I knwo, it is the third (the third!) piece of music in a row I upload here, it is the third post I write about a piece of music. This is a lot, maybe too much for a blog that is not a music blog. But circumstances put songs or music in my head and I need to get them out of the system upload them here. And they are all quite enjoyable, each in their own way. Before I introduce it, a word on the picture: it was taken by my father, in Quebec City I believe. It is of course the Queen Mary 2. Neither my father nor I are monarchist, but we are suckers for boats and trains and other big piece of machineries that are used to travel. When summertime comes especially, my mind is on sea travels and sea adventures. As a child, I used to watch Moby Dick or 10,000 Leagues Under the Sea when summertime came.
So anyway, because of that dreaded Diamond Jubilee, there was some procession yesterday on the River Thames and The Sailor's Hornpipe was played by an orchestra. I remember this piece from the Popeye cartoon I used to watch as a kid. I didn't know it was called The Sailor's Hornpipe. The only thing I knew was that it was in Popeye. But I loved it all the same. So I decided to upload it here. it took me ages to find one interpretation I actually liked. This one has Rule Britannia at the end I would happily do without, but I really love the take on the Hornpipe. So here it is:
Just Do It
2 days ago
Puis-je me permettre?
Mais certainement... Un classique d'Handel, très British.
British oui, mais aussi et surtout Allemand, Italien, Français dans tous ses styles...
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