First English post of the year, and it is a short one. First I want to wish you all a Happy New Year (with capital letters), you will forgive me not to dwell much on the New Year. I have no idea what to do with the topic for now.
I mentioned here that I was going to be broadcast in a radio play. Well, you can listen to me tonight (or today depending of where you are), between 8 and 10PM GMT, here. I play George in The Reddcut Treatment by Holly Powell-Jones. I am very proud of the result and I hope it will show on the radio. I got the raspy voice thanks to the peanut butter, as my readers may know. In any case, I hope can take the opportunity to listen to it and that you will enjoy.
Just Do It
2 days ago
Happy New Year Guillaume:-)
De loin la meilleure pièce de théâtre de la gang (parce que moderne et à propos, au lieu de vieux trucs mondains des années 10-20), et tu as en plus le meilleur personnage, le plus sympathique, le plus coloré, et bien sûr, le plus intéressant. Félicitation, Gwillum Berggeruhn!. Et bonne année, grand nez!
Congratulations Guillaume! What a wonderful performance, and such an enjoyable play. What a lovely start to your new year:-)
Ah oui, tu enverras nos félicitations (familiales) à toute ta gang de la classe pour l'ensemble de vos performances.
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