Wednesday 26 October 2011

This mid-term break I am not living

I remembered it today: we are now in the middle of mid-term break, for schools. In England at least as in Québec it is earlier in the month. When  used to work in schools here, I did not experience much: in my first job in an English school, I was only working part-time (i.e. on Monday) when 2009's mid-term, and my second school I only started working way after mid-term.

Which is kind of sad, because I think mid-term here comes at a perfect time: right before Halloween. I would have plenty of free time to prepare for it, to read and watch horror stories/films, to listen to spooky music, whatever I love to do before Halloween. Boy I would be an happy English child now!

And on a side note, it also shows how much my teaching career is way behind met: the thing about it I am most nostalgic about is the time when I was not working.


Anonymous said...

The best thing about working is when you are on holidays when others are working. I feel a sense of glee then, and love to watch movies in empty cinemas or have a meal in a restaurant that is usually filled in the evenings or weekends. Its a treat:-)

The Artful Gypsy aka Wendy the Very Good Witch said... it is the opposite. It falls right at the end of the kids' first semester and the teachers try to pack in a million projects, tests, and activities right when I want to be free to enjoy the holiday! It totally frustrates me and usually gets me physically sick because I am determined to do it ALL, even if it kills me...ha! :o)