This is another Halloween related post, but it is also a little piece of news of some importance: I bought the pumpkin last Monday. I am quite happy and it is quite a big pumpkin. Not as big as the ones I used to buy in Montreal, but for one purchased here in the UK it is massive. So I will make a nice Jack O'Lantern, I am thinking about the design already. I want it to strike terror. And I need more decorations for the flat, even though I will probably be the only one enjoying them.
This is my only regret about almost every Halloween spent here: I do not receive trick or treaters, because I am living on top of a block. Trick or treating has a bad reputation here, undeserved I think (you can read an interesting thread about this on Digitalspy). As I blogged before, it is an act of sharing and of trust between neighbours, it brings people and communities together, it can even create friendship. I love Halloween also for this, because it creates bonds the time of an evening. But I digress. These evenings, I look at the pumpkin in the kitchen and I feel inspired.
This Should Work
3 days ago
It's too bad trick-or-treating hasn't caught on in the UK. It's such a wonderful night.
Looking forward to seeing your jack-o-lantern.
Ha the French would never be able to trust their neighbours enough to go trick or treating. Halloween sucks here!
Wow...I guess it's still so hard for me to comprehend that Halloween and Trick or Treating isn't celebrated everywhere else the way it is here. Makes me sad for you all! If I lived there, I would surely come Trick or Treating at your place...if for no other reason than to be your only Trick or Treater...ha! Will be awaiting the end results of your carving! :o)
Les Français sont trop cons pour fêter l'Halloween, mais je suis déçu que les Anglais soient trop méfiants de cette merveilleuse tradition. Vraiment, ça prend une fête pour l'automne avant que le temps devienne trop déprimant (novembre), et c'est difficile d'avoir plus approprié que l'Halloween.
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