Tuesday 7 April 2020

Guerilla Grooming

Well, with guerilla living and the guerilla working comes eventually guerilla grooming. Because of the pandemic and since I am working from home, I have been wearing old wornout clothes, for one, I have obviously not visited a barber shop and will not any time soon and started shaving... far less often than I usually would. It is extremely rare on working days, but these are not ordinary times. So every day that passes makes me look more and more like a guerillero. It's like the new dad look, without the happiness. I am seriously considering buying myself a clipper for the hair, because I don't want to end up really looking like I live in the jungle.


Lady M said...

I had to cut his Lordships hair with my horse clippers. Its a pretty funny haircut.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Take the plunge, Guillaume -- grow a full beard! They're in style now!