I don't know why I don't put "Facebook" in my labels, as I get lots of blogging inspiration from it. Anyway, I don't like Mondays. I mean I find Mondays very grey, dull, tiredsome, sometimes even depressing. So today was like this. Then a friend of mine (who lives somewhat nearby but I haven't seen in nearly a decade), wrote this on her Wall: "is having a happy Monday!"
Well, I don't want to spoil anybody's fun, I am not a cruel person, or an envious one, but I found it borderline masochistic. So I commented: "Is there such a thing?" It is pessimistic, grouchy even, but in the same time it was cathartic. It takes nothing away from her happiness, just allows me to share the Monday feeling. And forget about it until next week.
We The People
1 week ago
I am having a "Happy Monday"....that's because I blew off work though...trying to avoid the dreadful, somber Monday Blues I guess. I will probably pay for it two-fold tomorrow.
So there are actually three things that are certain in this life...the well know taxes and death, and then Mondays:-)
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