the music is often too loud, however having a drink or two in a pub decorated properly for Halloween is generally quite atmospheric and puts you in a spooky mood.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, a nice cocktail in one of those drippy blood rimmed glasses would go down very nicely on Halloween!

Lady M said...

Well at least someone in the UK is acknowledging Halloween. As long as you do not have to stay home to answer the door to trick or treaters, a cocktail would be lovely.