Today is Halloween, so Happy Halloween everyone. You can see above the Jack O'Lantern I carved yesterday. One eye is bigger than the other, but I think I still did a good job. I tried to make him look malevolent and devilish. I will have an entertaining day and evening, hopefully, with lots of spooky fun. So what to do when you are a grownup (and therefore lacks the vivid imagination you once had as a child) and want to celebrate Hallwoeen? The flat is barely decorated, but that's okay, the Jack O'Lantern and Grizelda are enough.
I will spend lots of time reading ghost stories (one day I might even write one) watching horror movies. Early in the evening, I will take a walk with my wife and see the children trick or treating. And for my readers who might want to have suggestion for atmospheric music for this Samhain, you can find some on this blog: here when you are feasting, here if you are into psychedelic stuff, here if you like horror movies scores, here if you want something more suitable for children and all around here if you like classical music, Christian imagery of Hell and temptation and sometimes pretty chilling music.
We The People
4 weeks ago