I have been quite prolific recently as a blogger, what with Halloween coming and my favourite season in full bloom. But I am worried about after Halloween, the post Halloween blues which I always dread. I am worried about the inspiration I will have then. I am not sure I will do any acting to keep me busy, as I received no news about an acting course. Not much happening in my life means one thing: not much to blog about.
I know I am not a writer, great or small, but I do fear the Blank Page Syndrome. When inspiration does not come, when your muse is off, when you have nothing to fuel your writing, even if it is just a post. I have more than enough to keep me going until Halloween, in fact I might be lacking time to blog about everything I want to blog about. But once Halloween is done, I will need to do lots of invocations to my muse. Did we discover who was the Muse of bloggers? I don't think we did. I don't care about patron saints, I mean a proper muse. I will need one when the time comes.
We The People
4 weeks ago
I guess photography fuels me, I wouldn't be able to write with out pictures like you!
You could try doing nanowrimo this year. They have some resources to keep participants inspired and stuff.
Hmmmm....I like the idea of a muse. I've never really thought about having a muse before. But then I try never to feel pressured to write unless I feel like it. And if that means that months go by without hearing from me....well then one can guess I'm either crazy busy, have nothing to say or I'm dead...ha!
I think blogs are really just outlets for creative types, and for social types, and are typically an extension of the individuals who write them, or at least of their interests or pain. I do so hate when I am having a creative block...so maybe I should I try to invoke something when that happens...ha! But I'm scared about what might show up! ;o)
You'll have plenty to say, and if you don't, then just read others until something sparks some thoughts that want to be shared!
Écris, tout simplement. Ton cousin a un livre en deuxième impression, un roman en cours et une suite à son premier bouquin en plus qui formente déjà dans son esprit. Il vient de me rencourager (si c'est un mot) à écrire itou. Mon ancienne voisine a déjà trois ou quatre romans, et la suite de son dernier sort en févrirer.
C'est sûr que après l'Halloween, il n'y a pas grand chose à faire en novembre. Au moins il y a l'anniversaire de ta femme. Les Américains ont leur Thanksgiving, on avait un peu la Sainte-Catherine à l'époque (c'était fort mineur), mais tu l'as blogué souvent. Me semble que c'est un bon temps pour penser à des histoires de crimes, des romans noir. Le temps est tellement gris. C'est pas un mauvais temps pour les fantômes non plus. Moins les citrouilles et les démons, mais j'y vois bien des âmes en peine...
Your muse won't abandon you. She may tease you, play hide and seek, or take a short weekend getaway, but she will return. Mine always does, just when I wonder if I will ever write another word again. Keep faith:-)
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